Daily Message ~ Saturday October 6, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/06/2018 - 13:10

Dear Ones, your increased sensitivities are indicative of the fact that you are embodying more love. The more love you hold, the more difficult it is to be exposed to the absence of love, and the more compassionate you become. As you get used to the greater expression of love that you are, you will learn to lead with it, and allow it to be the blanket of comfort it is both for you and for others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You Are Worthy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/06/2018 - 13:09

God said:

Beloved, now I share more with you about the freedom I desire you to manifest in your life. Of course, you’re aware that freedom may seem to be whisked away from under you. Whisked? More’s the pity as you seem to give your freedom boldly away. You seem to give away your life voluntarily without realizing it. You concede your rights in favor of another’s as if you have to be the good guy, which is the same as being over-eager to please others more than yourself. You are indeed eager to deed over your basic rights to others; therefore, to make yourself the good guy.

Hold On To Your Hats

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/05/2018 - 07:47

Hold onto your hats, you are in for yet another wild ride!  The incoming energy that has been bringing amazing changes will being to come in faster than ever before.  Some of you have been experiencing this on a very human level and others on a more spiritual side…both have their own merits.  This will also be a time when the gap between those just stepping onto their path will be quickly rising to meet those who have been traveling for some time.  It will, in turn, will bring more of you together to form an ever widening circle of light beings working toward a better world.  The days of feeling alone and ‘not quite right’ are coming to an end, dear one!  Stay grounded, maintain your boundaries and keep breathing…beautiful moments are on their way! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday October 5, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/05/2018 - 07:46

Dear Ones, faith and trust are the antidotes to fear and doubt. The more you nurture your faith and trust, the more peace, comfort, and acceptance you can anchor into your experience, and from there hold the space and be of service.

As you go along your enlightenment journey you will have times when you step out of your faith and trust but you will always find your way back home to that centre, time and again.  You will discover those times become fewer and fewer until you no longer have to leave that base in order to come back and rediscover it. You will have integrated the energies to the point where they are your solid base, your foundation, and the place you operate from. Faith and trust will become a natural part of your beingness.

So be easy with yourselves and understand that like everything else, the anchoring of faith and trust is an energetic process. The more you leave it and come back, the more it will become your preference. This is all part of your evolution and mastery, and part of your embodiment process as you come Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Second Thoughts

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/05/2018 - 07:45

God said:

Beloved, We, you and I, are Oneness replete. Invariably, I know where I stand with everything, whereas you tend to equivocate and dance around. You may find yourself sorry later. True?

I get My point across. I am firm. I know what I mean and I know how to say it, and I say it. Of course, I don’t stand on ceremony and deal with all the details you do. I get the show on the road. I know what I mean. I say what I mean straight out.

The Right Decision?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 10:49

How many times a day do you second-guess yourself?  During the next phase of the shift, information will be coming in hard and fast.  Although you have been told you always have plenty of time to make decisions (and this is true), some of them may feel as if they are being made ‘on the fly’.  Doubt may come into play as well.  “Did I make the right decision?  Am I staying true to my boundaries?  Am I interpreting this all correctly?”  You have always had the ability and power to hear/understand The Universe!  If it feels comfortable and true to your whole self, then you are know heading in the right direction.

A gentle reminder; a choice, when made with a balance of the heart and mind, will always be in your highest and best! ~ Creator  


Daily Message ~ Thursday October 4, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 10:49

Dear Ones, you simply can’t step into your mastery if you don’t trust yourself. Self love is the precursor to self trust. When you truly start to love and care for yourself, you know you can trust yourself to make choices that are for your highest good. While self love starts the process, self love and self trust, when employed together, are the dynamic duo when it comes to stepping forward as the empowered leader of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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