~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-24-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is processing the Solstice energies~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 13:07


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-24-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is processing the Solstice energies~



Greetings Loved Beings,

After the Solstice Mother Earth=Heart seems to be resting a little bit. She has to process all the New Energies as we do too. Though there has been some severe weather and some EQs not as much as in the past weeks. England seems to be the most affected by water: rain, floods, wind... I guess there’s quite a bit to clean up there! We all send All our Love to help you speed up the Process!

Keep Love in your Heart.

Volcanos keep helping release pressure and so do EQs, where even some interesting ones have caused no damage!

Thank You Mother Earth=Heart! We send You all our Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.



Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:43

by Owen K Waters


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ He speaks about the 4th dimension. In Truth Humanity is Jumping from the 3rd to the 5th, and skipping the 4th. So we feel he is speaking about the 5th and not the 4th. Love The Earth Allies



Humanity is about to ascend into a more subtle physical form. This will be a gradual change, not a sudden transformation. The start of the new Mayan time cycles on December 21, 2012 will be a pivotal time when consciousness will shift to a new reality. However, this 2012 event is more likely to be viewed as a pivotal time after the fact, and not immediately.


When the astrologically-significant Harmonic Convergence occurred in August 1987, many people expected the world to transform and world peace to dawn on that very day. Human inertia, however, preempts such a sudden change. It takes time for new thought to filter into the reality of world consciousness, and even more time for events to unfold as a result of this change.


Laura : Laura’s Dreamtime Experience and Work with the Athabatanian Team from Andromeada

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:41


Laura : Laura’s Dreamtime Experience and Work with the Athabatanian Team from Andromeada – 24 June 2012


Ok, I made contact during meditation before sleep at 2:30 am this morning.

~Freedom Project 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal expected to issue Indictments in 9/11 events around Labor Day 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:32

9/11 Vancouver Tribunal expected to issue Indictments in 9/11 events around Labor Day 2012


Exopolitics, n.d.



VANCOUVER, B.C. – The 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal is a citizen’s tribunal of conscience that was duly constituted by the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings June 15-17, 2012 in Vancouver, B.C.


Alfred Lambremont Webre, one of the Judges on the Tribunal states, “As a duly constituted citizen’s tribunal of conscience for the events of September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal has jurisdiction under natural law and justice; declarations of natural law, such as the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights; international humanitarian law such as the Geneva Conventions; and national laws such as national, state and provincial criminal [statutes] prohibiting murder and conspiracy, for any jurisdiction whose citizens died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.


For the record Lightworkers are human souls.

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:20


As many of you are aware by now, Hollywood has been sprinkling the truth about this matrix called real-ity since before the “Wizard of Oz”. The irony lies in the fact that we’ve been made to believe the messages delivered in Hollywood’s “SciFi” genre is fantasy vs the “Leave It to Beaver” hologram that most people believe in.


What’s really intriguing is now that we’re in the “quickening”  reality as becomes ever more polarized,  the middle ground is disappearing. Now we have the people waking from the delusion of the false reality, those who are still slumbering away and then another group that appears to be waking on the negative end of the energetic spectrum.


In addition, it’s become very clear there’s a new level of awakening unfolding as thousands of people are waking up to the next level of awakening ~ remembering their life mission here as visiting souls from other planetary systems, other dimensions and even other universes.  At some point in the last 70-80 years, the Spirit consciousness we know as Gaia sent out a call for help. The negative energy on Earth was becoming unbearable, especially after industry began draining her blood for oil to fuel the world wars, then countless atomic explosions and the bloodlust that kept building in the hearts of mankind for thousands of years.


The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution, SPIRITUAL ESSAY Steve Beckow

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:14

The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution, SPIRITUAL ESSAY Steve Beckow


As they awaken to the special nature of these times, I think that many people will ask what the point of life is. There will be so much occurring and what occurs will be of such consequence that some will ask us to start at the beginning.

And where is that beginning? That beginning is the Divine Plan for life. And that Plan can be summarized in two words: spiritual evolution. We move from God to God in quest of conscious awareness of our identity as God. We do that so that God may meet God in a moment of our enlightenment.

Let’s focus in on the messages of SaLuSa to hear his consistent explanation of the Divine Plan for life.

~ GVR ~ Drake's Vital Weekend Update ~ Sunday

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:11
Listen to internet radio with Global Voice 2012 Radio on Blog Talk Radio
Here is Drakes Interview, when we were about to post this, our site went down for 2 hours. We are Now back Up. There is an Hour Left, but you can start from the Beginning if you are not listening Yet. All our Love, The Earth Allies

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