~Remarkable Changes Coming~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 11:34


~Remarkable Changes Coming~

2012 March 26
Posted by GLR~Steve Beckow

Even though the “Big Top” hasn’t come to town yet, our sources are telling us more and more as time passes about  how the energy is rising and what grand events in consciousness and in the world are either here or in the offing.


SaLuSa said in a general vein in early February that “you have done so well in bringing the Light into your lives, and anchoring it upon Earth. So much so that the mass consciousness levels have been increasing exponentially, and will continue to do so. You are well on course to complete this cycle with Ascension, and it is in accordance with the Divine Plan.” (1)


It Is Time Now: Get To Work~ We are the Arcturian Group

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 11:26

It Is Time Now: Get To Work

2012 March 26

Through GLR~ Marilyn Raffaelle




Dear ones,

We are here to encourage you to have patience. We see your discouragement when nothing seems to change, but let us assure you that much is changing. You are not aware of all that is transpiring behind the scenes. Try not to be discouraged or hold preconceived concepts of how events must unfold, simply allowing the process while letting go of any beliefs you may still be holding about how the process must manifest. All is proceeding according to plan and all is perfect.


~Comments coming in from The Last GFP Update~ The floodgates are wide Open!!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 10:59
Comment by Wayne Matthew Clarke 1 hour ago
The floodgates are wide!! As member of Earthtobegin, the 31st Planet Of The Galactic Federation Of Worlds, I am proud .... To begin to Publicly speak out and welcome the return of our Galactic Family... I am so proud to be a Galactic Human!!! Let us stand Strong in the Light and Love of Galactic Citizenship!!! Speak from our hearts and have no fear to speak openly! Do it with Love!

Amaze yourselves. We promise it will be fun.

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 10:24


Amaze yourselves. We promise it will be fun. ~ Michael through Ron Head repost


The time has arrived for you to begin making preparation for your new lives. They do not exist somewhere else in another time. They exist within you. You have created them.

But your manifesting will take giant steps forward when you find the confidence, faith, belief, motivation, etc. to take concrete steps in any form to make them appear on this plane.

Becoming Human… GLR~Lisa Gawlas

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 10:08

Becoming Human… GLR~Lisa Gawlas



On September 22nd, 2001, I had the pure privledge in being in the first ever Life Between Life class held by the very author of “Journey of Souls” and Destiny of Souls,” Michael Newton, PhD.   I consumed both of those books and every part of my heart wanted that experiece.  I wanted to know who I was in spirit.  Hell, I spent most of this life trying to get out of this body and go back Home…. only to constantly be kicked back to earth!


With any participatory Hypnosis event, very much like readings, you can’t go any further than the one leading the way knows how to go.

My Life Between Life experience was extraordinary, but left a lot of understanding of what I experienced and why out.  At least until now.


I seem to have spent this entire weekend really getting a birds eye view of the incarnation process and understanding the evolution of our DNA.  All, obviously very important to this very time on earth.

The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 110

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 10:02

We would like to discuss the topic of self-sufficiency, but mayhaps not in the manner you would expect. We do not refer to it in the sense of gathering and providing yourselves with the means to feed and clothe yourselves, but in the sense of ascension. You see, there are so many out there who are searching and searching for someone to provide them with the means to find the clarity that will help them prevail in their quest for enlightenment, but alas, they search in vain, for it is not on the outside you will find the answers. Let us explain.


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