The Dance of the Universe

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 18:42

God said:

I hear you cry out in the wilderness of your heart and mind:

“God, what is this pull I have to exist in a body, to be seen, to be known, to make my mark, so to speak; to write my name on a tree; to be bound to another name etched in the bark of a tree with mine; to remain here on Earth forever? What is this need I have to plant a flower and love it into existence, one small flower that won’t last long, yet still I yearn for this one flower to experience Life on Earth and enrich the happiness of the world if only for a brief moment in the Myth of Time?

"Why does this seem so vital to me when it is only so momentary? Why do these moments on Earth seem so important to me and to every other person who is also my Self? What is going on within me, and what will go on in the world when it is without me? The time will come when I will not even be a memory for anyone on Earth.”

I say to you:

Dear Human Being, just as I desire to bring you to Earth and enjoy your humanness in a few moments of sunshine, so do you desire to have a flower grow and blossom. How long the flower lasts is immaterial. The longing of your soul is to plant a flower and nourish it and see it grow to the sun.

1,100 Police Depts Just Admitted That Marijuana Is Least Of Nation’s Drug Worries

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 13:08

Source: | Original Post Date: November 5, 2015 –

The U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration wrapped up its 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment Summary last month, and the results should infuriate you.

More than 1,100 local, state, and tribal law enforcement departments responded to the 2015 National Drug Threat Survey and the numbers don’t lie. Cops do not perceive marijuana to be a threat.

For the last eight years, the threat perceived by law enforcement from marijuana users has diminished. Only around six percent of those who took the survey still buy in to the reefer madness.

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Newly-Developed Concrete Absorbs CO2, Insulates, And Is Also A Vertical Garden

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 11:59


Researchers in Barcelona, Spain have found an innovative solution to the long-established emissions problem.

In Barcelona, Spain, researchers at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) have found an innovative solution to the long-established emissions problem. Science Daily reports that they discovered how to build megastructures with a biological concrete that not only lowers CO2 and regulates heat, but is pleasing to look at.

It is not only a medium for growth and a construction material, but a means to regulate temperatures indoors while removing CO2 from the atmosphere.  The surface of the concrete grows mosses, lichens, fungi and other biological organisms.

The Good Parent

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 10:15

Are you a good parent?  You may not have offspring of your own, however, each of you has a child within.  He/she may have experienced or been exposed to things no child ever should and may carry the pain of those moments.  It is important to remember this and treat him/her accordingly.  When your child becomes upset and wants to be heard, do you douse the adult body with chemicals or food to quiet them?  Do you ignore their cries for understanding and love to fit in?  Do you pretend they do not exist and tell yourself to ‘get over it’?
Treat your inner child the same way you would treat any other child in your life.  Their growth and well-being depends on how well you choose to relate to him/her.  Pay attention to them, shower them with the Unconditional Love they may not have received and listen to understand what they are saying.  He/she has worked very hard to make sure you survived (and thrived) through your darkest days.  Let him/her come out and play in the sunshine.  Just like every other part of you, they are worthy and deserving of being honored! ~ Creator

Finding The Science Of Consciousness: SAND 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 09:49

If the number of cars in the parking lot at the Dolce Hayes Mansion were any indication, the SAND community is exploding exponentially. With a warm welcome video from Zaya and Maurizio this year’s amazing conference got underway with a talk by Peter Russell on What is Nonduality?

Peter “defined” nonduality as its name suggests – “not two” and went through both scientific and philosophical bases to make the case that consciousness must be primary. Everything knowable is within consciousness–even science.

What sets this conference apart, besides the incredible vibe, is the confluence of top scientists along with nondual and Eastern philosophers in a lively dialogue. And with this year’s title, the unstated aim of the conference was another attempt at coming to a “Science of Consciousness.”

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An App That Helps You Find Healthy Food Near You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 09:46

  • Do you have trouble finding healthy places to eat while traveling?
  • Do you follow a specific diet and wish you could easily find restaurants that cater to your needs?
  • Are you looking for organic, fair-trade, or local ingredients and wonder where is the nearest grocery store that offers these options?
  • Do you want to support healthy and conscious businesses yet wonder where to find them?

Good news, your struggle is over! RealFood, an organization advocating conscious eating for a healthier and more sustainable world, has launched its first app on Android and iOS.

The RealFood App: Healthy choices at your fingertips

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12 Massive Sculptures Made of Recycled Beach Waste to Make You Rethink Pollution

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 09:29

Roughly 8 million tons of plastic finds its way into our oceans every year. It effects our eco system in a massive way as fish and marine life often mistake debris for food. Plastic and other garbage has become so rampant that a study found 25% of fish in California and Indonesia contained some sort of particulate pollution in their guts.

Plastic pollution won’t disappear overnight, but it can be used as a symbol to inspire people to be conscious of what they use and throw away. is a non-profit based in Oregon.

Their website explains:

The Washed Ashore Project is a non-profit, community-based organization with a mission of educating and creating awareness about marine debris and plastic pollution through art.

Check out some of their inspirational work below and remember to do your part to reduce, reuse and recycle:

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How GMOs and Glyphosate (RoundUp) Impact Soil Biology

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 09:27

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Robert Kremer Ph.D, co-author of the book Principles in Weed Management, is a certified soil scientist and professor of Soil Microbiology at the University of Missouri. He recently retired from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) where he worked as a microbiologist for 32 years. He’s conducted research since 1997 on genetically engineered (GE) crops.

In this interview he reveals how GE crops and glyphosate impact soil ecology and biology.

Roundup Causes Buildup of Pathogens on Root Systems

Prior to the advent of genetically engineered (GE) crops, his research projects were focused on plant and microorganism interactions in the soil.

It was well-known that one of the secondary mechanisms of actions of glyphosate was that it tended to cause the plant to become infected with opportunistic soil pathogens.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 7, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 07:30

A common question we get asked is, “How do I surrender?” We would like to address that today.

Surrender is completely letting go of resistance. It is a pure, heart-centered intention to allow yourself to be led to your highest good. It is taking the supported path of ease. It is moving willingly where the signs and synchronicities point you. But more than anything else, it is a declaration, a commitment to stay out of your own way, and to begin to work with the assistance that an entire universe is waiting with bated breath for the opportunity to give you.

So we encourage you to understand how profound and sacred the act of surrender is, and to start to use it in your life. There does not need to be any elaborate ritual in order to surrender. Simply take a quiet moment, and with your whole heart declare to whatever divine source feels comfortable to you, “I surrender”, and allow yourself to enter into the flow of unconditional love and support. (If you do not know what you believe in, you can simply surrender to “more”). It is the most powerful act a human being can do, and if you stay in the flow in that surrendered state with your faith and trust, you will be absolutely amazed at the relief and magic it will bring. ~Archangel Gabriel

How Will You Contribute?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 01:20

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

However much I’ve written this before, it bears repeating. Everyone is invited to take part in this revolution, and in my opinion, everyone needs to participate if we want to do anything real with it.

Whether you realize it or not, the world needs you to contribute in the ways that only you can. The world needs your unique brand of light, and now’s a better time than ever to show people what you can do.

You can (and should) be a part of this movement, because you have something significant to give. You have the awesome power of love (provided you can tap into it), and this is something to not only celebrate, but use to help the world evolve.

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