Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 30, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 09:10

Manipulation is creation without faith, so its outcome, because it is fuelled with controlling energy, is never as wonderful as the universe would deliver if it was utilized to co-create and left to its own unfoldment. Further, manipulation can lead to karma in some instances, where faith based creation from surrender, flow, and intention, will always serve the highest good of all. A manipulator is simply a creator who hasn’t yet discovered their ability to create in an empowered and authentic way.

As we have often said, as your planet continues to evolve, control based ways will be less and less successful which will lead people to find methods to create and express themselves in new ways that are integritous and honour everyone involved.

It will be very obvious in the days, weeks and months to come, what is supported and what is not, giving evolving human beings wonderful feedback and the encouragement to choose new and exciting ways of joyful and satisfying self-expression and co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


Colorado County Moves To Phase Out GMO Crops

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 08:18

Source: www.naturalsociety.com | Original Post Date: March 20, 2016 –

County staff in Colorado’s Boulder County have been directed to draft a plan to rid county-owned land of genetically modified crops in the relatively near future. The directive was given recently (March 2016) by the Board of County Commissioners in the best interest of their people.

Under the current county cropland policy, adopted in 2011, tenant farmers are allowed to grow certain varieties of GM sugar beets and corn. But groups challenging the safety and health impacts of GM crops are eager to see them phased out. Advocates of non-GM agriculture fear that human health and the water, soil, and environment in general are negatively affected by growing biotech’s seed.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Sometimes You Experience That Blessings Come in Disguise

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/29/2016 - 19:26

God said:

Let Us say once again that what you see as a deterrent to your happiness may just as well be a blessing. There is that aspect inculcated from the past and the views of the world that surround you whereby you determine what is a blessing and what is not. When you can even admit the possibility that a development you did not want could be a blessing, you bless your life.

You come from a bias. You have two viewpoints. You call one view Beautiful and another view, Ugly. You call one matter Good and another matter Bad, and the whole world agrees with you. How, then, can you be mistaken?

Even as resistant as you may be, in afterthought, you may well come to see that what you thought was detrimental to your life turned out to be a blessing. You went through heartache and later saw that you had wasted your heartache on what later revealed itself as a blessing in disguise.

You cried your heart out. If you could go back in time, if you had been agreeable to not suffering, you might have leapt with joy, for now you see that you averted greater suffering.

Beloveds, this is not to say that you will always see value in everything at first glance. It has happened, however, that the lack of success in an area that wounded you so terribly became minor when a deeper tragedy occurred. In fact the lost success may have become impossibly minor to you. This points out to you again how relative life in the world is.

How Fasting Can Help You Live Longer

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/29/2016 - 17:58

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

The types and quality of food you eat influences more than how much you weigh. Food has an effect on your metabolism, insulin production, leptin release and a myriad of other hormonal and chemical balances.

Scientists are also examining the way fasting affects cellular and mitochondrial function, and longevity.

They’ve found the cells in your body react to fasting in much the same way as they do to exercise. In other words, when placed under stress — be it exercise or fasting–the reaction creates changes at the cellular level that helps extend your lifespan.

For starters, fasting shifts your body from using glucose as its primary fuel to fat, and being an efficient fat-burner benefits your health beyond weight loss.

Although much of the research is on fasting or intermittent fasting, the newer term is sometimes referred to as TRF (Time Restricted Feeding) which promotes eating in a narrow window of time, typically 6-8 hours.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

What Do You Choose?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/29/2016 - 08:20

You can choose to be the machinery that moves the human or the human that moves the machinery. The first is concerned only with what is readily visible and available, the other is able to see beyond the basic mechanics of your Earth-plane. Which do you choose to be? ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 29, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/29/2016 - 08:00

Dear Ones, in fast moving energies it is important to consciously choose to align in whatever way feels best to you on a daily basis. This way you will be cooperatively moving with the energies. Your willingness to accept, receive, integrate, transmute, and release will allow you to shift in more comfortable increments and minimize your ascension symptoms.

What do we mean by align? Anything that helps you still and feel your connection to Source. Prayer, meditation, walking in nature, sea salt baths, or simply sitting in quiet connection, all are activities that will help immensely. It is far easier to move a little bit at a time than to play energetic catch up.

It is also much more pleasant to shift with the assistance of your guides and helpers, who are always available to you in response to your simple request. That act of communing with spirit is showing your desire to work as a team, to bridge the energies between heaven and earth, and to joyfully participate in your divine evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel


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