Send Love And Let Go

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 23:52

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, those around you will become offended/hurt/angry with your attempts to help. Dearest one, The Universe is here to tell you; do not take it personally! Each human has their own belief systems, exists in their own paradigm and has their very own set of triggers…none of which you know so, give yourself a break! Release the need to ‘make it better’ or apologize for failing to meet expectations wholly unknown to you. Holding onto someone else’s projection does not (and never will) serve you. Once you have a conscious awareness of what is going on, there is no reason to ‘live there’ anymore. Send love and let it go. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday June 7, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 23:45

Many on their enlightenment journey have been commenting that they feel like despite all the learning and growing they have done over the years they have landed in a space where they know nothing. While this can be disconcerting, this is actually an excellent sign of your evolution.

There will naturally come a time when you shift out of the head and into the heart as your new navigation system. If you can find no concrete guidance from your mind, you will have no choice but to start to make choices based on how you feel and where your heart wants to go.

This is an excellent and profound shift, for it is stepping into making decisions one now moment at a time based on what is an energetic match to who you are. It is an indicator of moving from the busyness of the mind that focuses on the future, doing, and control, into the knowingness of the heart that focuses on the present, being, and flow.

Trust yourselves, Dear Ones! While this may take a little getting used to at first, this is a wonderful sign of your advancement and will allow your soul to lead the way like never before, and that is something to celebrate, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Standing By

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 22:26

If you have not already prepared, it is time.  Several consecutive waves are arriving to your Earth now; more than one message has relayed the importance of being prepared.  If this information has fallen by the wayside, rest assured, there is still time.

Keep in mind…the further along you move in the process, the deeper you will go.  The deeper you go, the darker things that have been hiding will be brought to the light.  You may choose to share these experiences and situations with others or choose to ‘go it alone’.  It is about whatever makes you most comfortable.  There has never been a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to go about it.  There is ‘your way’ and it is absolutely wonderful and perfect! (Smiling) As always, The Universe is standing by for assistance and support as needed. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 6, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 22:26

There is a pervasive belief that if you are good enough you gain favour. If you are a good enough person, you will please God. If you work long and hard enough you will have abundance. If you are good enough, fortune will shine on you.

This is old conditioning, Dear Ones, and not valid at all. The problem with this thinking is twofold. First, it is keeping you in troubleshooting mode, always looking for all the ways you are not good enough. This creates a negative focus, which leads to low self esteem and a lack of self love and acceptance.

Second, it is trying to live up to standards that are undefined. What is good enough? When have you worked hard enough? This belief system keeps you trying to get somewhere but never quite arriving. It keeps you out of alignment and out of receiving the love, acceptance, and abundance that is your birthright.

The reason why all of this is faulty is because the basis of these old beliefs is conditional love. There has never been a time that you have had to gain the favour of anyone. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source, there has never been a time that you were not good enough. We love, accept, and celebrate you in your divine perfection, unconditionally, exactly as you are.

While we understand people use such thinking as a means of self improvement, how are you improving if you are never allowing yourselves to arrive? So many of you are beautiful beings of love and yet perceive yourselves as not being loving at all. We urge you to start to see yourself in your truth and beauty.

When there is celebration conflict is impossible!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 22:16

Changes of enormous significance are occurring worldwide as humanity moves increasingly positively toward awakening.  Some, political or geophysical, are being reported in the mainstream media, while others, of a far more positive nature, are being reported in less public spaces, and then shared person to person through the vast network of social media channels.  People worldwide are choosing to communicate person to person on spiritual matters arising for them personally, matters that they have found their faith-based or religious organizations do not or cannot address.

Humanity is evolving spiritually very rapidly indeed, and many of the old religious organizations are either unwilling or unable to assist their members in this amazing awakening process.  All the old systems – social, political, business, educational, and religious – will either evolve spiritually or become totally obsolete.

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