Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 15:55

Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012

Greetings, beloveds. I come before you today to bring you information on your Ascension. All over your world there is much shift. Many are feeling it as a kind of dropping in energy, but do not worry; this is normal. You are making way for your new upgrades and downloads to go online, so to speak.


Gather yourself often into the Now. By this I mean take yourself into the Present by taking three deep breaths and feel everything with all your senses. Do this often in the day. Feel the love and joy well up in your hearts when you do this, dear ones, and just sit with it. Feel nothing being required of you but this in that moment.

Feel your Light expand out in a pulsing bubble all around you and out into your surrounding Aura and then imagine, if you will, everyone around you bathing in it, out ad infinitum. You may want to ground yourself while doing this and don’t forget to give Gaia a good dose while she supports you!


Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0 2012 February 25

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 15:50

Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0

2012 February 25

Reposted from Sept. 5, 2011

by Steve Beckow


Looking over David DeGraw’s article, “Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street: As Reality Finally Hits The Financial Elite,” which Pat published yesterday, (1) I’m struck by two things.

In discussing them, I have to acknowledge that I don’t claim deep understanding or awareness of financial matters or indeed some of the other matters that I’ll refer to tangentially. What I wish to relay more is just my sense of things.


The more I read about the cabal’s forward motion in any area – finances, police, military, UFO cover-up, pharmaceuticals, pandemics, whatever – a few things seem to leap out at me.

Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock UPDATE From Big Island ~ Something Big Is About To Happen ~ 25 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 15:36

Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock UPDATE From Big Island ~ Something Big Is About To Happen ~ 25 February 2012

Kauilapele : Thanks to Jordon of RumorMillNews, I was made aware of this update. David and company are currently here in Kona doing a Convergence conference. And indeed, there is a grand convergence occurring at this moment. Pele has a remarkable way of burning away the old, the dross, and whatever things (even the seemingly new and seemingly “good”) that get in the way. This destruction, burning up of this dross (unnecessary-any-more baggage) clears the way for the new plant and life to grow.


There are several Hue-man Hue-woman beings at this conference (I am not one of them) who have strong star connections, and connections to Native Americans, Hawaiians, Quanyin, Archangel Michael, et al. There is a portal being manifested for the New Earth that has not been able to be placed here… until now. More on that later. On to the David update.



The only truth is unconditional love, everything else is illusion ~ Skyler Newman Earth Journal – February 23, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 15:18

The only truth is unconditional love, everything else is illusion ~ Skyler Newman



Earth Journal – February 23, 2012

I write this message out of love. I know the day comes soon when I will be free to pursue whatever wish I desire in a non-hostile environment. Living on this planet is unbearable, as the majority of inhabitants display aggressive, self-serving, egotistic, and superficial behavior. I have known for many years now that these traits are simply a bi-product of the fear-based indoctrination methods that are being projected upon the humans of Earth, but that does not make it any easier to exist in the lower frequency energy patterns that these behaviors produce.


Also, it is seemingly impossible for most Earth humans to comprehend the possibility that there are those of us on this planet in human vessels whose souls originate from other star systems and are extraterrestrial in nature. There are many of us here, the starseeds and lightworkers, who have come to Earth as volunteers to assist the planet and its inhabitants in their ascension to fifth dimensional frequency.


Bill Ballard ~ 40~Days Collective Focus To Manifest New Earth ~ It’s Time To Shift The Collective Illusion ~ 25 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 14:57

Bill Ballard ~ 40~Days Collective Focus To Manifest New Earth ~ It’s Time To Shift The Collective Illusion ~ 25 February 2012

Much has been written recently about the necessity of collectively joining together in unified focused thought to shift world consciousness – to shift our collective illusion to a higher vibrational timeline. With that in mind welcome to the 2012 40-Day Event!  2012’s 40-Day Focus is about dreaming our wildest dreams to create heaven on new earth.  In 2012 our goal is to merge into One and tap into unified field consciousness – the Unity Grid. This is how we create new earth – heaven on earth – and the prophesied 1,000 years of peace.

40-Day Events (2009 – 2011)


Since the 2009 40-Day event we have seen ripple effects transform the Earth, bringing large numbers into the awakening and ascension process now being experienced.  8,000 were required in 2009 to join together and make manifest the intent of that first event. The 2009 event intention activated our heart chakras and required we spend as many of those 40 days devoid of negativity. We focused on shifting consciousness from head (ego) to heart (love). We knew that to change the collective we had to first change ourselves. We knew the square root of 1% of the population is needed to shift humanity as a collective. With ~7 billion individuals it takes roughly 8,000 unified on a particular thought to shift collective human consciousness.

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