Space debris expected to provide spectacular show on November 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/28/2015 - 09:21

An unusual object discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey in 2013 is expected to enter the Earth's atmosphere on November 13, 2015. The object, suspected to be of man-made origin, most likely a rocket body, will put on a spectacular show while passing through the atmosphere before falling into the ocean off the Sri Lanka coast, according to European Space Agency's (ESA) Near Earth Object Coordination Center (NEOCC) in Italy.

The discovered object was first observed by the Catalina Sky Survey in 2013, and has been seen on a few occasions since. It was named WT1190F and is orbiting Earth with a period of 3 weeks in a highly eccentric orbit. The object is of a low density when compared to density values of solid rock bodies, and is most likely a discarded rocket body, according to ESA's experts.

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Fight, Flight… or Fun? Turning Anxiety into Anticipation

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/28/2015 - 09:05

By Dawn Walton
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Did you realise the physical experience of being scared is exactly the same as the physical experience of being excited? The difference is all in the head.

It’s all based on the fight or flight response (this should include the word freeze, as that is also an option). The need for this response comes from the caveman days where in order to survive attack we needed to be able to respond instantly, without giving it any thought. Think about it: you are being attacked by a sabre toothed tiger – if you take the time to work out if your brought your best spear, or if you can outrun it on this terrain, then you’re dead. The fight or flight response is a primitive instant and emotional response to keep you alive.

So, whilst we have physically evolved and adapted for a modern environment, the brain is still working on a set of rules that come from the caveman days.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 28, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/28/2015 - 08:25

Imagine a human being who dazzled with brilliance but could not see their own magnificence. Imagine a human who was the embodiment of love but couldn’t imagine that their love could make a difference. Imagine a human being who had such a special and unique energy that it was beautifully adding to the wonderful mosaic of the whole but only saw their flaws. Is that human being you? Isn’t it time to finally acknowledge your beauty, your importance, your perfection, your truth? ~Archangel Gabriel

While the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/27/2015 - 21:31

Philip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

The powers that be are desperately attempting to institute safeguards to a system that is crashing. We just can’t have an economic model which funnels resources into the hands of the elite, and a social system that disregards an ethical and sustainable approach to the environment, without something eventually breaking. With their last breath they are creating secret trade agreements designed to implement a world government, yet there’s a growing community of awakening people that are discussing and designing innovative solutions to the systemic mess we’re in.

The masses have not yet awoken to the fact that we operate under a privately owned central banking system which maintains the monopolization of our monetary system for a dozen or so international banking families. In fact, I’m not really sure many of our so-called leaders – such as politicians, charity organizations and those in the public spotlight – have awoken to this insanity either. If we were to collectively recognize this, there is no doubt that we would instantly stand up and institute a banking system that is created for the people, by the people.

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Comet Lovejoy lives up to its name, releases alcohol and sugar into space

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/27/2015 - 21:27

A group of researchers have found that comet Lovejoy is emitting ethyl alcohol and sugar as it traverses through space. Their discovery adds evidence to the theory that comets may have "seeded" Earth with complex organic molecules which led to the emergence of life. 

"We found that comet Lovejoy was releasing as much alcohol as in at least 500 bottles of wine every second during its peak activity ," said Nicolas Biver of the Paris Observatory in France, lead author of the new research paper published in the journal Science Advances on October 23, 2015. The researchers also found that in addition to ethyl alcohol and glycolaldehyde (a simple sugar) the comet was releasing material that contained 21 different types of simple organic molecules including ethylene glycol, methyl formate and formamide among others.

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ESA's JUICE set to explore Jupiter's mysterious moons

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/27/2015 - 18:47

​Astronomers have always been fascinated by the gas giant Jupiter. A planet over 1000 times the size of Earth with 63 natural moons, 4 of whom are nearly as big as planets themselves, Jupiter and its moons are considered to be a mini solar system and are popularly known as the Jovian system. 

Jupiter's massive size and gravitational pull have led to some unique features on the planet's 4 largest moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. They are also known as the Galilean moons as they were discovered by Galileo Galilei in January 1610 and were the first satellites found to orbit a planet other than Earth. While Io is known to be extremely dry with over 400 active volcanoes, scientists believe that Europa, Ganymede and Callisto have subsurface oceans below their icy surfaces which may harbor life.

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The Truth of Free Will

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/27/2015 - 18:45

God said:

Certainly, you were born to your mother from her union with your father. Yet you go back further than that. The question hovers: What brought you to live here and not there? What juxtaposition brought you forth? From what planet were you brought forth? What series of events brought you where you are at this time and place? What exquisiteness of life made you exactly you and not someone else?

Out of how many molecules were you chosen as this particular formulation and not the one before it or after it?

It may be said that it is a question of chance, yet I have stated there are no accidents in the world even as it seems full of them. I tell you again that there are no accidents. You were chosen as you. Therefore, you were chosen, and you have a purpose in this Universe. Therefore, you have a service to perform. Therefore, you are valuable. That is a given. There is no riff-raff. There are no poor choices, no matter how it may look like to you.

Every birth is a Divine Birth Divinely Chosen. No matter whether you were well-received or poorly-received, this is true. I chose you. I was the first to choose you. And I choose well. You can not be an accident of birth. No such thing. If you were born to Earth, you were designated. You are supposed to be here.

You are limited only in that you will be a human being. Otherwise, the sky is the limit.

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