Day 203: Astral Hugs

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 14:45

Today we invite you to close your eyes and allow yourself to feel our energy. Relax. Breathe in and out at your own pace, comfortably sinking into a feeling of deep relaxation. Note any feelings of calmness, of love, of warmth and know this is us. Receive this love as we honor you for being the wonderful and beautiful Being that you are. Remain in this state as long as you choose. Know that you can return at any time to receive more of our astral hugs.

This is how you connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Once the mind is calm, the heart can expand and allow our energies to flow more freely through you. You can also increase your ability to make heart-to-heart connections with friends, family and those with whom you have difficulties.

Have a wonder filled day! The Day Keepers

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 203 at:   Please include this web address when posting or sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Cocaine Production Plummets After DEA Kicked Out Of Bolivia

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 08:34

Bolivia — After the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was kicked out of Bolivia, the country was able to drastically reduce the amount of coca (cocaine) produced within its borders. According to data released by the United Nations, cocaine production in the country declined by 11% in the past year, marking the fourth year in a row of steady decrease.

It was just seven years ago that the DEA left Bolivia — and only three years after that, progress was finally made. The strategy employed by the Bolivian government may be a surprise to many prohibitionists because it did not involve any strong-arm police state tactics. Instead, they worked to find alternative crops for farmers to grow that would actually make them more money.

Italian Designers Transform Old Viaduct Into Futuristic Wind Turbine Bridge

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 08:33

Source: | Original Post Date: July 17, 2015 –

There are lots of abandoned viaducts in southern Italy, and it is estimated that demolishing them would cost the government about $50 million. Instead of this, town authorities in Calabria, a region in the ‘toe’ of Italy, organized a contest called “Solar Park South” aimed to encourage Italian designers and engineers to propose sustainable ways of repurposing these old constructions.

In fact, most bridges are rather tall and are likely to be subjected to strong winds, especially if the bridge is located in a mountainous area where crosswinds originate.

Together with the constant sunlight exposure, this makes bridges a perfect place for generating both wind and solar power.

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Mark Ruffalo Calls Out Monsanto: “You Are Poisoning People.”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 08:32

Actor Mark Ruffalo, best known for his portrayal of the Hulk, has joined the likes of Russell Brand, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jim Carrey, and several other prominent celebrity figures in using their status to shed light on global issues about which they care deeply.

Before filming a promotional segment at CBS for his upcoming movie Spotlight — which is based on the true story of how The Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation in the Catholic church — Ruffalo happened to run into Hugh Grant, the CEO of Monsanto. Knowing how unexpected and unlikely this rendezvous was, Ruffalo stepped up to the plate and used this opportunity to share his opinion on the work being done by Grant’s organization:

“You are wrong. You are engaged in monopolizing food. You are poisoning people. You are killing small farms. You are killing bees. What you are doing is dead wrong.”

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Public Lands Slated for Deforestation and Monsanto Herbicide Spray Ignites Community Outcry

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 08:29

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In a move that defies logic by authorities in the field, an area in Northern California, United States, has received federal funding to implement an “ environmentally catastrophic plan to eradicate Eucalyptus, Monterey Pine, and Acacia forests on the public lands and parks of the East Bay.” Beginning in August 2015, up to 400,000 trees will be clear-cut in the park district and the remaining stumps sprayed with toxic herbicides by Dow and Monsanto. The ultimate goal is to eliminate forests and transform the spaces into “grassland with islands of shrubs” in an attempt to reduce fire hazard. However, those who have experience with wildfire mitigation have come forward denouncing the plan, stating that fire risk will dramatically increase if officials continue down this destructive path.

The Six Million Dollar Bid to Destroy Natural Habitat

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is funding the proposal. In total, 105 distinct locations will be included, with over 2,000 acres of public land cleared — all of which fall under the management of the City of Oakland, UC Berkeley and the East Bay Regional Parks District.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 9, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 08:20

Dear Ones, what if today you decided to be gentle? Gentle with yourselves, gentle with others, gentle with animals, gentle with the planet. Can you feel the energy of that? Can you feel how that creates a lovely flow? In the busyness of fast moving energies and a holiday season, gentleness can be a very welcome approach that is both soothing and restorative. ~Archangel Gabriel

Golden Hills

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/08/2015 - 19:41

God said:

I hear your despair. I hear you say:

“Dear God, beloved God, the One and Only God, how can I, deeply connected to You, feel such deep despair? How can it be that I am not the happiest person in the world? What is happening, and what is not happening? I am so tired of feeling lost in my present and future life here as a seeming bedraggled human being on a seeming bedraggled Earth. How can it be that I focus on the underside of life rather than on Life's Beauty and Wondrousness and Closeness to You?”

Dear Children, you have a fear of change. You would like to feel the world solid under your feet, yet the world does not feel solid to you. Often you wonder what you are doing here trembling on Earth. Your mind is often not here. It is somewhere else, and you are not sure where that somewhere else is. As it is, you live part-time, to one extent or another, in a Land you might name Fear.

What is happening? It is like you are on a raft floating on a river. You came from somewhere, and now you are going somewhere else. Not uphill, but upriver, floating along where life seems to take you. You ask what is happening?

Beloveds, life is happening.

You want some kind of certificate of safety. You want to see a guarantee in writing. You want peace and sense of fulfillment now and for all time and no longer just announcements of it.

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