Ann Albers ~ Message From Ann And The Angels ~ 25 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 11:38

Ann Albers ~ Message From Ann And The Angels ~ 25 February 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

You are never without love, never without help, and never ever without the resources that God wants you to have to assist others. God is never far from you for God is the presence and the love that dwells within you and indeed within all of creation. When you help another, God is helping another through you. When you receive from another, you are allowing God to serve you through the hands and heart of another. Don’t block the flow of love dear ones. Give and receive as you are guided, for this allows God’s love to flow unobstructed throughout the universe.


There is an old adage that it is better to give than to receive, and yet as you give your receive, and as you receive so too you give. If you did not need the assistance of your plumber, day care provider, accountant, or lawyer for example, he or she would not have a job. If you did not appreciate beauty the artists in the world would not have a purpose. And so by receiving fully the services and love that another has to share, you are giving them the love and acknowledgement of God. God is working through you, saying to them, “Thank you for being who I created you to be. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents as guided. Thank you for blessing me today with your Presence.”

Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Transcending Fading Densities, Ancient Extraterrestrial Contact And Encoded Messages In The Dreamscape

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 11:37

Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Transcending Fading Densities, Ancient Extraterrestrial Contact And Encoded Messages In The Dreamscape – 24 February 2012

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image



You are progressing along your ascension paths wonderfully, and while doing so you are laying the energetic foundation for your further exposure to more pure realms of consciousness. Now that you have begun to learn through other Divine sources of energetic imprints and the power you hold through your various interactions with things which you leave your own energetic imprint on, it is time to build upon that foundation of knowledge, to let you know the significance of a cleansing, of a purging of sorts, of all of your subtle as well as your physical bodies.

Lisa Gawlas – Psychic Purging – 25 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 11:33

Lisa Gawlas – Psychic Purging – 25 February 2012


There is a cleansing taking place like never before.  A full and massive releasing of the discordant energies.  This is taking place at the core of humanity and not a human on earth is being missed.


If you can look at it like the inter-connective strings that bind us all together in oneness has been plucked.  Think guitar strings.  The purpose of the plucking is a massive raise in the vibration of the planet, all of the planet.


One Feb 15th (give or the string that kept humanity separate and discordant was plucked so hard it snapped and is being removed.  Yesterday I heard this as a “psychic purge.”

Everyone is feeling it in their own ways.  For me personally, my ears have been ringing at a consistent octave that is really annoying.  Even that pitch osculates in my field of hearing from so loud it drowns out the surrounding sounds to relatively mild.


Sixth Man On The Moon Edgar Mitchell Ends UFO Cover Up.flv

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 06:32

Sixth Man On The Moon Edgar Mitchell Admits Aliens are Real - Former astronuat Edgar Mitchell is convinced extraterrestrials have been observing our planet for some time.

"They are still here", he says.

Mitchell states that one of the reason for the UFO cover-up has been fear. He says that it is time this ongoing denial and cover-up ends.


Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 06:25

As the world faces judgment, all of us will witness sweeping changes taking place. Those that have been paying attention have already seen the reports in major news stories of people in high places resigning. There are also anomalies of strange sounds, unusual weather and unpredicted sightings in our skies. The governing agencies seem more blatant than ever as they threaten our health and freedoms in an obvious attempt to generate fear. We may not be able to see desired results in individual circumstances; yet those who can see beyond the surface know that we are witnessing the collapse of the old and the birth of the new world.

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