In Flux

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/19/2019 - 23:32

Over the next few days and weeks it may feel as if everyone is speaking a different language. Yes, you can hear them, they are communicating but, you cannot understand them.  As you move forward into this newest energy, paths may diverge wildly, and vibrational levels will change.  It may be a bit sad and a little confusing but, do not let it change the work you are doing.  For every divergent path, there is another running parallel that will offer new companionship, ideas and connection.  You Earth plane is constantly in flux, offering you a chance to change your levels of awareness, empathy, compassion and expression.  Embrace these moments and know that all will be well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 19, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/19/2019 - 23:31

Becoming the wise and loving guide to yourself is the first step in embodying your role of guide on earth. This is yet another reason why it is time, right now, to commit to treating yourself with the love, compassion, acceptance, encouragement, and guidance you need and deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

What Will It Take?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/18/2019 - 22:52

Take a few moments today and separate your expectations from your reality, both old and new.  Expectations from the past take up a lot of brain space and, while you are waiting for those expectations to come to fruition, a great deal of life is passing you by.  Look around at your reality; what is going on now, how has the past kept you stationary/static instead of moving forward in a timely fashion?  How many times does that program have to loop before you gain a conscious realization that you, a great and powerful force in The Universe, can step out and make something new for yourself?  This wave is introducing you to gift you may never have had before…freedom!  What will it take for you to finally embrace it? ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 18, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/18/2019 - 22:51

Curiosity is a gateway to exploration and expansion, which is what your soul is always naturally seeking. So many of you lose your curiosity once you move beyond childhood. Reawaken your curiosity, presence, and wonder for they are the beautiful strengths you had as a child that allow you to see and embrace the magic all around you as you grow and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Time To Be…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/17/2019 - 23:05

Time to start breathing again.  As your world moves into the upwards swing of the arriving wave, it is important to make sure you know exactly where you are.  I can hear you saying to yourself, “Wait…what?  I’m here!”  But, are you really?

Due to circumstances you may or may not be aware of, more than a few of you have opted to remain ‘out of body’.  For all intents and purposes; the body is small, confining, it does strange things and it may not feel safe.  The Universe wants you to know that you have learned enough and can protect yourself when you are in body.  The vehicle you chose when you arrived on your Earth plane is how you relate to others and dispel preconceived perceptions of how a person ‘should’ be.  You are all beginning to see things differently and that, my dearest one, is an amazing thing! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday June 17, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/17/2019 - 23:05

As you continue to evolve and want to expand your life to reflect your highest expression of self, your manifestation techniques must also evolve. This requires shifting from 3D manifestation (imagining what you want to create and holding that vision/feeling very specifically until you draw it to you through the law of attraction) to co-creation (allowing the universe to bring into your awareness new possibilities you couldn’t imagine).

While there is nothing wrong with either method, 3D manifestation can be limiting as it only creates through what you think is possible rather than what is actually possible that you aren’t aware of from your vantage point. It keeps you playing within the pool of potentials that are already known. It is manifestation through the mind vs manifestation through the heart.

Dear Ones, you are pioneers and expanders. These roles require trust – trust in a universe that adores you, trust in your highest self, trust in your guides and helpers, and trust in your human self’s ability to navigate your life expression through the knowingness of your heart and the beckoning of your soul.

The big, beautiful life expressions that are waiting for you to discover cannot be found within what you have already experienced. If they could you would be living them already. They require stepping forward bravely into the unknown and being willing to embrace the magic, power, and wonder of co-creation. It is allowing the universe to show you how precious, loved, valued, and guided you are as a beloved part of the whole.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 06/17/2019 - 21:21


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very dynamic, important and Powerful Full Moon!   This Full Sagittarius Moon is not only sitting with Jupiter (which rules Sagittarius) but it is also sitting on the Galactic Center (a portal to the Universe, where we can access Higher realms, Higher truths, and Higher wisdoms)...and then to add even more energies to this Sagittarius Full Moon…. it is happening only days before the Summer Solstice!  Intensifying the energies as we move into Eclipse season in July!  Then add in the Cardinal T-Square with Pluto/Saturn/South Node…opposing Mercury/Mars/North Node and all 6 being squared by Eris! We have a time of intensified Evolution!  It is a turning point…..a time of initiation…a time of choices….releasing what is no longer vibrating we are now vibrating and a time of radical change!

It is also a time of feeling like you have very little energy and a time of feeling overwhelmed.  Also since Mercury (planet of our Voice…how we speak and what we say) is sitting in the Cardinal T-square, you may want to watch what you say….the tone you say it in and the energy around it, as words can fly out of your mouth in energy or in ways that you didn’t intend for them to be surrounded with, and there can be miss understandings etc.   This is very strong energy and our bodies are trying to incorporate it all….and it isn’t easy.  As we move though July with 2 Eclipses….the energies will continue to increase from this Full Sagittarius Moon through July.  Just be prepared and work with the energies and make good choices….because on the other side….there can be amazing opportunities.    

This Full Sagittarius Moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time of year that Strawberry’s become available.   It gives the Moon a sweet energy. 

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