Humanity May Be Colonizing Space Sooner Than We Imagine

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 10:35

I recently attended the 2015 Summit on World Technology, where I had the chance to listen to two days of mind-blowing talks from the pioneers of our future. One talk (in particular) really affected me, and left me wondering about the implications of what exactly it will mean if what was said comes to fruition, and that talk came from Rick Tumlinson, chairman of Deep Space Industries.

Deep Space Industries (DSI) describes themselves as:

“An international asteroid mining company, with primary offices in Silicon Valley, California and Luxembourg City, EU.

Built on a philosophy of international cooperation, Deep Space Industries has assembled a world-leading team with unparalleled experience in asteroid geology, mining, spacecraft design, astrodynamics, and entrepreneurship.

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I Made A Mistake

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 10:15

In the course of your Earth-plane existence, there will be times when you inadvertently hurt another.  Some of you may continue on, pushing whatever negative feeling has come up, and act as if the incident never occurred.  Some of you may keep hurting others, even after the knowledge has been brought to your attention, to further your own agenda. 
For the growth of your soul, it is best to admit an error when it has been made. Fully owning the truth of the situation gives you and the other person time to process and release any negative emotion that may arise.  Remember, it is okay to say you have made a mistake.  Integrity is, and always will be, one of your finest assets. ~ Creator


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 09:51

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

This is a very powerful Gemini Full Moon….the energies of transformation, change, birthing of new, and Urgency are intensifying.    Over the last couple weeks…we seem to be surrounded by useless tragedies.  Throughout the world and within our own lives.  Since the beginning of the “Shift”…. around May of 2010…the energies have been intensifying.  The Universe is getting urgent about change and transformation… lies, no secrets, no judgments, no manipulation, no control, no out of bounds ego!    Integrity and respect for all…..we are all one!    The world right now is in chaos!   Remember out of chaos….comes creativity!     We have to see the ashes of the “old” blow away… we can start laying the foundation of the “New”.   This all…. shows in the Gemini Full Moon Chart.   Those that are thinking with their Hearts are also shinning through…….the people helping strangers and friends in Paris…while themselves being put in dangerous situations and those refusing to give into the “fear”, as they continue on with their lives.   This Full Gemini Moon is about communication and the sharing of  knowledge.  The energy is also revolutionary and we are being asked to make choice’s.  We are at another critical turning point in our evolution.  It is time to move from the fear to the love that always present.

Just Smile

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 09:51


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

When things aren’t going your way and you can’t seem to catch a break,  just smile. When negativity tries to take over, keep smiling and refuse to become another one of its victims.

Be happy regardless of how much you’re tempted to be sad, and see if your new attitude makes things better.

Don’t let the world’s negativity get the best of you, because it only makes things worse when you do. Even if it feels too optimistic or naive, keep smiling and know that it’s okay to be happy in negative circumstances.

We’re on a mission to bring this planet into the light, but we can’t achieve much if we let life’s stresses take us down.

We’ll always be challenged regardless of our attitude, and if we can learn from adversity instead of letting it depress us, we’ll realize that it’s here to teach us and help us grow.

Academic Oligarchy: Majority Of Science Publishing Is Controlled By Just Six Companies

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 09:38

Source: | Original Post Date: July 19, 2015 –

The flow of science in this modern age is largely controlled by just six corporate publishing groups, which by calculated design have been gobbling up the journal market since at least the 1970s. And a new study out of Canada reveals that this mass consolidation of publishing power is, to a large extent, skewing what passes as scientific progress.

Researchers from the University of Montreal pored through the whole of scientific literature published between 1973 and 2013 and found that the publishing realm has changed dramatically during this time. Many smaller publishers have been absorbed into larger ones, for instance, and academic research groups have become increasingly beholden to the interests of these major publishers, which tend to favor large industries like pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

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Woman Purchases Entire Toy Store To Donate To Kids In Homeless Shelters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 09:35

Source: | Original Post Date: November 19, 2015 –

Thanks to the kindness of one woman, thousands of kids at homeless shelters in NYC will experience more cheer this Christmas.

