Daily Message ~ Thursday March 24, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 08:10

Many of you try to constrain love, to label it, to mold it, to control it. What a huge disservice you do to yourselves when you do so! Love is a flow, an expansion. It seeks to grow and flourish, just as your soul does because your soul and love are one and the same.

When you try to label or force a relationship into looking a certain way, it is usually due to fear. You are looking for reassurances. But what if, by letting it define itself, you allow it to become far more profound, far grander than you ever could have imagined?

When two people come together in relationship, the two melding together become their own third energy. Allow your relationship to find its own flow. Understand it is the growth and expansion that will keep your relationship sustainable, while constraining it will deny it everything it needs to thrive. Once growth stalls in a relationship, the union will have lost its purpose and will start to fail.
Ironically, the thing you were hoping to avoid through your control, is the very thing that will happen.

If you can savour the perpetual unfoldment of your love, you will be allowing it to become everything it could ever possibly be, and then some, because it will be moving with the energies and continually given an opportunity evolve, and support, and honour, both people.

Oligarchical Collectivism: The Institutional “ism” That Threatens Our Very Biology

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 08:01

By Ethan Indigo Smith
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always… there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.” ~ 1984, George Orwell

Capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, imperialism, corporatism, authoritarianism, monarchism, postmodern colonialism, and whatever form of government “ism” you can imagine, all eventually degrade over time to become oligarchical collectivism — the kind of ism that benefits the powerful few at the expense of the powerless many.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Love Like the Sun Shining

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 22:02

God said:

Admit, you have sometimes had a habit of squeezing your heart shut. Whenever you are on the defensive, you stiffen. You tighten your heart. There are times when you are quick to cut your heart in two.

You want to be shown constant love, even as you withdraw your heart to protect yourself from love rushing toward you, perhaps from fear that love will later be pulled away from you, or that you will misinterpret the love you noticed all the while. You will resist being swept up in love, for you have undoubtedly learned the hard way.

Pulling away from love in your heart is definitely the hard way. You may see love like the Sun, and yet you worry about sunburn or a freckle. You veer away from the Sun which is, after all, your true sustenance. You evade and elude the Sun. You cover yourself up from the Sun.

In the same way, you veer away from being vulnerable to Love and a possible charade being perpetuated upon you or your perpetuating upon yourself. Oh, how you want a signed receipt of your love before it is easy for you to give it. You are not quite able to give your heart away for nothing.

Here is the delicate point:

Other people do not have to do anything. They do not have to reciprocate your love. You are not to slay your love before it even sees the light of day. Let everyone do as each perceives and each decides what comes next.

Are You a Bridge Between Two Worlds?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:44

By Christina Lavers
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Many of us, who feel we have awoken, currently find ourselves straddling two worlds. One is the old world, the one we all grew up in. This reality was imposed on us from the top down. In this version we are taught that life is harsh, there is much to fear. It is vital that we trust authority and for our own safety, accept being governed (aka controlled) by external influences. Immersed in this old paradigm we indeed look out and see so much that reinforces its dismal, restrictive perspective. This is a dog-eat-dog world in which me must struggle and fight to get, and hold onto, our piece of the pie.

In contrast, the new reality that many of us feel lapping at the edges of our internal horizon, is based on love, authenticity, and personal sovereignty. Those who have chosen to pay attention and listen to the whispers that blow gently on the winds of this inner landscape, discover the wisdom of our hearts and a truth that, unlike our increasingly synthetic external reality, feels right and good. When we ground ourselves in this new world we find our lives are no longer dictated by fear, instead we are propelled by a yearning for connection, authenticity, compassion and harmony.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:39

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Full Libra Moon/Lunar Eclipse is a powerful one!   For those of you who can see the stars in the sky at this Full Moon Eclipse….notice the planet sitting with the Moon….it is Jupiter!   I think that is a powerful statement from the Universe….Jupiter is about higher learning, religions and philosophy’s….it is also about expansion, Optimism and Joy!  It also has to do with International travel and laws.  The Libra Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is ruled by Venus (planet of Love) making it also about relationships of all kinds and love!  The Universe seems to be saying that during these turbulent times we are currently in……the focus internationally needs to be about…  Love and Peace! 

This Is Our Realm

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:38

by Zen Gardner

This is an important point to remember. This is our current and very real realm of existence on this planet. Our home.  Contrary to what we’re being told, that we’re a curse on this planet, we’re supposed to be here. Many feel helpless, especially in times of confusion and spiritual distress, but they needn’t be. This is rightfully our world to peacefully dwell in, no matter what physical, spiritual or dimensional energies assail us.

This is something to take great comfort in, but it does require awareness and vigilance.

Number one, we need to be as fully awake and aware as possible. This is where true knowledge and education come in. People have usually helplessly relied on religions and belief systems for protection and the forms of so-called redemption they offer up. The giveaway as to the futility of that, unless there is a real faith involved that surpasses the dogma and hierarchy, is the disempowerment it carries for the individual. People cling in desperation to rituals from hail Marys and confessionals to repeated prayers into the unknown for their safety and security in the whirling energetics to which each of us are subjected.

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