Who Are You?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 16:32

Who are you?

When asked this question, what do you think? What do you answer?

Take a moment and think about it.

Without much thought I would tell you I am a woman and a mother. I’m a writer and a dreamer. I can think of many adjectives I would use to describe who I am.

But wait. Without those adjectives, without those descriptions, would I still exist?

Yes, I’m pretty sure I would.

If this is true then that means I am in fact not any of those things or words I used to describe myself as. If I still exist without gender classification, without kids, without an occupation or dreams, then those labels cannot be who I am.

So I am back to trying to answer the question of “who am I?”

Read more... (rebmckown.com)

Does Language Influence How You See The World?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 13:51

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

The language you are introduced to affects the structure of your brain, influences how you see the world and who you are. But what if you speak two languages?

Can learning a language rewire your brain?

As our species evolved parts of our brain expanded, resulting in more computing power for language. It’s what makes us hard-wired for communication. What is perhaps more surprising is how language can shape our brains throughout our lives.

Most of the evidence for this comes from studies of people who are bilingual. Being bilingual offers widespread benefits across a range of complex cognitive tasks and it comes from distinct areas of the brain.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

So What If Life Makes You Stretch Yourself?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 13:50

God said:

All the time you protect yourself, and you think this is the way to go. What you are doing is likely preventing yourself. Preventing yourself from what? From life! Awake!

When you hide from life or hide yourself from yourself, you narrow yourself. You are stuck in a past image of yourself. You reduce yourself. You cut off your feet in order to fit a narrow bed you made for yourself. You are looking for comfort, and you choose tightness.

You are made to move along. You are not made to stay on the same rung of the ladder. You are meant to keep moving and keep growing. Be glad you can move up in order to see further. It is not to your benefit to stay the same. Life will get you out of your short bed one way or another. Life will give you a run for your money.

Whatever life may do, it won’t stay the same no matter how much you stamp your foot.

Why be stilted when you can be pliant and roll right along? Why be rigid when you can flex your muscles? Why close your mind when you can open your mind and discover new possibilities? Given only easy choices, you might never have ventured.

You will get through life. How you enjoy the sights you see and how you expand the world for others is up to you. Surely, you don’t want to be in a coma for the extent of your life? Why stop growing when you can blossom and do somersaults?

Shifting Language and the Information Shuffle

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 13:47

by Zen Gardner

So much can be told by language shifts. Both what’s being used more frequently in general as well as substantial new additions, and deletions, to the lexicon. This goes two ways. The controllers keep shifting their language and euphemisms to blanket their intentions, while the awakening community grabs hold of and proliferates empowering and revealing words and concepts that grow in usage at an astounding and truly inspiring rate.

This is a powerful manifestation of the awakening.

Just look how easily and readily words like Zionism, the matrix, the Illuminati, social engineering, transhumanism, freemasonry, psychopathy, cognitive dissonance, geoengineering, false flags and big brother surveillance are being used now. These were considered side line or taboo issues discussed by whack jobs not long ago. Now? They’re mainstays of conversation that bleed more and more into the mainstream dialogue.

That speaks volumes as to the effect the onslaught of true information is having. And something to be very encouraged and inspired about.


Five Practices To Help Activate The Heart Chakra

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 13:33

Energy healers tell us that love is the highest form of vibration attainable. It has the power to heal, to unify our soul, and to connect us to those whose paths entwine with ours, and surround us with a divine wholeness. But before we can bring love into our lives, we must first learn to attract love. How? By becoming love ourselves. We can do this by learning to live from our heart chakras: functioning from a place of all-encompassing love.

We must activate Anahata.

5 Non-Toxic Product Swaps For A Healthy Lifestyle

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 13:30

You don’t scour the aisles of the store looking for toxic products, right? That’s because no one is looking to harm themselves by being exposed to toxic chemicals that can wreak havoc on their health both in the short term as well as the long term. But unfortunately, you don’t have to look for such things, because the chances are, as you pick up your usual go-tos in the home goods, personal hygiene, and beauty products sections, they’re already filled with them. It’s a sad truth that is becoming increasingly apparent in our society, with more and more information being released on this very subject. From cleaning products to cosmetics and so much more, becoming informed will help alert you to the necessity of switching to the healthy alternatives.

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