Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, December 11, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 12:52

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The grinding feel to the transits is still in the ether. The tense patterns are in a winding down stage this week, however, with the exact square from Saturn to Neptune diminishing, and Mars moving forward in Libra starting to disconnect him from Uranus and Pluto. Tough themes based on the five planets forming hard aspects hold. Saturn’s limits and form struggle with Neptune’s lack of boundaries and vague impressions. Uranus in retrograde and connected to Mars by virtue of an opposition to Mars and residence in Mars’ sign, has quite a battle on his hands with Mars and his overlord, Pluto, pressuring him. Powerful passion clashes with innovation and revolution. Those who manage to successfully ride the waves of the transits this week can take advantage of the creativity, structure, energy, innovation, and raw power that is available, but it will also take a decent amount of effort!

It Just Is

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 10:25

Love is love. It just is. Love knows not why it was created or why it exists. It’s only purpose is to flow throughout The Universe and envelope each and every one of you in its embrace because you are no different than the stars, planets or any other living thing on this Earth plane; you deserve and are designed to attract love. Do not turn your back on the wonderful gifts it has to offer you. ~ Creator

How To Turn Your Subway Ride Into A Spiritual Practice

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 09:52

If you live in a big city, unless you drive, you’re probably exposed to the familiarities of riding the subway as often as I am; the screeching rails; the turbulent rumble; the colourful characters; the tired, heavy air as people commute to and fro from within the city; the weary eyes; the inescapable solitude (despite being on public transit!) as people keep to themselves; the sleepy faces; the shifty, awkward glances as people try to avoid eye contact; it’s a very necessary burden for many people.

Sometimes I ride the subway and wish things could be different; how can I restore Life back into the eyes of these lifeless people?! But then I remember the most transformative epiphany I’ve had to date that completely shifted the trajectory of my life and what I deem to be my “purpose”: you can’t change the world, you can only be the change you want to see in the world.

I’ve realized that I can’t change the world. I can’t fill these people with Life even if I gave them my own. I can’t give these people vitality; it is they who must conjure it up from within themselves.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 11, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 09:15

When you have the intention to surrender into being of highest service at the beginning of your day, an interesting thing happens. You will be embodying your divine light and alignment with Source, and thus become a transmitter of those energies everywhere you go. This means that you will be emanating energy, rather than picking up random energies from people and locations. For those of you who find yourselves highly affected by the energies of others, this is the easiest way to keep your balance and stay comfortable throughout your day, with the added bonus of bringing the light to those people and areas who may need it. It is a beautiful practice that serves all. ~Archangel Gabriel

Even If You Never Heard My Name

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/10/2015 - 19:07

God said:

Your attention on Me brings you closer to Me. When you come closer to Me, your consciousness rises. We would say you vibrate at a finer height. Make peace with Me. Keep vibrating with Me until We are clearly One. Doesn’t this make sense to you? Who would not love harmony over cacophony?

If you had never heard My Name, if you never had conscious awareness of Me, still you would move toward love of your fellow beings, and your consciousness would soar. This is like harmonics in music.

However, if you find yourself resenting Me or finding yourself railing against Me or downing the world and embroiling yourself in negativity, you will vibrate at a coarser chord. This is the Reality of the World.

What you likely refer to as reality is not Reality. Even the supposed reality of the world is not always imposed upon you. You impose it upon yourself by the inkling you have of a lesser world. At whatever state you find yourself in, you most likely have beckoned this very state you consider reality to yourself. In this case, most of the time but not always, what you see is what you get. You call out a certain vibration, and nature echoes you back.

When you find yourself angry at your neighbor or people across the world, or people who do not look like you, or people who have a different religion and other such irreverent speculation – in other words, when you are spitting negativity equal negativity spits back. Negativity is negativity. No matter to whom you may issue your negativity, you hear the sounds you make.

Day 204: Be Loved

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:14

As we gather and share each other’s knowledge and experiences of love, we bring to All a spirit of Oneness and Love. There is no other way to experience love than by being Love. Therefore, every act of love you bestow upon yourself or another magnifies the love received by All. When you send love to another through prayer, they will receive it.

Find a quiet place; breathe in and out several times in order to relax and release the concerns of the day. In your mind, visualize the person(s) you wish to connect with. Call their name out loud three times while thinking of them. Although it is not necessary to state their name aloud, doing so may help to maintain focus, especially if sending prayers in a group setting. Know you are now connected energetically. Your Spirit knows no bounds when it comes to time, space and place.

As you hold the image of the other person(s) in your mind, visualize a stream of love and light flowing in your upper heart region. Allow it to flow unhindered, feeling gratitude for having known them. You can thank them for the good times you have experienced together and you can thank them for the hard lessons you learned from each other. You can also apologize for any hurt you have caused them.

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