Adorable $250 Cob House Created By A Retired Art Teacher

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/27/2015 - 08:57

Source: | Original Post Date: November 17, 2015 –

Mr Michael Buck, a 59-year-old retired teacher of art from Oxfordshire, England decided to build an adorable cob house out in his garden for $250 (£150).

This home almost looks like a hobbit home or a country cottage straight out of Middle Earth. The story behind the project is almost just as magical.

Making sure to use only reclaimed or natural materials and with no gas, water or electrical mains Buck has been able to keep things simple while saving a lot of money.

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Big Pharma and Medical Industry Dole Out $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks to Doctors and Teaching Hospitals

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/27/2015 - 08:53

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob.” ~ former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals.

The U.S. federal government has released disturbing data about the profiteering nature behind our medical system. Namely, a staggering 4.4 million payments made to physicians and teaching hospitals by medical device and pharmaceutical companies.

According to officials from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), during the last five months of 2013, big pharma and medical companies paid a total of $3.5 billion in kickbacks to 546,000 physicians and 1,360 teaching hospitals.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 27, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/27/2015 - 08:20

Dear Ones, your own beingness – your unique light, your divinity, your alignment, your truth – has never been more important than it is right now. Embodying who you really are has an incredibly stabilizing effect on the planet and is absolutely being of service to the whole. It is so simple. Just be you. Beautifully shining, uniquely you, and you will be assisting yourself and others more than you ever dreamed possible. That is how special and important you are. ~Archangel Gabriel

What Is Life Supposed to Be Anyway?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 20:37

God said:

You know, it is fine to sort things out in your mind, yet you also have to know that everything in life is not here for you to organize. Life isn’t accounting that follows a certain format. Life isn't like that. The way Life plays out is how it’s supposed to play out. You are part of a plan bigger than you imagine.

Life in the world does not usually follow a straight line. Life in the world more often than not goes every which way, and you don’t know what this Life is going to give you until it has cast itself before you.

Life isn’t as predictable as you might like. But, hey, that’s life. Life isn’t rigid nor must you be. Life is to accept. You are to get up and move right along. This is Life.

Today may well not present the weather you favor. It may be too hot for you, too cold, too many puddles or too dry. Mostly, you have the weather you have, and you do just fine in the weather whatever it may be. The weather is what it is. The weather is not meant to disconcert you or ruin your day.

We know that Life can startle you in unexpected ways. You are in a state of shock, yet, what is there for you to do but to keep chugging along? The fact that a train is derailed doesn't mean you have to be. Whatever happens in your Life, you still have Life. It may not be the Life you had yesterday, yet, nevertheless, you have Life.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, November 27, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 20:37

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Tension dominates the feel of the transits this week. The transits certainly exude a vibe of “when the going gets tough, the tough get going!” Nonetheless, Jupiter and Venus have their say among the tense energies. Jupiter receives attention due to the powerful Sun transiting through his sign this month, and Venus remains elegant, social, and graceful in late Libra, her home sign.

The fiery, brash, aggressive Mars receives a tough workout of his own this week. He starts the week with aspects to seven other planets, while he struggles to find a place in the sign opposite of his dominion, Aries. Using personal energy to acclimate to group efforts and the demands of partnerships can lead to meaningful, lasting change this week, if enough effort and will can be mustered to do so. Disciplined thinking is also helpful in determining how to best apply efforts, particularly in the first half of the week.

Cooking With Chlorinated Water May Harm Your Health

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 15:13

Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest
Waking Times

Are you familiar with how municipal tap water is treated? There are two basic disinfection processes: the addition of chlorine, or chloramines that are made using ammonia, which is the more preferable treatment.

Researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Nanjing University in China have presented study results showing that cooking with chloraminated water potentially creates and puts harmful toxins into food, especially when the food is cooked with iodized table salt. Furthermore, the two scientists, who did the research, indicate that the molecules they found are considered “almost new” to researchers! What does that have to say about the art of science?

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Syrian Refugee Cooking For German Homeless To “Give Something Back”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 15:07

Every Saturday Alex Assali, a Syrian refuge living in  Berlin, cooks large pots of food and shares it with the German homeless in his neighbourhood in an effort to give back to the country that gave him asylum. Huffington Post reports that he left Syria in 2007 without a passport and lived in Libya for several years before making Germany his home. It is difficult to fathom the kind of hardships he must have faced in recent years, which is what makes this story so powerful.

If you can bless another while going through your own storms, no matter how intense those storms are, that really says something about you as a person and the human heart in general.

His story is making its rounds across the internet after a picture of him (below) serving food was posted on social media. Apparently, he spends his own money doing this selfless work, despite being unable to find a steady job. He is currently living off of the German government, which is providing Syrian refugees 359 euros a month.

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