How to Use Smoke to Cleanse Negative Energies

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 09:00

Since humans have existed on this wonderful blue and green planet, smudging and the burning of incense has been used as a way to cleanse and purify the energy of spaces. While its practice has been most associated with that of indigenous tribes, religious and secret societies, and hippie or new-age subcultures, its use and its benefit belongs to all people, the way water and oxygen do, and can be used a way to provide greater comfort and ease within living spaces and shared environments.

Smudging is neither voodoo, nor magic. It requires no belief system or breaks from any known cultural tradition. The decision to smudge, burn incense or not is a practical one, really. It’s simply a matter of how free and clear of negative energies do you wish the spaces you spend time in to be.

Smudging is the burning of sacred herbs, with sage being the most commonly used. The smoke produced from its burning, or the burning of incense is what naturally cleanses and purifies an area of negative energies. When it comes to smudging or burning incense, it’s all about the smoke, not the flame. Smoke cleanses in the same manner as water, by dispersion and elimination.

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How to Clear Your Auric Field Using Salt Water

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 08:58

This salt water spiritual remedy has been used whenever an individual is feeling distressed due to negative (black) energies. As we all know, negative energies can create a variety of health problems such as depression, racing thoughts, malfunction of an organ which further leads to even more difficult issues like addiction, physical pain etc.

The salt water remedy is a powerful spiritual practice that fights against the negative energies and drains them out of your system. What’s most interesting, you don’t have to waste your spiritual practice in counteracting the negative energies at all. On the contrary, it will help you realize your actual spiritual growth.

When to Use the Salt Water

Since salt water spiritual remedy will help you remove those negative energies that are causing distress, performing the treatment on a daily basis is perfectly fine.

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 26, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 08:55

Dear Ones, in your pivotal relationships whether they be friends, lovers, healers, or spiritual teachers, we suggest you ask yourselves if these partnerships empower you, accept you, celebrate you, and create a safe space for you to grow and express your truth. We also ask you to examine if you give the same to others. Now is the time to consciously surround yourselves with people who remind you of who you really are, and encourage you to let that shine! Acceptance and unwavering support are aspects of unconditional love, the soul food that helps everyone thrive. ~Archangel Gabriel

How To Detox Your Life In 10 Simple Steps

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 08:34

Every single day we are exposed to literally thousands of chemicals. The inconvenient truth is that there are more than 80,000 chemicals available in the United States today that have never been fully tested for their toxic effects on our health or the environment. Many of these chemicals are known carcinogens and have been proven to have many other adverse health effects, such as hormone disruption. Unfortunately, the regulations for chemicals in the United States are pathetic, at best. They are severely under-regulated and companies continue to keep using them because oftentimes they are much cheaper than their safer alternatives.

The good news is, there is a lot you can do in your daily life to drastically reduce your exposure to these toxic chemicals. Here are the top 10 ways to detoxify your life.

1. Change Your Cleaning Products

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Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Scorpio 2015 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/25/2015 - 21:05


Sun has started his transit through the intense, watery Scorpio sign. The format this month will revert to the usual four topics, but due to time pressure I am going to use the ingress chart as the basis for the analysis. Will Sun entering Sagittarius finally give me a break? lol

The ingress chart is most interesting. Sun makes a conjunction to Apollon (Transneptunian) in the critical degree of Scorpio. It gives the impression of a magnetic, mysterious celebrity. This month is therefore somewhat geared towards more reclusive study and learning, although Apollon is also about making yourself known and presenting a persistent, upbeat image to the world. Apollon-Sun at 0 Scorpio is about presenting a powerful image of yourself, and teaching self or others in order to change your perspectives. Thus the Sun in Scorpio theme begins this year in a manner we will not experience again.

Super Full Moon In Taurus: Indulge Your Senses

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/25/2015 - 21:03

We are having Full Moon in Taurus on Tuesday, October 27th at 12:05pm Universal Time. It is a Super Moon which is when a Full Moon is closer to the Earth than normal in its elliptical orbit.

Full Moons are the peak of the Moon cycle, as this is when the light of the Sun completely fills the Moon and marks the beginning of the following 2 week period when the light starts fading. This is known as the waning phase. Symbolically, because this is when the light begins to recede, this represents a time of release. Full Moons are generally the most intense and lively time of the Moon cycle.

The astrological themes for each Full Moon can start to be felt in the week leading up to it. The events and circumstances that occur in our lives on the exact day usually challenge us. The Sun and Moon are opposite each other, so whatever signs they are in will most strongly influence the themes.

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Let Go of Checks and Balances in Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/25/2015 - 18:28

God said:

What do you really want? Become acquainted with yourself and know what you really want and go for it.

Everyone wants love. Everyone wants the blessings of togetherness. Everyone wants freedom. Solitude is also a need. Some crave peace, and some prefer commotion.

Yes, life in the world is made of contrast. Your desires are often opposites. Closeness and freedom. Togetherness and solitude. Peace and upset. This conglomeration of opposites does not make life a cinch on Earth.

Much of your time is spent in choosing. In the world, it has been kept a secret that you can really have everything. Mixed desires are two sides of the same coin, or you can look at mixed desires as a thermometer with a sliding scale. Where are you? Where do you want to be?

No one desires unhappiness - or do they? My dears, there are some who seem to thrive on unhappiness, as though unhappiness amounts to a feather in their cap.

Let’s look at joy now as something you give. How happy this approach would make you. What a difference this would make to you and to the world. Joy to the world.

What makes you happy? What would you like? Give out what you like. See what happens.

What makes you unhappy? What would you not like? Don’t give it.

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