David’s Contribution to Our Understanding~ Steve Beckow

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 10:44

~David’s Contribution to Our Understanding~

2012 January 23
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member  Steve Beckow


David Wilcock’s latest instalment of his unfolding article on “Financial Tyranny” definitely will not appeal to or interest everyone.


However as a history of the Illuminati, of its connections with Freemasonry, of its plans to cause three world wars, and of the attempts by it and others to concentrate ownership of the world’s wealth in the hands of a few, I can’t think of another source that approaches it.


It brought up a range of emotions for me personally. Svali’s revelations were as far as I could get in my own study of the Illuminati in 2007.


The Master Jesus ~ Ascension to the greatest gift within

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 10:27

The Master Jesus ~ Ascension to the greatest gift within



Messages received and shared here come from spirit and even though spirit utilizes human/personality channels - it is this group’s view that messages from spirit are never meant to elevate or be claimed by the singular. The universe works in accordance to each and every ones need - so if you are reading this you are meant to have it. Please share accordingly.


through Michael Xavier for the Universal Service of Light

Universal Service of Light

Peace be upon you

Let us speak of concepts and interpretations therein.


Interpretation, especially spiritual interpretation, can be viewed in many different aspects, especially according to ones abilities of understanding.

Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for January ~ April, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 10:18

Weather Report Number Forty-Nine
Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms
for January ~ April, 2012



(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture, we strongly encourage you to read the OVERVIEW of 2012 first. We have included a great deal of information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the year. We will not repeat that information.) *** http://childrenoflight.com/overview_2012.htm


We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other year we could mention... a year of major prophecy and change.


"The end of the world" as we have known it... What does that mean? it is a time when energetic shifts, as well as the transition of cycles will create more transformation, endings and beginnings, than anything we have ever known.


IN5D.Com – Anonymous Judge Blows The Whistle: America Is Nothing More Than A Large Plantation And ‘We The People’ Are The Slaves – The Vatican Led Illuminati Matrix And US Constitution- 23 January 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 09:57

IN5D.Com – Anonymous Judge Blows The Whistle: America Is Nothing More Than A Large Plantation And ‘We The People’ Are The Slaves – The Vatican Led Illuminati Matrix And US Constitution- 23 January 2012


The hidden truth behind the formation of America

The following article presented in three parts, starting today, was written by a former judge.


He doesn’t reveal his full name, but the information contained within the writing is well-worth reading and digesting anyway.

It is worth reading because it should stimulate your pursuit to understand the truth behind the formation of America.

This is important since Americans have long been deceived by the likes of men who followed in the footsteps of despicable characters like Ben Franklin, men who have hidden their Illuminati and Vatican connections behind a false veil of freedom and Christianity.

If anyone doubts what the judge has researched, just ask yourself why America has crumbled into fascism after only a little more than 200 years of so-called “freedom”.


Benjamin Fulford ~ Full ~ Update ~ Secret Government Regime Change In Asia Nears Completion, Satanic Cabal In West Crumbling ~ 23 January 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 09:04

Benjamin Fulford ~ Full ~ Update ~ Secret Government Regime Change In Asia Nears Completion, Satanic Cabal In West Crumbling ~ 23 January 2012


The Year of the Dragon officially starts today in the lunar calendar and the battle over control of the global financial system and therefore the future of the planet Earth is proceeding well for the White Dragon Society and its allies. In Asia, the regime change in North Korea has now resulted in concrete dialogue over reunification of the Korean peninsula and possibly even a union between a united Korea and Japan. The capital being considered for this planned entity is around Nara and Tenri City, South of Osaka. In the West, Interpol is steadily squeezing criminals like George Soros and Senator J. Rockefeller and something big may happen before the key January 31st accounts settling date.


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