~The ego death and Zero point Experience~ Jimmy

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 10:00

~Galactic Love Reporter Jimmy~


Photo through godconsciousness.com


Yesterday I released my human template. The whole thing started a few days ago when I noticed that the energy influxes entering my body were very balanced, left side/right side, masculine/feminine. I was feeling balanced like never before, and I felt that something big was about to happen. Yesterday afternoon, I was driving down the road, I felt energy rising up from my feet and peeling off me like a really tight glove. As the energy rose to my throat and passed through my throat chakra, I was choking and gurgling. It was so overpowering I had to pull my car over. I stopped my car. My body was convulsing. My head was thrashing side to side like I was possessed by a demon. I felt the energy get up to my crown, but it stayed attached to my crown. Again, I was thrashing my head side to side, trying to detach the energy, but it wouldn't release.


Be in anticipation now. All is proceeding well. ~ Michael through GLR~Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 09:47


You have reached a milestone in your process.  The energy levels contained and emanating from your earth have reached a level which will both cause great change and bring it forward with grace and ease.


Open yourselves, dearest ones, to the love and light which is being sent to you in ever increasing quantity and purity.  Accept this as the love of your Creator, which it is, and shine it forth into your world with all your newfound splendor.  Allow your hearts to sing in joy.  Imagine, if you will, many hosts of beings arriving from every corner of the universe to witness the amazing progress of your awakening.  Then know that it is true.  As your light increases, more and more are drawn to both see the spectacle and to assist in any way they can.  As each of you make what seems to you to be your tiny contributions, you are, in fact, contributing to the uplifting of all.


Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead ~ 26 March 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 09:37

Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead ~ 26 March 2012


Photo By mountainvision.blogspot.com

Ho-hum, just another week of sweating the small stuff on Spaceship Earth? Not likely! While for some March has been quiet and constructive, for the rest of us it brought about heightened responsibility and soul growth/infusion. More depth revelation could attempt to steer you toward frustration, anger, tightness, and friction as March comes to a close. Strive for serenity to avoid falling into a temporary stupor of disharmony and discontent. Remain sensitive to your cosmic contract of becoming multidimensional during this ascension cycle to avoid feeling the sway of the Universe is beyond your control.


Until recent times you have driven and pushed yourself to keep up with an accelerating world. Energetic events and unfoldments have been occurring with significant velocity as you set to launch your consciousness into a new system of dimensional awareness. Now comes the time when the process gets to morph into an easier, more natural state of existing. After this latest cycle, which wrapped up in earnest on the Spring Equinox, connecting to, downloading and transitioning into higher levels of your multidimensional self can simply be the norm without much concentrated thought or effort toward it.


Oracle Report ~ Monday March 26 2012 Focus~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 09:33

Oracle Report ~ Monday March 26 2012




Oracle Report  | Crescent Moon Phase


Today’s energy requires us to shift our focus from one thing to another rather rapidly. This could cause us to easily become scattered. The progression of the day’s events may make us feel divided in some way. It is impossible to be all things to all people, so don’t fall into this today because it will fail.



Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 09:21






26th MARCH 2012


Good morning to you. Happy to have a chat if the timing is appropriate with you?


It is of much pleasure as always. Would you be so kind as to inquire of our status?


‘ows ya status lately?


~Space Weather Update~ Solar wind stream should arrive end of March~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 09:14



CELESTIAL TRIANGLE: They're at it again. Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon are in conjunction, forming a bright triangle in the sunset sky. On Sunday evening, March 25th, Alexandre Croisier photographed the trio from the Pointe of Dinan in Brittany, France:


"They are easy to see with the naked eye," says Croisier, "and they look great through a telescope, too."


The triangle will appear again on Monday evening, March 26th, although the vertices will be shifted as the Moon glides from Jupiter to Venus. Observing tip: Look before the sky fades completely black. Bright planets are extra-beautiful when they are framed by twilight blue. Sky maps: March 25, March 26.


The Last Shirt You Wear Has No Pockets

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 07:23


This is the German translation to "You can't take it with you when you go" and I like it better, it produces funny visuals in my head of people trying to stuff their house, their Mercedes or even their children into their shirt with no pockets.
Those things won't fit dear ones. As much as you may "want" to take those things with you, it simply will not happen. It may bring you comfort to understand the difference between "want" and "need".

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