Every year, Carol Suchman makes an effort to purchase toys and donate them to homeless children during the holiday season. This year, however, she’s outdone herself by purchasing an entire toy store and donating its contents to thousands of homeless children in New York.

As NY1 News reports, Suchman was walking past the Hudson Party Store in her West Village neighborhood when she noticed a ‘Going Out of Business’ sign in its window. Intrigued by the idea of making Christmas a bit grander for thousands of kids this year, she contacted the store owner.

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City of Oakland Joins the Fight Against Monsanto, Sues for PCB Contamination

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 08:45

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“Agrochemical giant Monsanto knowingly contaminated Oakland’s storm water and the San Francisco Bay with a highly toxic chemical for decades, a new lawsuit filed by the California city claims. Oakland wants the company to pay for the environmental cleanup.” [source]

Municipalities in the U.S. are fed-up with Monsanto’s corrupt tactics — and they’re hitting the corporation where it hurts: their pocketbook. Oakland California, the latest city to sue the biotech colossus, has filed a lawsuit seeking retribution for damages caused by harmful polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination.

In a press release by the city last Tuesday, The State Water Resources Control Board found that PCBs present in Oakland’s storm water is a threat to the entire San Fransisco Bay’s ecosystem.

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Full Moon in Gemini – Finding Clarity in the Chaos

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 08:37

By Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As the energies on earth are rising to new heights, their polarities are creating more tension than ever before. Frustration, anger, conflicts and crises are being evoked during today’s Full Moon in Gemini, and it will be wise to practice techniques to stay centered and grounded, and not be pulled into opposition.

While these energies may feel unusually intense, they only flow in opposing directions to allow a higher consciousness to be experienced and felt. In our dualistic reality, this is how consciousness experiences itself, through our experience of duality. And right now, the collective evolution of humanity and the planet itself is moving into even higher frequencies, pushing and pulling us to extremes we have never experienced before, and inviting us to experience the polarities of heightened chaos and clarity all at once. Navigating the energy of this Full Moon requires clarity, focus and flexibility.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 23, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 08:15

One of the most difficult things for human beings to remember is to ask for our help.

Some of you don’t want to bother us. Others have trouble actually asking for assistance of any kind. Some feel like they may take away from others by asking for our help. And some think we are probably too busy to care about your trivial concerns.

Dear Ones, hear us when we say that it is our greatest honour and pleasure to assist you! We are always here, always ready to help. There is no request too big or small. We are multi-dimensional beings, meaning we are a vast energy that can assist many at the same time, so you are never taking away from another by asking for our help.

You must understand that you are superstars to us! You are the brave and courageous ones – the ground crew – that is driving the Shift on your planet. We are honoured to be able to assist you! But as always, please remember the act of asking is required as your free will is paramount. A simple, heartfelt request with your inner voice is all that is required to activate the team that wants nothing more than to lovingly support you in all ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

Let Your Eyes Be Loving

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/24/2015 - 21:52

God said:

What is important to you simply may not be important to someone else. What is important to someone else may simply not be important to you. This is what life in the world seems to be about -- all these contrasts and even contradictions.

Someone loves fishing. You may not be someone who would like to put a worm on a hook, nor would you take joy in catching a fish. Who is to say you must or must not like worms or fishing?

Someone else grows a moustache, and you would never grow a moustache, yet, if you were alone on a deserted island, by default, you would grow a moustache and a beard to boot. You never know.

Something may matter a lot to someone else but not to you. He has his life, and you have yours.

Let it be glorious that everyone who has Oneness with Me – and that is everyone -- can make all kinds of different choices in the world. Let it be glorious that there are enough choices for everyone around the world to make. Silly, you are not authorized to put a friend on the carpet because his life choices do not agree with yours.

Let it be glorious that there are different ways of thinking and liking or not liking, preferring or not preferring a myriad of colors, for instance, and a myriad of sports and a myriad of minds and a myriad of books and myriad cups of tea. Let Us applaud that there are many right ways to make a cup of coffee, and you are free to brew coffee as you like, and so is another free.

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