Release, Release, Release

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/29/2018 - 10:08

How may pre-conceived notions do you hold regarding others?  Do you believe that a person that appears to be ‘muggle’ is not walking a spiritual path?  Do you believe that those who are without a home are not willing to change for the better?  Do you believe that if you are spiritual that those around you are ‘less than’?  Do you believe that humans who do not eat the same way you do need forceful guidance to ‘change their ways’?  In the coming months there will be no room for this.  The time for judging others is over.

Each of you is walking your own path, in your own way and, if you look closely enough, all paths lead to Unconditional Love. (Winking) Rather than judging others for what they have (or lack), be a guide…but, only if you are asked for assistance. It may take others more time to get there, but it is their journey!  It is time to step into your new year with a clear and open path to your own growth and learning!  If others choose to join you…it is wonderful!  Free will is yours! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 29, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/29/2018 - 09:49

Dear Ones, when we say you are loved beyond measure, do you accept it or do you dismiss it? So many of you hold yourselves outside of the stream of love. You are deeply loved, in fact, you are a beloved aspect of Source energy, which is love. Accepting love is accepting yourself.

Be conscious of how many times you say no to love out of habit. When love presents itself to you, commit to acknowledging it, allowing it, and truly feeling it. The more you can allow the love that exists for you to flow to you, and through you, the more you will experience the support and abundance that has always been there for you because you will no longer be holding yourself separate from Source.

Why not be a love detector from here on? Why not set an intention to notice and embrace the many ways love can show up for you from a universe that adores you? Why not finally choose inclusion and join the flow of love that has been beckoning to you all along? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Love is Always in Style

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/29/2018 - 09:48

God said:

Beloved, remind yourself that you are My Beloved. Remind yourself of this more than you remind yourself of anything else – most assuredly of anything sodden passed around in a world that may not take its full due of pleasure.

I assure you, no matter what the world tells you right and left, I tell you what is most important for you to remember with joy. You are made for joy. Joy is your due.

A Few More Reminders…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/28/2018 - 15:19

As your year draws to a close, you will be reminded of a few simple things…

Trust is much easier than you thought. Introducing yourself to the belief that it is okay to trust yourself and The Universe will be a huge step forward.

Fear has no place in the next phase. Fear keeps you frozen, stuck, static and unyielding when flowing and discovering your new skills is the order of the day.

It is perfectly okay to not know what is going to happen. You may ‘hate’ surprises, but The Universe is always offering beautiful opportunities where you believe none exist. Each moment of your existence is a joyous wonder!

Now that you are walking your spiritual path, wishing to go back or to stop altogether is no longer an option. You are learning and growing. There is no greater gift!

Unconditional Love is the greatest force of all. If you are ever in doubt, ask for Unconditional Love. If you do not know what your next step should be, ask for Unconditional Love. If you are having a challenging time, ask for Unconditional Love. It is free, there is an infinite supply and you cannot wear it out!

You are beautiful. You are unique; there will never be another like you. Embrace your whole self and know that all will be well.

~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday December 28, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/28/2018 - 15:18

It is fitting that this year of review and transformation has ended with many of you spending time with family, for there is no other group that can bring up any old issues and conditioning that may still need attention as well as they can. Now that you’ve had a chance to get back into your own energy and catch your breath, what did the holidays clarify for you? What did you do very well? What would you like to improve? What new intentions can you create moving forward?  How can you approach old patterns in new ways?

The busyness of the holidays can also make you aware of how you may neglect yourself, over give, or take on too much resulting in you losing your balance. How can you adjust this moving forward? Are there other people who can assist you in your tasks? Can you incorporate more being than doing into your holiday traditions? The holidays are such an ideal time to explore these areas because they truly magnify any area that is asking to be brought to the light for transformation.

You may even wish to write down what your discoveries are as a reminder to yourself to be read next year.  Place it right on top of your decorations to be found and read first thing next year when you open the box. You might consider it a new year’s resolution for next year’s Christmas or a love letter of support for your future holiday self.

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