Moving Mountains

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 22:13

The creation of your life and what you want rests with you.  Yes, on occasion, there have been outside influences that have changed your path but, you get to choose to remain by the wayside or jump back into the game.  Today, you are being asked to ponder exactly what that means to you.  Do you wish to remain static due to circumstances that have been presented to you or will you find your way back and continue manifesting what you desire in your life?  The Universe understands that things have not always been easy, however, the tools you need to change for the better have also been provided.  My dearest child, it is time to get to work! (Smiling) If you choose, you can move mountains! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday May 20, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 22:13

Dear Ones, do you want forward movement but resist change? You can’t have it both ways. At some point if you want to move into something you wish to experience that isn’t already part of your life, it will involve embracing change.

Many of you have fear of change, but change is a gift, a wonderful gift that brings transformation and turns dreams into reality. You feel change is uncomfortable but if you understand the very nature of the universe and your soul is expansion, it is actually the constriction of staying the same that causes the most discomfort.

What you truly have fear of is unconscious creation, which is easily rectified by becoming more aware of your thoughts, patterns, and belief systems and starting to shift them into conscious co-creation. As you step more into your faith and trust and authentic power you will feel more competent in your ability to co-create and that will bring much more joyful anticipation associated with change.

Remember, deeper love is change. Healing is change. Manifestation is change. Growth is change. Every single new thought or idea is opening the door to change. As pioneers, you are agents of change, both for yourselves and collectively. As you continue to move forward in your empowerment, you will begin to embrace change with great joy because you will know with complete certainty if you create something and you don’t like it, you can simply create again.

You have never been separated from Love.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 22:18

We all – Father/Mother/God, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, all of creation that is not in form (an unimaginably vast number!) – are watching with delighted and enthusiastic excitement as your moment of awakening draws ever closer.  And yes, I hear you as you again express your doubts and your irritation because we have been telling you for a seemingly very long time that your awakening is about to happen.  And to many of you it appears that nothing is going on.  Your doubts and irritation, even intense anger, increase.  This is completely understandable because, as humans in form, it is extremely difficult for you to access the divine field of information where announcements and bulletins relating to this most magnificent event are posted regularly.  You, therefore, are reliant on the channeled messages received and shared by those tuned in to receive them, and naturally you find that less than totally satisfactory.  Your trust is being divinely tested, as you knew it would be, and you all agreed to this because you absolutely knew that all would be well, and you will not be disappointed.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 22:17

As you grow and gain knowledge, the voice of The Universe will become more distinct and understandable.  Just like anything else on your Earth plane, if you choose to practice, that particular skill will become stronger.  Those around you are awakening every day on a scale never seen before and many of the messages received are similar in nature.  This is The Universe’s way of giving you something that resonates until you have developed the means to interpret its messages for yourself.

Today, you are being invited to step into the gifts you were born with and begin using them on a regular basis.  Humankind is heading toward a time when all will work together peacefully and without conflict…and it is coming much sooner than anticipated.  Rest easy in the knowledge of being fully supported during this amazing process! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday May 19, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 22:17

If you went to a grocery store to get everything you needed to sustain yourself but only concentrated on what you didn’t want, you would starve yourself very quickly. But you understand that although there are things you don’t care for in the grocery store, they serve the needs of people who have different requirements and tastes. You can simply remove your focus from them and move onto what your preferences are.

This same principle works with every element of your life. Continuing to focus on what you do not like or need keeps you energetically engaged with what is unwanted. In fact, it is choosing to stay on the line of potential that keeps that energy active in your life. This does not allow you to move into a stream that contains what it is you desire.

Be willing to flow. Acknowledge the myriad of options you have, but keep sifting energetically toward what serves you and brings you joy, just as you would choose the most appealing piece of fruit at the market.

Understand your focus is your blessing of continuation that can be tweaked and adjusted as many times as you like to reflect whatever your needs or preferences may be at any given time. You are fluid and so is your ability to create, and create, and create again, forever expanding and expressing yourself as you continue to evolve and love and understand yourself better. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Your Best Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/18/2019 - 22:59

It has been said before and it bears repeating as a reminder; what is right and true for you will not necessarily be right and true for others.  Your experiences on Earth have formed your opinions, thoughts and actions…some for the better, some not so good.  It is up to you, via free will, to decide what you choose to be and how you present yourself.  The Universe has been and always will be love, compassion and kindness.  As you walk your path, think about what is important to you, how you prefer to be treated and extend that same courtesy to those around you.  It may not feel like it now but, a time is coming when this will be the norm.  Until then, keep being your best self and know you are loved. ~ Creator

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