John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 08:35

John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You


John Smallman’s Blog | February 26 2012

Many of you are feeling down and depressed as it seems that your awakening is not getting any nearer.  You feel that you have been holding the Light, changing your attitudes, practicing loving behavior and yet nothing is happening that indicates your efforts are in any way effective.  Remember, the illusion is fighting for its existence, it is a collective egoic structure that is maintained by fear, suffering, and violence, and what you see happening, if you focus on the bad news around the planet, are its death throes.  It is making its last desperate efforts to renew itself, but its foundations are crumbling prior to its inevitable collapse.  Continue to have faith in God’s divine plan for you to awaken into the brilliant Light of eternal day where all that has caused you pain and suffering will be gone, leaving only Reality, Love, the absolute bliss of being one with your Father, complete, joyful,and forever at Peace in the enlightened Knowledge of His loving embrace.  Then all will be clear and all shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you.


Hilarion's Weekly Message February 26 ~ March 3, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 08:28

Hilarion's Weekly Message

February 26 ~ March 3, 2012



Beloved Ones,

As you go through each day in your daily activities, please understand that all that you think, feel and do has its reflection upon the malleable astral plane and this in turn has influence upon the atmosphere surrounding Earth and affects the All through it. This is why we advise you to become cognizant of the need for self discipline and self responsibility. You are walking the Earth now as powerful energetic Beings and everything you do makes a difference. When we say that your Light makes a difference, we mean just that!


The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 92 Letting go of all Fear

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 08:24

Let us begin this missive by saying that although many of you have already started to feel the separation growing ever stronger, now this phase will certainly start in earnest. We have just discussed the fact that you will enter the state of separation that also contains certainty, in other words, this feeling of unease that has so far accompanied this feeling of separation will now start to dissipate.


The Galactic Federation on Ego Death

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 08:12

The Galactic Federation on Ego Death


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


Commentary from the Press~ We would Just like to reinterate that you do not have to take anything for the death of the ego to Awaken. However, there are certain tools you can utilize effectively~


Dear beloved ones, we contact you through a new channel today, as he is very eager to receive messages for the good of all. Today we are going to discuss the inevitability of the loss of ego.


~Space Weather Update~ CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS:

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 08:02

LOOK WEST AT SUNSET: Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon are beaming through the evening twilight, forming a bright triangle visible through city lights and even thin clouds. Try to catch them before the sky fades completely black. The trio surrounded by twilight blue is an especially beautiful sight. Sky maps: Feb. 25, Feb. 26.


CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS: A coronal mass ejection (CME) launched from the sun on Feb. 24th appears set to hit both Earth and Mars. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should reach Earth today, Feb. 26th around 1330 UT, followed by Mars two days later. Click to view the CME's animated forecast track:

The cloud's impact could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm, so high latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


Awakening ~ The SUN sends us information

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 05:19

Though this may seem difficult to believe, the sun sends us information. Just like data is sent through fiberoptic cables full of light. Light 'carries' consciousness and information. Our ancient ansestors knew this, which is why I believe they were always depicted with the sun. But they do not appear to be 'worshipping' the sun. Take a look and see for yourself! 


Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 02/26/2012 - 03:19

Maybe you haven't noticed, many haven't - yet! But soon it will be unavoidable! As I've been saying, the Lights are coming on all over. Even as the dark in their machinations to hold onto the rudder of the doomed ship of state flail about, the higher verdict has been rendered. The die is cast. As a sovereign representative of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I proclaim the Day of the Lord. For the workers of iniquity, it is a day of darkness; and for the people, it is a jubilee. Watch as events continue to unfold, as the people continue to awaken, and as the house of cards built on sand by the Illuminati comes crashing down. Indeed, the tide is turning for all humanity.

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