Have I Heard This Before?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 22:16

On occasion, it may seem as if you are receiving the same information again and again.  In some cases, you are. (Smiling) When you say to yourself, “Wasn’t this mentioned yesterday/last week/before?”, it is The Universe’s way of saying ‘Pay attention to this, it is important!”  You are being given another chance to fully understand the message or (especially after an intensive learning phase) it is being presented to another level of your Self.  Learning and growth involves all parts…brain, body and soul.  Regardless of where you are on your journey; practice self-care, keep your thoughts/actions positive and know The Universe supports you always. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 5, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 22:15

Someone recently asked, “What do you do if you have hurt another, apologized, but they still can’t get over it?” We would like to address that today.

As human beings, you are on the planet to have many experiences. Within this vast array of experiences, you will end up trying or doing things that you come to regret. This is normal and part of your growth process. It allows you to reevaluate, expand, and redirect yourself in a way that better matches your truth, your energetics, and how you wish to show up in the world.

If you have behaved in a way that you regret, please understand that the regret is an indicator of your desire for growth, change, and to shift into a better alignment. It is a sign that you are evolving. Having the introspection and awareness to recognize this is a wonderful thing. So please know your desire to do better or differently is truly something to celebrate.

If you, from a place of self awareness and self responsibility, sincerely apologize and another cannot accept that apology, you must allow them that choice. It may be that they need time to heal. It may be that they need to see that you are sincere and committed to change before they can feel safe with you again. It may be that they are not ready to let go of seeing themselves as a victim, or wanting to punish you. It may be that your soul contract with them has come to an end.

…On Your Path

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/04/2019 - 23:28

As you experience and integrate this new wave of energy, you may feel as if you have been knocked off balance with heightened emotions and situations catching you by surprise. Do not let this dissuade you from your path! You are human and experiencing human feelings is a part of the process. Take some time today and gather what you need to make the road little smoother, knowing that it will pass just as it should. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 4, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/04/2019 - 23:28

There are so many supports in place to help you navigate changing energies. The sun will cleanse, heal, and nourish you. Salt is a wonderful cleansing element both for your body (submerge your body in salt water) and for your living space (sprinkle around your space and vacuum up and dispose after you intuitively feel it has done its job). The earth will ground and balance you.

The synergistic relationship between you and the natural elements around you has always been in place in order to assure your success. Embracing the supports that are there to serve you moves you through your own evolution with much greater comfort and ease. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective, and taking advantage of the loving support your environment wishes to provide you is actively choosing to be a wise and willing part of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Another Way…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 22:56

When you chose to arrive on your Earth plane, you knew there was going to be some work involved; being in a human body (with all its lovely idiosyncrasies), emotions, interactions of all kinds and, most importantly, the relationship with yourself.  80% of the time, you have plowed your way through it and have done quite well. (Smiling) As you move through your life, there may be bumps, judgments and projections that, for whatever reason, you have chosen to accept.

Today, you are being invited to take another look and decide what is really yours and what belongs to others.  Rather than responding with learned behaviors, forgo the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction and ask The Universe to show you what it is truly means.  A better understanding of an experience or situation will allow you to move past it with more than a little grace and ease.  This is something you have earned and deserve so use it!  Remember you are fully supported every step of the way. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday June 3, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 22:56

Being in a state of resistance is emanating a loud energetic no to everything. It can be difficult to shift from resistance to acceptance. What if you could shift from resistance to the idea of selectivity?

Being selective means agreeing to some inclusion which softens your resistance and opens you to some areas of expansion and forward movement. As you become more positively focused by choosing what you would like to include, you begin to be more present and comfortable, and from there gratitude will naturally occur. And just like that you will have shifted into the space that you can create and grow from.

Never be afraid to use stepping stones to help you get from one energetic place to another! We encourage you to try many different incremental approaches until you find the ones that are most effective and easiest for you to remember to use. This is all part of getting to know and guide yourself like never before which can be the most wonderful process of discovery! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/02/2019 - 22:29

You will always be as strong as you believe yourself to be.  Allowing the thought, “I am strong”, does not mean The Universe will begin hammering you with situations and experiences that will overwhelm and challenge.  It simply means that you are changing your perspective and letting those around you know what has always been there.  You are in the process of re-discovering a part of yourself you may have forgotten. Strength will always mean different things to different people.  Find out what it is for you and know you can be strong. ~ Creator


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