The Thousand and One Tales of the Arabian Nights

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/27/2018 - 12:15

God said:

Beloved, yes, there is a God sense in every land responsive to the notion of God.

In department stores of old, there were Notion Departments, as if ideas had their own departments. Of course, these notions were about pins and needles and certain kinds of sundries that are kept track of to this day, or, it could be that these days such departments are called outright sewing departments or, perhaps a customer might just call out across the room today: “Where do you keep your sewing supplies?”

Nowadays people aren’t so aware of other people going out on expeditions in search of God Himself so much any more as they once were used to coming across God out on a specific path or green field where God Himself might be found. This has happened on occasion on other climes, as you might have hoped to come across God, for, in this world, what has not happened now and again?

For Everyone

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/26/2018 - 09:11

As your growth continues, you will begin to notice the behavior of others.  You will often look and ask yourself, “Why are they doing that?!”  My dearest, it is not for you to judge.  Whether you are further along the path or lagging, you will each deal with what comes your way differently.  That is one of the beauties of being human! (Smiling) You do not have to condone or support another’s choices and decisions, instead it is best to be respect their learning processes.  Remember that Unconditional Love is free…and each of you is worthy and deserving of receiving it. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 26, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/26/2018 - 09:11

Shelley’s note: I rarely repost daily messages but I was guided to share this one again today. It’s so important for supporting us in moving out of fear into giving ourselves permission to shine brightly in our highest expression of self.

Daily Message originally posted on November 16, 2017

There is an old pervasive belief that says the more light you shine the more the darkness is drawn to you. Please hear us when we say that belief was created out of fear, to create more fear, and to keep you from shining in your full glorious truth and authenticity. It was an untruth designed to keep you constrained and out of your authentic power.

Let’s think this through. Have you ever seen the dark corners of a room try to snuff out a candle? The darkness has no interest in the light as the light transforms darkness. If the darkness was invested in itself, would it choose to expose itself to the one element that could threaten it?

Dear Ones, you are all a piece of God. How could anything be stronger than that? The only way a lower vibrating energy can truly affect you is if you give your power away and allow it to do so.

So shine. Claim your glorious energetics and allow them to shine brightly, unimpeded, without fear or worry, for the entire world to see! Shine as the beacon you are, knowing that you are the master of your own unique energy as an individuated aspect of Source energy. Not only is it safe for you to do so, it is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Magic Will Happen!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/25/2018 - 08:33

For those of you who feel as if they have been walking in a fog…do not despair!  Your Earth-plane is going through some very intense social changes that have been muddying the waters, so to speak.  With the completion of the season will come new clarity.  Those who are jumping from one side of the fence to the other, will be able to see things as they are, not as they are perceived.  Yes, opinions will still have as much weight as people give them, however, they will be tempered with a visceral understanding that not all is as it seems.  The Universe is (and has been) taking steps to bring balance back into the equation.  It may be challenging to wait while this happens, but when the veil is lifted, magic will happen. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 25, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/25/2018 - 08:32

For enlightening human beings, how you interact with your family members and significant others can be the most challenging area to transform.  This is because it is the area where your conditioning is greatest, and old habits can be well established, running automatically without your conscious awareness.

So how do you address this? Just like with any other area you wish to evolve, with intention, your true desire to change, and greater awareness. The key is to step out of automatic responses, into more conscious interaction. Try to be more aware. If you catch yourself reacting unconsciously, stop and feel into the situation. Is this an old pattern that doesn’t even match who you are anymore? How would you like to approach this now, based on your latest level of attainment?

If you have already reacted in an old way that doesn’t match how you would like to approach things now, simply address it in that moment. Apologize and readjust. This is a powerful act of shifting the energy.

Consciously practice empathy for your loved ones. Try to look at them with new eyes and feel into their perspective. Take an observant role. What are they afraid of? What are they struggling with? What do they need to feel safe and loved? What can you do to break the old pattern of interaction?

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