Enjoy The Ride

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 09:05

You begin and end at the same place in your Earth plane existence.  At the end, you are a little wiser, a little smarter and a whole lot more emotionally mature.  It is important to remember as you move through your life that happiness and trials will come and go.  Every experience you move through has something to be gained from it.  Enjoy the ride, my beloved.  It was tailor-made especially for you! ~ Creator


8 Surprising Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 08:54

By Dr. Edward Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Olive oil has received well-deserved attention over the last 10-15 years. This is the main ingredient that plays an important role in the Mediterranean diet. For years, studies have shown people who consume this type of diet live longer and enjoy a better quality of life.

Olive oil is a fantastic ingredient that can be added to your salads and roasted vegetables. But olive oil is a lot more than just a health food. Aside from consuming olive oil to receive its benefits, you can use it in other ways and reap similar, if not greater, rewards. It can be used for soothing skin, managing hair, and as a natural sunscreen.

Here are 8 amazing benefits of olive oil, many of which may surprise you.

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Harmony of Being: Returning to Our True Nature

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 08:51

By Steve Taylor Ph.D
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away, and we’re filled with a sense of ease, well-being and harmony. We become free of pressure to keep busy and the need for stimulation, and rest at ease within ourselves and within the present moment.

I call these experiences ‘harmony of being.’ They usually occur when we’re quiet and relaxed and there’s stillness around us – for example, when we’re walking through the countryside, working quietly with our hands, listening to or playing music, or after meditation, yoga or sex. The chattering of our minds fades away and we feel a natural flow of connection between ourselves and our surroundings or other people.

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Desiring Happiness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 20:46

God said:

No matter how difficult your life may seem to you right now, you are founded with My love, and the truth is that, not only do you have My love, you cannot escape it. Whatever you may be going through, no matter how dismally it assails you, no matter how rightfully or not rightfully, you have Me fully with you. I am a full-fledged God. I am not a retiring God.

Your life may go up and down, yet I am steady. Despite despair you may go through, you worry because you worry. You suffer because you suffer. Your heart aches because your heart aches. With affliction or without affliction, your heart finds despair on its own reconnaissance.

Although you often find support for despair, sometimes despair visits you without any sensible reason, yet, there you are, filled with despair. It’s like, somehow, despair got triggered, and you really don’t know what brought it on. Suddenly, despair is nesting within you. Yesterday you were pretty good, and today you find yourself in disarray. How, why, for how long will you continue to feel this way, you don’t know.

Dear Ones, perhaps despair within you gets covered up and sometimes, alas, despair leaks out and blindsides you. Somehow or another, despair lurks within you. Regardless of what outside events seemingly cause this Intruder Named Despair, the source is within you. Despair may capitalize on outside events, yet despair gets on center stage directly from inside you. You have carried despair within you for a long time, way too long.

Embrace Your You!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 10:25

While you are attempting to fit in, change yourself to become more acceptable to society at large; you are allowing the beautiful things that make you unique and a little weird (in a good way) fall by the wayside.  Go ahead!  Dance in the street, laugh out loud, smile at strangers (because they really are not strange to you at all) and enjoy your Earth plane existence.  Why rely on what others deem ‘appropriate’….you are you!  Embrace it with gusto! ~ Creator


Media Blackout As France And Russia Both Announce Monsanto GMO Bans

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 10:10

Source: www.march-against-monsanto.com | Original Post Date: September 19, 2015 –

When two of the most modernized and economically powerful countries in the world decide to ban a type of food crop that has made its way into roughly 70-80% or more of the U.S. food supply, you’d think it would be considered newsworthy.

But the United States media has missed the boat yet again on major happenings relating to GMO crops overseas.

Both Russia and France officially announced bans on Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops this past week, cementing their positions and upholding the will of the people in nations where public opinion is dead set on keeping the food and farming system natural.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

An Action Plan For Peace – Occupy Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 10:03

“How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?” – Howard Zinn

President Dwight Eisenhower gave a chilling warning in his farewell address on January 17, 1961 about a threat to democratic government. This threat, he warned, was the infiltration of the military-industrial complex, which was a “formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces.” In his 1961 address Eisenhower elaborates, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”(1)

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the military spending for 2013 in the U.S was approximately $640 billion. China came in a distant second with $188 billion, and Russia spent a mere $87.8 billion.(2) The threat of any military conflict in the U.S from foreign invaders seems remote, yet like the Cold War, America overstated the potential threats in an effort to continue to support the military industrial complex. This ensured certain corporations continue to thrive, prosper, and benefit from the ongoing industrial military industry while millions suffer from the conflict and destabilisation these wars promote.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

3 Ways to De-colonize the Human Condition

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 09:57

dec3 “It would be a mistake to think this culture clear-cuts only forests, it clear-cuts our psyches as well. It would be a mistake to think it dams only rivers. We ourselves are dammed (and damned) by it as well. It would be a mistake to think it creates dead zones only in the ocean. It creates dead zones in our hearts and minds. It would be a mistake to think it fragments only our habitat. We too are fragmented, split off, shredded, rent, torn.” ~ Derrick Jensen

Colonialism, expansionism, imperialism, call it what you will. It has systematically destroyed both our psychological and ecological environments. It is a heartless man-machine hell-bent on conquering, consuming, controlling and repeating, ad infinitum. Like Frantz Fanon said, “Colonialism is not a machine capable of thinking, a body endowed with reason. It is naked violence.”

And in its naked violence it leaves paths of mass destruction that transform healthy environments into burnt-out husks. Unhealthy and unsustainable, colonialism is an engine with outdated machinery and parochial, dyed-in-the-wool equipment. It rampages over environments like a mindless, hyper-violent backhoe; close-minded and dogged in its obsolete dog-eat-dog worldview.

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Mercury Retrograde In Libra: Reconsidering & Reflecting On Fairness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 09:48

The planet Mercury started its retrograde phase on September 17th and it will last until October 9th. This is an astrological phenomena that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period.

From an Earth based perspective, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards, but this is not the case. It only appears that way due to the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingly, astrologers observe it differently than when it appears to be forward moving.

How Does Mercury Affect Us?

Mercury rules over communication as well as communication technology. It also rules the intellect, transportation, learning, news, and information. It rules over the analytical mind as well as how we mind the details of life which require thinking.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

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