Lighten Up! 5 Signs You’re Taking Life Too Seriously

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 12:42

By Andrea Schulman | Raise Your Vibration Today

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction, it took me some time to lighten up. I had lived for almost 30 years believing that life was serious and that all of my decisions and actions were very, very important. However, when you’re taking life too seriously, life becomes hard and dreary. Spending every day of your life believing the stakes are high just makes it too hard to trust the journey and allow good things to come.

It might have taken me awhile to lighten up, but that’s ok. Though I’ve come a long way, I’ve come to learn that lightening up is a process that never really ends. While many days I consciously choose to take the path of least resistance, I still have others were I allow worry and control to seep back in.

The truth is, we always have room to grow.  Becoming more “enLIGHTENED” is an ongoing process that never ends. Each day we simply take steps that either bring us closer into alignment, or we take those that don’t, and we choose which direction we are stepping in every single second of every single day.

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Trust The Universe: Unlocking the Flow and Ease of Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 12:33

By Nanice Ellis
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

I know how difficult it can be to trust something you cannot see, and maybe even something that has disappointed you or let you down in the past. This idea of trust was foreign to me as well, for much of my life. My parents didn’t trust and even the nuns at catholic school didn’t seem to practice trust. Fortunately, life gave me a first-hand education in trusting this invisible source of reality, I now call God (aka Universe, Source, Consciousness etc…).

I was seventeen years old, and had just barely escaped a physically abusive (life-threatening) relationship. I was lost and confused, not knowing how to live the life that was now surprisingly before me. So, when I witnessed a falling star one autumn night, I had no idea what to wish for. By default and not wanting to miss the opportunity, I wished, “Please give me something that I need that I don’t know I need.”

Hindsight: never make this type of wish if you are not prepared for the outcome.

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Power And Responsibility

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 10:00

Power is responsibility, responsibility is power. Do not shy away from it. So many times and in so many ways, human language and actions have put a negatives spin on both of these words. If you fear power and/or responsibility you are, in essence, existing in fear of yourself. Embrace your power, take joy in responsibility and love yourself! You are the only one who can do it for you. ~ Creator

Have You Thought About Permablitzing Your Yard?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 08:22

What is a Permablitz?

The term permablitz is a contraction of permaculture and blitz, where a blitz simply means a focused effort to get something done. Permablitzes are always free, public events, with free workshops and shared food, where you get some exercise and have a good time. To be defined as a permablitz each event must be underpinned by permaculture design by someone with a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) – the most basic permaculture qualification. (1)

What happens on the day of a permablitz?

The owner of the property wishing to be ‘permablitzed’ develops a plan of what they want done to the backyard. The owner supplies trees, seedlings, and the materials required to install an edible landscape. People are coordinated via social media to attend the property usually on a weekend. The Permablitz team arrives and receives instruction from the owner or designer, who allocates tasks and offers guidance on what needs to be done. The team helps with digging and planting, along with any other activities that might be needed on the day. In return, the helpers receive lunch or dinner, practical experience, and the opportunity to spend a day with other likeminded people. Participants also get the opportunity to host their own Permablitz in the future. (2)

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The TTP, TTIP And The UN’s 2030 Agenda Are Secretly Designed As Precursors To A One World Government

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 08:17

Source: | Original Post Date: October 13, 2015 –


There have been some wild ideas floating about which for some people have reinforced the lunacy of conspiracies, yet the labeling of genuine truthseekers as ‘conspiracy theorists’ just doesn’t hold the same power as it did even ten years ago.

This is because these ‘crazy’ theorists actually had many of their beliefs proven correct, which has resulted in an increase of people engaging in alternative avenues for answers. The mainstream narratives are now being questioned to some degree by even those highly indoctrinated into the system, so slowly its becoming the new norm to question the ‘official’ story of anything.

This is a great sign for humanity’s future.

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The Shadow War Is Escalating Between The Banking Cabal And The Global Alliance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 08:10

It’s been a wild couple of months in economics and geopolitics. We’ve seen chess moves that have changed the dynamics in global power for the positive of humanity, as well as those which are only barely maintaining the status structure.

It’s definitely reaching a do-or-die state of affairs for all involved.

As a contextual overview, there is a shadow war taking place. A western cabal, driven primarily by US and Israeli forces, have been in power for dozens of decades (you can read about it in depth here, as well as some but not all of the most powerful families here). Fortunately though, they are slowing losing grip on their monopoly of control.

There are many names for this power structure, including the deep state, cabal, globalists, elitists, banksters, Zionists and Illuminati, to name but a few. This elite cabal serve to destroy that which doesn’t align with their interests, which as you may have guessed is chaos. In addition, they might still have a successful psy-op campaign on the masses which is inducing some people further into their coma, yet this is disintegrating fast as they no longer dictate the perspective of alternative thinkers.

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19 Happiness Habits That Could Change Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 08:09


1. Appreciate more.

This morning I woke up feeling appreciative of my bed, my incredible friends, and my mom for being the rock in my life. Appreciation feeds happiness. It highlights and gives value to what matters in our life. And the more you appreciate, the more you’ll find things to be appreciative of.

When waking up and going to sleep, remind yourself of three things you currently appreciate in your life.

2. Energize yourself every morning.

Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. A good morning routine leaves you feeling centered, energized, and ready to take on the world.

Meditate, do yoga, write a list of everything you love, watch inspirational YouTube videos, or listen to your favorite song before leaving the house. Simply, set yourself up for a great day!

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Heir to God's Throne

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/15/2015 - 21:49

God said:

It is easy to find fault. You’ve been trained in it! The refrain echoes through your mind:

“Find the flaw! Look quickly, there has to be something wrong with this, and something wrong with that. There is something wrong with everything. I must reveal flaws. Flaws must be ousted. Life is never good enough, not for long anyway. I’d better be quick at labeling fault. I can always suggest a fault. I’m good at it. I’m getting to be a master of it.”

There’s nothing wrong with the concept of making something better. However, finding fault tends to begin with tearing down rather than building up. Now, pardon Me for finding a fault. As a matter of fact, when you specialize in finding fault, you set a hard row for yourself. Finding fault pinches your nose and squints your eyes.

The other side of improving others or their work is that you become accustomed to being dissatisfied. Finding the fatal flaw may grow to be a way of life. The flaw is the part of life you pounce on. You have already engaged in other versions of the same story. There are better stories you can tell. Tell them.

Perhaps when you stumble on a flaw, you get excited about how smart you are! What a discoverer you are! How dedicated to truth you are! Nothing passes you by.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 16, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/15/2015 - 21:44

moon goddess A3 final water crop 2

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A theme of planetary pairs dominates the transits this week. Moon and Saturn, conjunct in Sagittarius on October 16, set the tone for the focus on planetary pairs. The dour Saturn and subtle, feminine Moon both place a focus on the past, of great interest as Moon’s Nodes prepare to leave the initiating Aries/Libra axis. The only unconnected pair is Sun and Jupiter (Jupiter is a minor Sun), although they are in consecutive signs. Mercury swings into an opposition with his tutor, Uranus, by the end of the week, placing an emphasis on brainpower and knowledge. Venus remains in an opposition with her spiritual teacher, Neptune, all week, with an exact opposition on October 17. The two form an amazing opposition, literally saying that the smallest, most humble act of kindness, service, or attention to detail is a first step to reaching Neptune’s greater collective, spirituality, and bliss. Also of great potential use is the Mars-Pluto trine – energy, drive, and will flow smoothly with Pluto’s penchant for transformation and raw power. In earth signs, they are particularly favorable for work and career endeavors.

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