Jelaila's Weekly Messages~ The Magical Power of Play, Fun and Joy~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 14:39

Jelaila's Weekly Messages Council banner

The Magical Power of Play, Fun and Joy

Was thinking about what to write for this week's message and being stumped, I decided to call Julie, a good friend and muse.  It took me a few minutes to make the call because I had been playing with the dogs and also checking into MyTown 2 on my IPhone (downloadable through the Apps store) and wanted to finish up first.  As I was dialing her phone number, I thought about just how much my perspective on play had changed in the last six months.  Being a recovering workaholic, the idea of spending lots of time with my dogs and/or playing games would have been considered illogical and inefficient--a total waste of time.  It took my brother's death and the intense grief that it triggered to help me see the importance of play and joy.  

Multi~Dimensional Message from El Morya ~Feel your Multidimensional SELF around you

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 14:27

Excerpt from The Multi~Dimensional News with Suzan Caroll Ph.D~


~Closing Message from El Morya~



~Feel your Multidimensional SELF around you and unconditionally love the embryo of the New SELF within you~


All the Ascended Masters entered into the frequency of Group Mind[Heart] at the point of their ascension. Up until now, we have spoken as individuals to make our grounded ones more comfortable, but we will now address you as our plural expression. Many of you have already integrated your Multidimensional Group Mind[Heart], but your physical self is not aware of this integration. In other words, your Multidimensional Operating System is not fully online. Hence, it is still difficult for you to simultaneously hold more than one concept reality in your mind.


Allendale to Aninadzija January 23d 2012 ~ Huge Projects are Going on Behind the Scenes~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 14:22

Allendale to Aninadzija January 23d 2012 ~ Huge Projects are Going on Behind the Scenes~




[Hi Al, how are you? Have you got any burning news or info for us?]


That I do indeed. Well, here you go: there is a huge project going on behind the scenes right now ladies and gentlemen. It concerns your economic and finance system. Indeed the naughty boys have come to the realisation that their time of control has come to an end. Some of them are breaking up from the hard core illuminati and wish to join the reforming movement in the finance sector.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1~23~12 You Are Powerful~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 12:40

Message from the Galactic Federation 1~23~12 You Are Powerful~


~Through Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles~



Your journey here into the physical world of the 3rd dimension nearly completed, you now have multidimensional aspects of yourselves to place within your vessels in which to experience the multidimensional universes. You have experienced throughout your many journeys many different aspects of yourselves, and have undertaken many roles and have undergone many challenges and hardships to build your multidimensional essence. You are now a multi layered, multifaceted being of immense complexion and capabilities. We have told you that you were all much more than you could ever imagine at this time, and now you are beginning to discover just what was meant by those words.

Radio Ann ~ Council of Twelve 23 Jan 2012 The Goal Is Transformation~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 12:34

Radio Ann ~ Council of Twelve 23 Jan 2012 The Goal Is Transformation~



We are the j. We are here to say hello to you and good morning. We hope you enjoy this day.


There is no such thing as an ordinary day. Every day is extraordinary and you are here to participate and to witness it. Every day is a chance to learn, grow, be, do, act, think, change, appreciate, give, get, love and be loved. How amazing is that? And no day is ever the same as the one before or ahead of it. 


How many days you will experience in this lifetime is up to you. You have made an estimate of the length of life you will lead before your incarnation, but the actual moment of departure is up to you, even if it appears to be accidental or for some other reason. We choose. We choose it all.


~The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis~Galactic Love Reporter Celia Fenn~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 12:16

~The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis~
 ~Galactic Love Reporter Celia Fenn~


I have been asked by Archangel Michael to write this article in order to help the many people who undergo the experience of a rapid shift into multi-dimensional awareness, or, the shift from the Indigo state to the Crystal state of consciousness.

There are people who make the transition in a relatively gentle way, but there are many who experience a crisis when this happens. These are usually the people who have chosen to open up to the higher dimensions. This choice is not made logically by the rational mind, but is rather a soul choice made in response to the available transitional energies of the Earth herself. So, sometimes a person is thrust into psychological, emotional and bodily changes for which they can find no logical explanation. This can cause a crisis. My experience has been that orthodox doctors and psychologists are of very little help as they have no idea of what the person is experiencing. When tests come back negative, the person is often considered to be hysterical or ungrounded or even schizophrenic.

~Stress Solution: Joy, Laughter, Fun, Love~Message from the Great White Brotherhood

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 12:05

~Stress Solution: Joy, Laughter, Fun, Love~


~Message from the Great White Brotherhood through Galactic Love Reporter Patricia Beirne~


Dear Ones,

“Weather the storms.” That is what you’re being asked to do right now. Bend like the willow in the wind. Expect the unexpected without fear. As the days continue to fly by, and weeks turn into months you wonder where the time is going? Everything seems to be moving so fast.


Though the Earth is slowing down in her movements and repositioning herself, time seems to be speeding up. Most of you feel you never have enough “time” to do the things you want or feel the need to do.


Many feel like you’re running out of energy. Fatigue is plaguing you, and your physical bodies are showing increased signs of stress. There is a lack of patience at many levels; irritability and agitation make you feel at odds with those you love most. Remember, judgment defeats, criticism destroys. Love and understanding will comfort and see you through these trying times.

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