Lisa Gawlas: Your Vibration is the Ticket into the Apple (pure wisdom) Tree of Life!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 07:26


I do believe spirit keeps an ever-growing note-book of every thing we do, experience and glean even thru meditation.  We humans are apt to forget these tremendous moments in time due to the upcoming thousands of other moments in time along the way.  Spirit doesn’t!!

Yesterday, as I was able to take an early morning bath, seems my team took back to my bathtub journeys that occurred in 2004.

Both of these remembrances that I am going to share, I could not have conceived of the fullness of their meaning… or they’re happening down a timeline called Now!

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Believe Believe in yourself

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 07:21


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Believe Believe in yourself

You can accomplish anything if your put your mind to it and believe in yourself. The key is in keeping your thoughts positive and focused and know that everyone has times when a little doubt sneaks in now and again. It is these times when your truly know if what you are doing is your truth and passion. If it is not really what you want, trust in yourself to choose again. It is far more important to follow what lies in your heart. If it is what you really want, then quickly transform your thoughts into ones that assist in helping you work towards your dreams and desires.

SaLuSa ~ 6~25~2012 ~ We are Gathering Around the Earth Allies Many Actions are to Take Place

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 07:18


The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change whilst others sense that behind it is the intent to move your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be confusion amongst the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes.


Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Well on Your Way on Your Path To Ascension

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 01:07


Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Well on Your Way on Your Path To Ascension ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 24, 2012

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:

Greetings, all you esteemed Lightworkers. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, on assignment with the Earth Council. I bring you good news. All of the years of waiting are coming to a resounding end. You have entered a new phase. Ascension is upon you. It is palpable and it is imminent, if you so choose.

My dear friends, there is much to rejoice about. The stage has been set and all teams have the go-ahead as planned. All that awaits a full press forward to victory, all that remains is a coming together of all components of the Light in a majority of the population, which is reaching the tipping point. With that is required a further rounding up and neutralization of the dark Ones, which you are successful in bringing to fruition with your prayers and broadcasting of the Light and Love you have built to a crescendo within and around you.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 25 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 00:35


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 25 June 2012

The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change whilst others sense that behind it is the intent to move your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be confusion amongst the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes.

Heavenletter #4231 The Cure

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 00:14

Heavenletter #4231 The Cure, June 25, 2012 

God said: 


All external fighting and discordance are within you. It is always yourself you are fighting with. You have been your own opponent. No matter what the apparent cause of the disagreement, you fight with yourself. This may not be obvious because someone that you perceive as across from you seems to have offended you or argued with you. Nevertheless, it is truly something within yourself you argue with.

Kauilapele: Poofness 6-24-12…”The Merging of the East and the West…”

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 00:10


Poofness 6-24-12…”The Merging of the East and the West…”

Poof reminds us that this whole process has required “Forests worth of paper work”. The main thing about that is there also had to be “Forests worth of white hats” working on this. Remember, as I understand, this is all being taken care of within the legalities of our times.

I believe my favorite quote here was this, “A miracle is no more than letting nature go with it’s own flow, understanding that thoughts are things. Uncluttering the mind of crappy thoughts, as a lady said one time…”

Wasn’t there a blog post somewhere having to do with “De-crapification“? Perhaps some did not understand this was an inside job, as well as an “outside” one.

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