All the Flowing Waters of the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 20:54

God said:

Let not your thinking and over-thinking be a handicap. Let your thoughts be blessings, one after another like beautiful princesses. Bless your life and the lives of those around you. This is how you become a blessing. You are My blessing given to yourself and to the world. You come from Heaven, and you return to Heaven. Despite your mix-ups, you have never left Heaven. You belong in Heaven. Despite anything, Heaven is yours.

Desist from fear. You are not fear's captive unless you say so. You can stop dueling with fear. When you carry the anxiety of fear, you tie your hands behind your back. You let fear immobilize you. Put fear in its place.

There are a lot of My children under the grip of fear in one form or another, yet life –your life – is not meant to be fearsome.

You don't have to live with the anxiety of fear. It is not essential to imagine fear. You have the ability to put fear in its place. Mull over immortality more than you mull over clipped mortality. No longer is it incumbent upon you to fear being mistaken any longer, nor are you to fear embarrassment any longer. You don't have to fear being alive. You can flow with love and love alone. Love has no equal. You have the capability to love like an adept. Love is within your reach.

My beloveds, what can We do to get you off fear and onto love? The fear track has made a rut in your heart. Come to the fertile fields with Me, and We shall dance.

Reimagining The Way We Teach History

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 12:19

Source: | Original Post Date: January 28, 2015 –

In this world that is so full of deception, finding the full truth is close to impossible. The propaganda machine is in full swing. The bought and paid for mainstream media outlets continue peddling lies and misinformation. Our so-called world leaders rally for freedom of speech while their war on dissent rages on. Everything is backwards. Civilians in Gaza are massacred by the State of Israel yet anyone who exposes these war crimes is deemed an Anti-Semite.

North Korea is accused of hacking Sony by the US Government and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, yet the US cannot produce any evidence of North Korea’s involvement.

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The 5 Stages of Awakening – Signposts and Pitfalls on the Path of Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 12:18

By Nanice Ellis
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

What does it really mean to awaken? It is fair to say that awakening is a journey from limitation to freedom — from unconscious to conscious. Whether you intentionally choose to take this journey or an unexpected experience propels you onto the path, once you start, there is no turning back.

It is true that the journey might be quite arduous at times, but no matter how long or challenging, the extraordinary destination far exceeds any bumps and bruises along the way. The end result of full awakening is freedom from personal suffering, clarity of mind, boundless joy, inner peace and the ability to live an incredibly fulfilling life. The awakened state holds everything we have ever desired, and so much more.

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Liquefied Seeds – Perfect Nutrition, Perfect Medicine

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 12:02

By Dr. Mark Sircus

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The fact is the seed is the source of all life.

The Budwig Center says, “Seeds may be tiny, but they’re packed with nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. They truly provide ‘energy bursting with life’.”

Dr. Johanna Budwig helped cancer patients that were very weak and in advanced stages of cancer by feeding them a mixture of freshly ground flaxseeds and raw, pure honey, every two hours. She understood the power of seed nutrition.

Now, this idea has taken flight and has evolved into a revolutionary approach to nutrition, medicine and healing — consuming seeds in liquid form. We are talking about rocket fuel nutrition so powerful and concentrated it will help to lift people out of the deepest pathologies.

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Am I Being Heard?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 10:30

There may be times when you feel that not a single person on the planet hears you.  You may speak and no one is listening.  You may be doing your very best to be understood and all you will get in response are blank stares.  Take heart, my lovely one; there is always One that hears, listens and understands what you are saying and going through.  Remember to breathe and quiet yourself….the responses to what you are asking are there. ~ Creator

How To Access Your Intuition (Gut Instinct)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 09:50

As someone who has often been led by her emotions, I can tell you that this is not the best way to navigate life. Emotions are important but ultimately unreliable when it comes to making decisions. Many people have made a decision because they felt like they were going with their gut, but it still led them down an unhappy path.

It is important to note the difference between illusion and gut instinct.

Intuition, or gut instinct, is from your divine self.

Intuition is void of emotions and can seem illogical because it comes from your soul, which is more than thought and emotion.

Tapping into your intuitive brain takes practice.

For those of you that do intuitive readings for others, you’ll notice that the moment you get too emotionally attached to the person you’re reading, you lose clarity. That is because emotions, although they can be beautiful, are hugely distracting.

If life is art, then emotions are the paint and your truth is the canvas.

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 27, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 09:05

We would like to say that your ascension symptoms could be seen merely as growing pains. Think of a child that is having a growth spurt. They have a greater need for sleep, they may be irritable, the may eat a lot, they may have aches and pains. You respond by giving them exactly what they need, reassuring them, and focusing on the positive aspect of it, growth, in a matter of fact way.

The same it is for you with your evolution. So many of you have wanted tangible proof of the Shift that is occurring on your planet. Most of you would agree that it is undeniable that something profound is happening energetically. As with all things, the Shift occurs internally before it is experienced in an external fashion. The child has the symptoms and then you can actually see the growth. The same it is with your planet.

These are wonderful and glorious times! We urge you to joyfully embrace the process with wonder and gratitude for these are the exact times your soul has contracted to experience and couldn’t wait to be a part of. ~Archangel Gabriel

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