How To Rewire Self-Love Into Your Brain Permanently

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 15:42

HJ: Love has the power to transmute all lower emotions into higher ones and powerfully shift your thoughts, beliefs and vibration when expressed authentically, powerfully and deeply. – Truth

How To ‘Wire’ Self-Love Into Your Brain

By David Hamilton, Ph.D.


I think of self-love as an inner sense of your own worthiness and value. Despite the fact that we often think of it as such a difficult thing to learn, you really can wire self-love into your brain.

It’s based on the fact that your feelings are usually written all over your face. Here’s how.

You can instantly recognise a happy person by the genuine smile on their face. You don’t feel happy and then remember to smile. Smiling is a reflex reaction because the muscles on your face are connected to the emotional circuits of your brain.

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 7, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 09:25

Many human beings starting out on a spiritual path begin with disempowered spirituality. This is a curiosity that is expressed by seeking someone to tell them what to do or what the future holds, or hiring others to do their spiritual work for them. An example of this might be going to see healers, psychics, or spiritual teachers who posture themselves as above or more evolved than others and who actively try to create dependency upon them, rather than encouraging the client or student to develop their own skills and discover their own inner mastery. This approach eventually leads to disillusionment because disempowered spirituality ultimately cannot offer what the seeker is looking for, for what they are seeking is their own authentic power. Many go through this learning phase in order to discover what spirituality is not, in their desire to discover what it is.

Moving into empowered spirituality can be a very exciting and somewhat scary part of the spiritual journey. This is typically a phase that comes with learning many skills – a time of self discovery and empowerment. Because of their experiences with disempowered spirituality, seekers in this stage are often very cautious and mindful moving forward. Issues about power come up for examination and clearing during this stage. This time can facilitate a great gathering of knowledge, and of developing clarity in the person’s belief systems, resulting in the acceptance of their importance as part of the divine whole and their own responsibility for healing, growth and experience.

How Uruguay Shifted From Fossil Fuels To 95% Clean Electricity In 10 Years

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 08:31

“The country is defining global trends in renewable energy investment.”

As world leaders gather in Paris to discuss how to curb global climate change, the people of Uruguay are enjoying affordable clean energy with very little pollution.

Over the last decade, Uruguay has transitioned over from total reliance on dirty fossil fuels and is now getting more than 94 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources. What’s more amazing is that Uruguay made the switch without any government subsidies and is now providing citizens with lower monthly energy bills than before.

“What we’ve learned is that renewables is just a financial business,” says Ramón Méndez, National Director of Energy. “The construction and maintenance costs are low, so as long as you give investors a secure environment, it is a very attractive [business].”

He is also quick to point out that while the plan they have followed is simple, it didn’t happen overnight.

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Hippocrates – “All Disease Begins In The Gut”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 08:30

The bodily process of digestion and absorption is one of the most important to our health. Hippocrates made this statement over two thousand years ago and it is truer today than ever.

What are the signs of unhealthy digestion?

  • Acid reflux
  • Throat and nose issues (clearing throat, runny nose, etc.)
  • Gas/bloating
  • Inflammation anywhere in the body
  • Skin disorders anywhere on the body
  • Negative reactions to food
  • Loose stools or constipation

Our bodies rely on proper enzymes and healthy microbes to work with pathogenic bacteria and to produce anti-bacterial cultures in order to strengthen the intestinal walls and to support our immune system.

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Victim Mentality? Empowerment Through Self-Awareness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 08:27

By Dee Bernstein
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

For the first half of my life I was a master manipulator, a weaver of grand stories, a long distance runner and avoider of truths and responsibilities, and a victim of the highest order.

It can be very difficult for a person to admit to themselves that they have a victim mentality; facing this fact means you have to admit you are rather accustomed to feeling self pity, as well as placing blame outside of yourself regularly. These are hard admissions to make, let alone try to understand. Yet every person I’ve met who has made this leap from victim to self-aware has benefited in so many ways, and has ultimately become a happier and more balanced person.

Victims are not born, they are made; it is usually through upbringing that a person becomes a victim. When a person is taught by those around them that they have no power, and learn by example of their parents and care givers that life is unfair and it isn’t their fault, it is simply a matter of transferring those feelings of victimization to young people.

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