This Teacher Doesn’t Believe In Tests And Lets Kids Decide What They Learn

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 09:22

One question – where was she when I was in school?!

One school in Maine is a little different from others in the world. Instead of standardized tests and a Christian-centric holiday schedule, each classroom has its own library and every religious holiday is celebrated.

Classes choose which subjects they learn about and which books they read – and get this, they go through about 40 each year, far above the national average for most adults, let alone children.

All of this is due to the brilliance of one teacher, Nancie Atwell.

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The Religious Mindset – Gateway to a New Dark Age

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 09:09

Dark ChurchZen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

There couldn’t be a more pertinent backdrop to this article than the soci0-religious marriage taking place on the world stage right now. The Jesuit Pope endorsing these global social engineering programs disguised as caring for an ailing planet is a perfect example of mass manipulation using religious mindsets and attachments is a clear demonstration of what is being perpetrated on mind-numbed humanity.

If only people woke up from this and similar programming we would have a different world overnight.

Sadly, most operate from preconceived, purposely placed paradigms and can’t see the forest through the trees, to put it lightly. Taking what they’re handed at face value is perhaps humanity’s biggest weakness, much like hungry, penned in animals heading to the feed trough for whatever is being offered.

There are very powerful dynamics behind religious belief systems. And they’re not nice. As is the case with all controlling influences, they’re designed to subserviate, subjugate and control, with the appearance of being oh so benign. All with very serious consequences; socially, psychologically and spiritually, cleverly designed to fulfill a hidden agenda.

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Evidence Mounts on Roundup’s Link to Liver and Kidney Damage

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 09:00

By Dr. Edward Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

One of the world’s most popular herbicide–Roundup–is making its way back into the headlines in regards to its health and environmental effects. Monsanto, the producer of Roundup (glyphosate), claims this herbicide is safe; however, study after study from independent researchers is showing the exact opposite.

A new research study is showing that small amounts of exposure – up to thousands of times lower than permitted in drinking water in the U.S. – can produce unfavorable and concerning effects in the liver and kidneys. Could this study be the turning point for finally phasing out Roundup in agriculture? Or will it simply be ignored and human health continue to suffer?

The Damaging Effects of Roundup to Liver and Kidney Health

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How To Build A More Positive Brain

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 08:09

By Debbie Hampton
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

While the idea of having either a sunny brain or a rainy brain is a little bit extreme, it’s not too far off base because optimistic brains actually do function differently than pessimistic ones.

As science has begun to unravel and validate the complex neurobiology of positive emotion and optimism, it’s been discovered that three brain regions play a crucial role in making and keeping you optimistic.

How Your Brain Makes Optimism

The prefrontal cortex (PFC), the “executive center” of your brain, guides your behavior, regulates emotion, and motivates you towards reward and away from pain or danger. The PFC also allows you to set goals and plan for and imagine the future, which are directly related to optimism.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 14, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 07:30

Many of you are doing a wonderful job of starting to recognize yourselves as the masters you really are. The next natural step from there is to start to recognize everyone else on the planet as a master, as well. It is incredibly encouraging and empowering to honour everyone as the experts of their own unique path. That acceptance supports the freedom to self express, which allows every person on the planet to grow and experience in the ways that are divinely perfect for them, and that, Dear Ones, is unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

What Matters Most To You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/13/2015 - 21:38

God said:

What matters to you is love, and that’s it. Oh, yes, you think wealth matters to you, looks matter to you, your position in the world matters to you, where you live matters to you, health matters to you. Yet all these matters, next to love in your heart, these other matters are not the most essential even as you may so well think so. The flow of love is the most influential factor for your awareness of well-being. There is no getting around this.

When all is said and done, what matters most to you is the love you have given and give now and the love you have been and are blessed with. Love has come to you from all parts of the Universe, and love goes from you to all parts of the Universe as well. What you amount to, beloveds, is your love. All the other matters you put great stock in do not light a candle next to love. Remember love.

Did I leave out mention of Me, God? Nope, for I am included in love. You want to be glad for your blessings, and I am your blessing along with your family and children and all that have carried you and that you have carried and supported all these years on Earth. I am your Supporter, and you are Mine. We love.

It is understood that there are times certainly when you have felt that you were denied rather than blessed. Be wary of comparing yourself to others. You tend to feel aggrieved when you see a disparity. Comparing yourself to others is a trap. Be glad that others have what they have. You can be glad that someone else has all wonderful things to be glad for.

11 Quotes From Buddha That Will Ease Your Soul

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/13/2015 - 16:27

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”

The teachings of many of history’s religious and philosophical figures are timeless, but are often mistakenly taken at face value. It’s easy to slap a quote on an image or a t-shirt and pass it around, but it takes deliberate thought to actually internalize the true meaning behind the words, and often these quick philosophical ‘bytes’ are passed over too quickly for this to happen.

It’s easy for us in this day and age to be “spiritual” by identity and pass it off well without ever truly living spiritually — without  recognizing and benefitting from what we can learn from having a spiritual relationship with ourselves and this world. Because of that, it’s common to come across a great deal of logical spiritualists and fake ‘new-agey’ type personalities that don’t truly live the core of what these great teachers have shared.

So I wanted to share my own perspective on the true meaning behind some of these quotes.

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”

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