Another Gentle Reminder…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/26/2019 - 23:03

Each heart, each soul, each human deserves to be treated as such.  It does not matter what they wear, who their friends/family are, where they are from, what they choose to/not to worship, where they live or where they are choosing to go.  Each and every one of you is living your here and now, walking the path you are meant to take and in a way that works specifically for you!  When you decide within yourself to shame, exclude, harass or abuse another because their views differ from yours, you are choosing to hurt yourself.  Yes, there will be differences of opinion, however, you know…in your gut…when it crosses a line.  Be a bringer of understanding, love, joy and peace.  It is much easier and takes up less ‘brain space’ but, fills so much of your world with good. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday May 26, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/26/2019 - 23:03

What is presenting for many enlightening human beings right now is the opportunity to heal ancestral trauma. For many of you this means reviewing your upbringing and lineage.

Some of you are discovering secrets about your family, details you didn’t know about that are simply extra pieces of information to allow you to process and release the full scope of energy you wish to move beyond. For many of you, this old theme will finally be wrapping up and becoming part of your past story, not your current energetics.

This is the completion of a major area of focus you wished to explore in the first phase of your incarnation. You are putting the finishing touches of healing on this because these are energies that are not aligned with the next phase of your incarnation, and need to be left in the past.

This means taking any gifts that came from the situation, acknowledging all of it, honouring your feelings, acknowledging them with love, thanking them for their service, and letting them go. A great many enlightening human beings have backgrounds of abuse, having chosen difficult paths for the purpose of developing compassion and keeping their own sensitivities on high, for those specific traits would serve them well as they stepped into their purpose and service as adults.

The Road Ahead…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 23:12

Today The Universe would like to speak to you about balance.  It can be a challenge to go from a full-on dissemination of information into a rest period and back into full-on.  If you are new to the process, the effects on the human body may be a bit of a shock.  This is where your skills come in. (Smiling)

You have been given the tools to navigate these changes with grace and ease but, sometimes, it is neither graceful nor easy.  The best thing to do in moments like these is to breathe! Being consciously aware of your breath will help you maintain your center.  Keeping your thoughts positive will help you to stay on your best path even though it may be a little rough.  Grounding, in whatever manner you choose, is also of great assistance.  Being fully here, on your Earth plane, may be the last thing you want to do. But it is necessary for the health and well-being of your chosen vessel.  The Universe, of course, is always available for assistance whenever you need it.  As always, you are loved, cherished, admired and respected for the work you are doing now and the work forthcoming. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 25, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 23:12

What would it be like to be healed? As you make the pivotal shift from doing to being, at some point you will move away from the practice of endlessly looking for what needs healing and simply allow yourself to be healed. We love you for your diligence but troubleshooting mode will always find you more trouble to shoot. What if you surrendered into being whole and healed and proceeded with the knowledge if there is anything you need to address it will come into your awareness?  How much time and focus would that free up for you? How much more peaceful would that feel? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/24/2019 - 22:06

Take a very deep breath…now, send your consciousness out beyond yourself…and just feel. The changes going on now are so different from anything your Earth plane has experienced thus far, it is challenging to put into words so, you may need to experience it for yourself. (Smiling)

The Universe wants to you to know that you have done a stellar job with the intense learning presented and the current ‘rest period’ is well-deserved and very needed before the next wave comes arrives. Over the next few days…take some time for intensive self-care, devoting some of it to the integration of what you have already received. This will begin the process of preparation for upcoming events and instructions. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, just ask for help. Assistance, in whatever form, is always available to you! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday May 24, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/24/2019 - 22:06

Dear Ones, please know that perfection is not required in order to make great change. You do not need to have 100% compliance with a new way of being in order to be successful.  What you do need is consistency, a desire to redirect should you forget to employ the changes you wish to make. The energetic scales tip when you do things the majority of the time.

So be kind and gentle with yourselves as you evolve. You will act from your heart beautifully at times, and other times you may default into old habits. But every time you choose again, you redefine yourselves and your intentions, and before long that consistency becomes a new habit.

Hear us when we say you are doing a remarkable job! You will get much further celebrating your successes than beating yourselves up for your humanity which, by the way, we think is one of the most beautiful things about you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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