Where Have All the Good Times Gone?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 19:17

God said:

What would make you absent yourself from Me as if I do not exist? Sometimes you may have shrouded Me in dark colors and pulled a curtain as if to close Me out, as if you could drum Me out of your thoughts, as if you could silence the beat of My heart and evict Me from your daily life or even the glory-filled heights of your life.

It isn’t that you want to do Me in, not at all. It’s just that you see Me as someone who is out to take your happiness away and perhaps browbeat you into behavior unbefitting a happy-go-lucky character such as you. Only, you are not so happy go-lucky, and you haven’t been in a long time, although you may try to persuade yourself that you are doing very well without Me altogether, even better perhaps than you would with Me in your patronage.

I am not your spoiler of good times. Good times used to be good times, yet now they may not be good times for you anymore. They are times that pass, yet something is missing. A meaning is missing. It seems that the good times are missing, or even that time is missing. Something has skipped a beat here.

Time doesn’t seem to stop any longer. It is just gone, and the hilarity is also gone, like the blowing out of a candle at the end of a birthday celebration. The celebration is over. Somehow something has trespassed on your good, and you can’t find your good. You can’t even pretend it anymore to yourself.

Dream-Like Autumn Forests By Czech Photographer Janek Sedlář

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 15:25

Janek Sedlar is a young self-taught photographer from the Czech Republic whose speciality is landscape photography with a surreal twist. He became a “serious” photographer only in 2011, and most of his captivating images were captured in his home region of Moravia and around the White Carpathians nature reserve.

“Inspiration I find in daily life, in NATURE, in my feelings and thoughts,” said for an interview with Interesting Photographers. “Being in these woods and meadows is a return to childhood, it regains my life energy and I am trying to share these moments with my camera, the process itself is like a meditation for me.”

Call of wandering


Read more... (theunboundedspirit.com)

These 8 Cities Just Abolished Columbus Day

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 13:06

Source: www.usuncut.com | Original Post Date: October 8, 2015 –

Following a growing trend, the city council of Albuquerque, New Mexico has voted six to three to recognize October 12th – typically known to most as “Columbus Day” within the USA– as Indigenous Peoples’ day in a new proclamation. Albuquerque has the highest concentration of Indigenous people in New Mexico.

In the past two months, eight cities got rid of Columbus Day in favor of adopting Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Three of those cities adopted Indigenous Peoples’ Day this week.

  1. Albuquerque, New Mexico – The city’s formal declaration”encourages businesses, organizations and public entities to recognize Indigenous Peoples Day, which shall be used to reflect upon the ongoing struggles of Indigenous people on this land, and to celebrate the thriving culture and value that our Indigenous nations add to our City.”
Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Day 145: You are a Living Library

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 10:18

YOU ARE A LIVING LIBRARY   Picture yourself as a hologram of original Source, completely whole. Know that you are not separated from Source; you are temporarily playing a part in a role you have chosen. Your role on Earth is important for all of creation, for it allows all to experience everything through you. Anything that has occurred can be accessed through the Akashic Records.

Each of you is a living library. As your body logs information during your daily walk, it is downloaded into the Records. Every action you take, every emotion you feel is logged. It is important. You are unique. Only you can experience things in the way that you do. These records are stored for eternity. There are many who live on faraway planets, yet are able to access these records for their personal enjoyment and to receive keys to create their world.

There is much value in everything you do. You are adding to these Records every moment. They are rich with information and resources. These Records are open to you at anytime for your enjoyment and enrichment.    Selamet! Chicchan 2

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 145 at: https://mayanmessages.wordpress.com/days-144-156/   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

New Moon In Libra: New Beginnings In Relating & Striving For Balance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 10:12

We will be having a New Moon in Libra on Monday, October 12th in the Americas and  on Tuesday, October 13th everywhere east of there. (12:06 am Universal Time). New Moons are the beginning of the 29.5 day moon cycle and signal a fresh start for the following month.

This is when there is no light on the Moon, but the beginning of when the light slowly starts to increase again, becoming visible over the following days. This is known as the beginning of the waxing phase, which lasts until the Full Moon and is associated with growth, expansion, and unfoldment.

New Moons are a great time to plant seeds, set intentions, or perform actions in relation to what you would like to grow or manifest over the upcoming cycle. It is best to do this as close to the minute of the New Moon as possible, but it can also be done over the following 24 hours (click here to find out for your time zone).

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

When We Love an Addict – Courage and the Limits of Compassion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 09:55

By Jack Adam Weber
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

At some point in our lives, we are asked to show up for an addict. When we love or are attached to this person, the ride can be rough for us, for the relationship, and everyone involved. Addictions most often conceal emotional pain, some form of despair and self-dislike. They either numb physiological pain, or distract the addict on a psychological level. Most often, both physical and emotional denial and numbing are at play.

The damage that addictions cause is usually more damaging than what one feared facing in the first place. When we face a challenge, or pain, we fear dying. But the challenge usually presents a death and rebirth experience from which we can emerge more whole and healed, not a literal death threat. While we may fear the death of our sense of self, and avoid that reckoning through addiction, ironically, our addictions are what actually kill us. What the addict does to counteract fear is scarier than what he avoids. Presented with an opportunity, the addict misunderstands the opportunity and takes it as a threat to his survival, and ends up killing his life.

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New Moon in Libra – Creating Balance in the Outer World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/12/2015 - 09:44

By Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone
Contributing Writers for Wake Up World

In the aftermath of the blood moon tetrad and all the anticipation around possible global events, we are still here. But as the dust settles, and life goes on as usual, we are finding it ever more difficult to tolerate the outdated life and structures around us.

Massive internal shifts have taken place within each and every one of us: we are not the same as we were two years ago. Our paths have now been illuminated, and the next step in this beautiful cosmic journey is to step into devotional service to our ourselves and others. This New Moon in Libra brings with it themes of acceptance and integration, and the urge to create balance between our inner and our outer worlds.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

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