Man Quits Job To Travel In Solar-Powered Home On Wheels

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 13:53

Source: | Original Post Date: September 16, 2015 –

Eco-friendly lifestyle is one thing, but eco-friendly travel is another when everything from taking planes to buying souvenirs can leave a mark on the planet. But an intrepid young man and his van proves that we can see the world and tread lightly at the same time.

After quitting his engineering job in October 2013 to live his dream of traveling, 26-year old Mike Hudson of Hull, England, got rid of his possessions and purchased a 10-year-old LDV Convoy van off eBay. Before setting off, Hudson and his friends spent five months renovating the rusty camper van into a tiny home on wheels.

The entire operation—buying the van, fixing the engine, installing a stove, a 70-liter (18.5-gallon) water tank, a shower and toilet, heater, desk space and even solar panels—cost Hudson only £5,000 (about $7,700). The van also has a refrigerator, speakers and storage space.

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The Origins Of Daylight Savings And Why It Wrecks Your Health

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 13:50

Source: | Original Post Date: March 4, 2015 –

For Americans, it’s that time of the year again—time to move your clocks an hour ahead; losing a precious hour of sleep in the process. For many, the time change associated with daylight savings time1 (DST) also means spending several days or even weeks feeling generally off-kilter.

As reported by Prevent Disease:2

“A study, published in 2007… combined surveys from 55,000 people in central Europe with data on 50 individuals’ sleeping and wakefulness patterns for eight weeks around the shifts to and from daylight saving time.
The researchers found people never fully adjust their circadian rhythms to the hour shift associated with daylight saving time (or, as it is known in Europe, summer time).
Springing ahead by an hour, however, was most difficult for night owls — people prone to wake up and go to sleep late, they found.”[Emphasis mine]

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Biophotonics – The Science Behind Energy Healing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 08:49

By Katrin Geist
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

I’m in a wonderful position: I may witness people’s wellbeing improve, sometimes dramatically, while practicing Reconnective Healing. Watching them come in with pain and leave without it, dance through the room trying out movements they couldn’t do in months, or get up saying: “I’m not depressed anymore!”, move on the massage table so much in response to frequencies of energy, light and information that I feel compelled to hold the table in place, speak what seems another language fluently without conscious knowledge of it, heal from a severe accident a lot faster than predicted – it makes you wonder what exactly happens to people experiencing this, and what the Reconnective Healing phenomenon is based on.

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The Clinton Body Count: Is a Serial Criminal About to Become First Female U.S. President?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 08:44

By Makia Freeman
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Voting for Hillary in 2016? If you or anyone you know is thinking about voting for Hillary Clinton, you may want to recall the trail of lies, mysterious “suicides”, plane crashes, drug offenses and intelligence leaks surrounding the Clintons ever since they came to power in Arkansas.

With Hillary Clinton running for president, America is faced with the horrendous prospect next year of having to choose between continuing a Clinton Dynasty or a Bush Dynasty. Could it be any more obvious that the U.S. is not a Republic or a Democracy but rather an Oligarchy of the rich and powerful? A bloodline aristocracy may be a better term, since all of the 44 US Presidents have been part of European royal bloodlines, despite having different last names.

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What Happens When Spirituality Buys into Capitalism?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 08:36

By Lorna Richard
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Our world is showing us our inability to see the truth. The self-help phenomenon has created a kind of spiritual degradation. The ‘New Age’ movement brings deep wounds when spiritual teachers are blind to the truth. With the blind leading the blind it will be difficult to restore the gift of sight and true spiritual mastery.

Introducing spiritualism into capitalism has corrupted the spiritual teacher and left the student in spiritual limbo when the student buys into the notion that money is somehow tied into being abundant in life. When money and the accumulation of possessions is seen as abundance this a real problem for bringing truth and making change in our world.

What happens in the psyche of an individual when a spiritual teacher tells them “if you really love yourself you would be abundant and the riches of the world would be yours”. When deep down we know there is something not quite right with the system?

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A Simple Idea for Better Health and Control of Your Emotions

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/18/2015 - 22:37

breathAnna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Breathing is one of the body’s fundamental functions, yet most of us give it very little of our attention. We go about our day – taking care of our daily tasks, working, cooking, walking the dog – and unless we over-exert ourselves or choke on a piece of food, we put very little thought towards our breathing. We take it for granted, and, as a result, many of us take short and shallow breaths.

“Short, shallow breathing causes a cascade of negative effects in the body, and the body associates that with the fight-or-flight response. It gins up the adrenaline, the cortisol, the stress chemicals.” ~ Al Lee, co-author (with Don Campbell) of Perfect Breathing

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The Lion and the Mouse

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/18/2015 - 19:39

God said:

You may be a very High Being who has habits and mannerisms and ideas that do not reflect you as the High Being you are. This is how it can be said that the beggar at your door could be Christ. Outside phenomenon do not tell you the whole story. This is one very good reason why to be neither persuaded nor dissuaded by looks or by wealth or poverty or by anything at all.

Information may be one thing or another, may be valid or invalid. Appearances may be one thing or another. Good manners or poor manners may vary. We are speaking of your concepts and your percepts and what they mean to you.

The poorest may be the wealthiest. The wealthiest may be the poorest. Where are you looking, and what is it that you look for?

The most ordinary-seeming personage could be extraordinary. The most extraordinary-seeming personage could be a flash in the pan.

The wisest could be the most foolish. The most foolish could be the wisest, as seen in fairy tales where the know-nothing youngest son is the wisest of all and wins the day because he is innocent and truly sees what is before him. And so it is said: “Out of the mouths of babes.”

A most avid reader could be less aware than someone who does not know how to read. Someone who does not know to read may be better able to see for himself.

Yes, be very careful about getting caught up in judgment. Too often judgment – the conclusions judgment comes to – deny you the great favor of expanded awareness.

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