5 Ways To Stop Being So Negative All The Time And Start Being Positive

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 15:37

We’re bombarded with negativity all the time. We see it in the news, we see it on TV, heck, go to the park and you’ll probably see it their too. But do you know how you combat negativity? Not by being negative yourself. You combat it by being positive. So how do you transform yourself into a positive thinker?

1. Be thankful for what you have.

This is step number one. Look around you. You likely have a home and a family who loves you and friends who like you and an expensive electronic device with which to read this. You’re doing better than a vast majority of people. This isn’t meant to make you feel bad, it’s just important to remember how good things are. Things may not be perfect, and it’s perfectly fine to acknowledge it and fight for what you want in life, but face it: life’s pretty cool right now too.

2. Don’t be the queen of drama.

Eliminate drama from your life at once. Drama is such a nasty, unfortunate characteristic to have. Part of ditching drama is ditching dramatic people. Forget the gossip, it doesn’t do anyone any good and only serves to spread negativity.

Read more... (higherperspectives.com)

10 Things That Distract You From Living Life You Were Meant to

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 15:35

By Amateo Ra | Are you a dreamer? Do you have beautiful visions about how amazing your life could truly be? Evolution in truth is inherently about how to grow or develop. At the same time, there are more distractions than ever pulling us away from the path to our dreams. In this blog, I call out & shine light on these distractions, so they no longer have the power to hold you back.

So whether it’s your life, relationships, career focus, it’s very likely you hold a precious dream of how good it can get. I am always revisiting my life journey and thinking…How does it get better than this? What can I do to make this so?

However, it’s not always as simple as putting an “X” on the map and setting out to get it. There are distractions, pitfalls, detours on the journey. And in our modern World, there are more things than ever competing for your attention, and distracting you from your mission.

Read more... (isoulscience.com)

How to Create Solar Light Bulbs With Nothing But a Bottle and Some Bleach

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 15:21

The innovative mechanic has been using plastic water bottles filled with water and a splash of bleach to light up dark rooms since 2002, and now the idea has spread across the world. It is predicted that by the end of the year, over a million homes will be fitted with the invention and be lit up – without any electricity!

Moser’s method works using refraction of the sunlight. His secret is two capfuls of Bleach added to water in normal plastic bottles, which are commonly thrown away. While some may argue that Bleach is not the most environmentally friendly product, it stops the solution from turning green with algae when exposed to sunlight. From this simple combination, millions of homes may become illuminated.

By drilling a hole in a roof tile and then pushing the filled bottle in from below, the bottle can be kept in place with plastic resin and the new ‘window’ can be made waterproof.

Read more... (isoulscience.com)

500 Best Songs For The Evolution Of Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 14:00

Here is a list of the top 500 songs that we feel can assist one with the evolution of consciousness. It includes songs that have higher wisdom in their lyrics, songs that are the artist’s message to humanity or a specific group of people, and songs with lyrics that were written to inspire, empower or uplift. All songs in this playlist have lyrics. Are there any others you think should be added to this list? If so, please post links to them in the comments below!

NOTE: This list is ordered by transformative potential and relevance to the progressive community.

Youtube Playlists:

Music for the Evolution of Consciousness

Music for the Evolution of Consciousness 2

Music for the Evolution of Consciousness 3

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

How To Know If Your Relationship Or Job May Have Run It’s Course

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 13:57

Have you ever stepped back and noticed yourself creating ingenious ways to avoid your deep inner knowing that your relationship or job has run its course?

You might even be in this exact situation right now.

This meticulously executed avoidance is one of those super interesting human behaviours I see often in my work with clients and that I have come to know a lot about.

It can show up in any area of your life – in your friendships, interests, hobbies, favourite places to eat out or go on holiday. The two big areas in which I notice it show up most however, are those of romantic relationships and career/work.

Sticking With What You Know

There are different reasons people stay in unhappy relationships or jobs. For example, it can be overwhelming to consider the effect that breaking off a long-term marriage or partnership can have on the extended family, when you as a couple have been a constant reference point for others for years. Then there are the financial benefits, especially if you’ve grown used to certain luxuries and creature comforts. Pride, embarrassment, and shame around not wanting others to know that your relationship has failed are common reasons as well.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

3 Means of Waging Personal Financial Revolution Against the Banksters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 13:04

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The world is enslaved to an economic system designed to create tremendous power and wealth for those who own the system, while forcing the rest of us into mathematically insurmountable debt and the stagnation, austerity and poverty that comes with it.

Corrupt and patently unsustainable, the world’s currencies and financial markets are rigged, and an economic collapse is inevitable at some point. Sad but true, and the ongoing dramatic narrative of the interplay between engineered boom and engineered bust is a chief psychological tool in sustaining the popular belief that this monetary reality as the only monetary reality possible. The truth, however, is that as long as this economic reality is the reality then we will be slaves to debt economics, and the pursuit of endless growth is certain to consume everything on the planet.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

Go With the Flow: Clean Energy From City Water Pipes Revolutionizes Hydroelectric Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 09:33

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A company in Portland, Oregon has harnessed a near perfect source of energy: the constant flow of running water found in city pipes. 

Not many of us are willing to give up our creature comforts — regardless of how ecologically oriented we may be. Sure, we’ll recycle, reduce energy consumption whenever possible and support sustainable agriculture, but when it comes down to powering our computer, gadgets and other necessities, we’ll choose conventionally produced electricity over nothing at all. Even with sustainable options, there’s usually a catch since nothing is perfect. And yet, a clean and green technology is available today that can dramatically transform the way we power our lives.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

No One Cares: Your Key to Freedom from Social Anxiety

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 09:19

Smug LookStephen Parato, Contributor
Waking Times

Ask yourself this question: Why do I care about what other people think?

Don’t you want to live life on your own terms? Why are you letting others dictate your decisions and how you live your life?

Not caring about what others think is the ultimate freedom.

Are you constantly thinking about what could happen in every social situation, instead of being fully in the moment? The vast majority of the time, all of the hypothetical “What if…” projections (that are on replay in your head) don’t even end up happening.

Let go and allow life to flow through you.

Everyone is too busy being concerned with themselves anyway. So why waste your energy worrying so much? This is something you need to drill into your head if you suffer from social anxiety.

Are you really delusional enough to think that everyone around you spends all of their time thinking about you?

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

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