Whirling Rainbow Light

Submitted by StarDancerKat on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 08:39



I have been working with the information from the book “Maka Wicahpi Wicohan- Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator,” by Chief Golden Light Eagle.  In this work there is a meditation to visualize whirling rainbow light that has all the medicine light force energy needed from the First Creator. Visualize this rainbow light swirling out of every heart you can see, visualize etc.  I put this meditation into practice e every chance I can consciously remember.  Here are some ways that are opening up my days and experience to new beauty.



The Blending Of Our Human And Galactic Selves; A Dreamtime Lesson. By, AuroRa Le. June 25, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 08:30

The Blending Of Our Human And Galactic Selves; A Dreamtime Lesson. By, AuroRa Le. June 25, 2012.

June 20, 2012

Dreamtime.  Somewhere in the USA.


Our promise is that very soon you will have the knowing of this. ~ Michael through Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 08:06


Today it is well for us to speak about peace.  Of course we are not speaking about a cessation of hostilities in the world, although that will soon be your experience, as well.  The peace we wish to discuss is the end of hostilities within your mind and body.


Your soul has been wanting this for all of your life here on Earth.  Perhaps not all really, it is likely that learned behavior is responsible for a great deal of the problem, although much of it is brought forward from your previous experiences, as well as the influences of others which you have, knowingly or not, assumed were yours.

Those of you who are sensitive to the feelings and emotions of those around you, and that includes almost everyone who will read our words, also, in most cases, are still learning to separate those emotions from your own.


Oracle Report ~ Monday, June 25, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 08:04


Monday, June 25, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase

If you have been following the Oracle Report for a while, you will remember that last winter we practiced the skill of taking ourselves out of the swirl of the world, going inside ourselves, and taking the stance of the observer.  Wise owls became proficient at going inside the hollow of a tree and peering out.  This skill is required today.  The mass collective (the matrix) is strong today and anyone who goes up against it will not fare well.  This is not the day for individualism in any form, such as arguing your cause, insisting that you be considered, or the like.  Guard against recklessness and be careful to consider the consequences of your actions today.  You want to pull yourself back as much as possible, especially with work.  Just take yourself out of the nonsense and keep to yourself.  

Release your love into the world

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 07:46


Release your love into the world


The roller coaster of life continues to climb and fall and speed dangerously fast around sharp curves and we are all trying to hold on tightly lest we should fly out of the coaster and wing off into the great blue yonder. A quick cruise around the internet reveals many websites and blog sites trying to awaken people, some by channeling, some with supposed insider whistle blowers etc. I urge everyone to not get too caught up in them as we can plainly see numerous dates of mass arrests and changes come and go with nothing to show for it. People get their hopes up only to have them dashed when nothing materializes. It is time for all light workers to finally accept the fact that nobody is going to save us, it is we who must save ourselves and it is critical we all raise our own frequencies and help everyone around us as well raise theirs as well. How do we raise our frequency and raise our consciousness? By thinking and living from our hearts through love. This battle we are undergoing is a fight for our freedom, yes, but that can only come about if our frequency of love outshines their dark frequency of evil.

Space Weather Update~ Out of the Blue~ Fast Growing Sunspot

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 07:32

FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT: Breaking the temporary monotony of a blank sun, a new sunspot is growing rapidly in near the southeastern limb of the solar disk. Readers with solar telescopes, this is your chance to observe sunspot genesis.


THE BUSY-NESS OVER YOUR HEAD: Earth orbit is crowded with nearly a thousand operating satellites and tens of thousands of spent rocket engines, splinters from satellite collisions, and other space debris. Space is a busy place. This picture taken by expert satellite watcher Marco Langbroek frames some of the madding crowd over Leiden, the Netherlands:


"This single image of a 10x14 degree-wide part of the geostationary belt was taken near midnight of June 18-19 and shows 30 satellites," says Langbroek. "Each black box contains one or more (mostly) geostationary satellites plus a few rocket bodies: 23 commercial geostationary satellites, one classified military geostationary satellite (Milstar 5), and 6 spent rocket boosters."

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