A Simple Step to Know Your True Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 10:24

Spiritual Seeker-1

Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D, Contributor
Waking Times

A tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being. Similarly to the seed of a tree, the tiny seed contains great potential. If the spiritual Seeker protects and nourishes that tiny seed, it will grow into the mighty tree of Truth. But it can only protect and nourish it, if it’s aware of its existence. How can the spiritual seeker realize this and how can the Truth be revealed?

The World of Forms and Shapes

A lot of people are unaware of this, and they try to find the Truth outside themselves, in the world of forms and shapes, wishing to make forms eternal. So the modest little seed in us stays dormant, waiting for better times. The better times come when the spiritual Seeker realizes that all the external shapes and forms are transitory, so they turn their attention from the world of shapes to the internal world. Under the effect of turning inward, the small seed begins to sprout, and it starts slowly growing. I revitalizes the spiritual Seeker, and a deep desire arises in them to see the flower that the small seed may become.

337 Dead Whales In Chile Is Worst Case Of Mass Deaths So Far

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 08:42

As world leaders gather in Paris to discuss a future free from Ecocide, researchers report the biggest mass whale death known to science.

In the most shocking case of mass animal deaths to date, 337 endangered Sei whales have been found dead in Southern Chile.

According to Chilean news agencies. the whales were discovered by scientists on November 17, but only now has the mass death been reported to the authorities (and leaked to the press). In May, in the same part of the Aysen region, biologist Vreni Haussermann discovered 30 dead Sei whales. Baffled scientists suggested at the time that the deaths might have been caused by a virus, and promised to launch an investigation.

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 12, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 08:15

It is easy to get distracted by the busyness of the holiday season. It can be quite a demanding month for many of you, with preparations for your family celebrations, the winter solstice, the influx of Christed energies that occurs on Christmas, as well as shifting into the energies of a new year. Remember that it is through your alignment that you recharge your energetic batteries, so to speak.

Stop. Breathe. Connect. Consciously choose to see the love, the magic that abounds during this time. Make an intention to surrender into the flow of joy and love that is always available to you. Ask us for assistance, for that is what we are here for. You have done such a magnificent job with all you have accomplished during this pivotal and very accelerated year. We encourage you to take a moment to celebrate yourself as a vital part of all, and to choose to cherish the Now moments you have been so instrumental in creating. ~Archangel Gabriel


Oneness Will Arise

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 19:04

God said:

The Art of Sharing frees you. No question, sharing frees you from blockages. Blockages come from the past, the imagined past, the past as you saw it and felt it, true or not.

You were born from Heaven. The state of Heaven has no blocks. Earth, however, sets up plenty of blocks. On Earth, you may storehouse blocks and hold on to them, hesitant to be without the brace of them.

Life on Earth is about removing restraints. Life opens you up to greater expression and greater realization.

A sense of discomfort in sharing comes from fear huddled on Earth. What are you afraid of? Restraint from sharing, for any reason you conjure, comes from fear of something. What are you afraid of? Loss of protection from what? Fear that someone somehow somewhere will take advantage of you? What fears do you hold close lest you are left bereft?

You do not have to be all things to all people. You want to be the sovereign of your own life. You want to go by your own heart. You are living your life. If you feel you have to hang on, you will hoard and stint. You want to be sure you have enough.

You don’t want to live life unwillingly. You don’t want to live from obligation, for obligation doesn't feel good to you.

Shedding Light On Siberia’s Mystery Craters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 13:03

Around mid-July of 2014, mysterious holes started appearing in the permafrost in the Yamal region of northern Russia.  One after another, the holes started showing up.  As for explanations for these mysterious holes.. No one really had any solid answers.  The theories ranged from meteorites to stray missiles to aliens.  After a bit of study, researchers found that there were unusually high concentrations of methane inside the first crater, leading them to believe that explosive methane releases from global warming were to blame.

However, when they found four more mystery craters, scientists believed that explosive methane releases were not the culprit.  One popular theory is the pingo.  A pingo is a plug of ice that forms near the surface of the Earth over time, but has a small mound or hill on top of it.  When the ice plug melts quickly, as they have been seen to do in such warm temperatures, there’s a good chance that the ground will collapse with it, forming a crater.

Read more... (expandedconsciousness.com)


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 12:55

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

New Moons bring new beginnings.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create! With this Fiery Sagittarius New Moon… There is a spark of wisdom seeking and a quest for truth….that gives you an opportunity to expand your mind and your consciousness. 

 This Sagittarius energy can be a little more uplifting, fun and inspiring….. bringing us Joy and laughter, in gatherings of all kinds. Hope, faith, higher learning, the masters, knowledge, religions, philosophies….are also part of Sagittarius energy.  This Sagittarius New Moon operates from a place of freedom and optimism…..free your mind and speak your Truth!  Giving us the opportunity to deepen our Spirituality, and our belief systems.  What a wonderful time of year…. for the Universe to surround us with such Wonder, Joy, and Optimism!  Elevating our Spirits (not our egos) and allowing us to share our truth….our Love….our passion for giving and the sharing of our beliefs.   

 Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. It is also a time of setting intentions. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World…….and then  set the intention during this powerful New Moon.  Sagittarius is about the law and Cosmic Law.  Travel and freedom are also part of Sagittarius…..the Soul of the Gypsy.   Sagittarius calls for you to be the truth seeker and asks you to share your knowledge with others.

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