
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/01/2018 - 13:37

With all the changes going on right now, you may feel yourself behaving like a deer in headlights; frozen, stock still, unable to move.  Please remember that this feeling of fear is only temporary.  Once the incoming information has been processed accordingly, you will be able to make decisions that will help in your forward safely and comfortably.  Please do not let these momentary glitches keep you where you are.  You are strong, you are beautiful and you do have the power to change. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday October 1, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/01/2018 - 13:36

We understand that it is a large leap for human beings to accept the importance of being over efforting, yet that is exactly the phase of your transformation process you are in. The more you can embrace the simple and profound power of your beingness to effect great change, both for yourselves and for the collective, the more you will allow it to shine and lead the way. Further, it is from prioritizing being over forcing that you will start to truly harness the energies to assist you in your journey, and become far more supported and efficient in all that you do. It choosing grace, ease, and joyful service. It is the monumental shift from the busyness of the brain to the peacefulness of the heart, and from there all the greatest co-creations are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Life on the Run

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/01/2018 - 13:36

God said:

Beloved, We speak from the depths of Our One Heart and Soul. There is nothing else to say, for We are One in Truth. There is no other to speak of.

True, there is a certain amount of blither and blather that goes on in the world. Take it with a certain grain of salt and a certain amount of common sense or nonsense, as the case may be.

You don’t want to pretend away life. You want the simple truth and nothing but the truth. You have had enough of tom-foolery in one form or another. You are sure you want no more of it. You want the real thing and to be finished with all the knock-offs and dithering-around.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 09:54

When conversing with and asking The Universe to bring certain things to your life, it is important to be very, very specific.  Broad statements regarding soul-mates/twin flames, new opportunities, being heard and understood will, indeed, be provided in abundance! However, without specifics, you will be provided with a wide range of experiences…some of which may catch you by surprise. (Smiling)

Imagine yourself the captain of a boat and The Universe as the wind that guides.  You choose which direction you will go (in full accordance of free will) but, you also have the power to determine the wind strength, direction and storms or fair skies.  Again, you determine, you choose and you direct.  And, most importantly, you are supported on your journey – choose wisely! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 30, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 09:52

As you come out the other side of your summer of transformation, new inspirations may be dropping into your awareness. This is wonderful, and a result of the work you have done! What this may involve is suddenly going in a completely different direction than what felt aligned to you only a few months ago. Many of you will be shifting into new timelines that are available to you now, or that have always been available to you but you are now ready to choose, that match your newfound energetic state and the next phase of your incarnation.

Because things have felt heavy for so many of you for so long, it can make you feel as if something is too easy for you if it feels too light. Please know that working within the energies of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is how you navigate in the new energies, and it will feel much easier than the old ways of struggle and effort.  Trust in the new heart-centred navigation system. If you feel excited, energized, and supported by new ideas or locations that is your soul giving you a resounding yes. You can never, ever make a mistake as long as you are following your heart and making decisions based on what feels best to you one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Yes, You Appear Right Here before God as My Witness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 09:52

God said:

Beloved, do you perhaps look at Me, God in Heaven and on Earth, as some kind of insurgent in your life, as if I am here to disrupt you or to intercept your life, as if I am not to let you be in peace, but rather that I may be an Almighty God here to shake you up?

The Hard Stuff…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/29/2018 - 18:37

Between now and the end of the year, many interesting things will be presented to you.  As your Earth plane continues changing in drastic ways…things you feel you know may be challenged and, quite frankly, may include some very painful lessons and realizations.  Your first reaction may be one of indignation, feeling wounded or being angry; these are perfectly acceptable.  You are being invited, in a very real way, to look at exactly what you are responsible for in these instances.  It can also be a very stark reminder that these particular moments are exactly what you have been asking for even though they have arrived in a very unexpected way. (Smiling)  The Universe is asking to you take the time to examine them so they can be safely released with Unconditional Love.  Use these experiences in a constructive way and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are making great strides forward. ~ Creator

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