
Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/27/2015 - 06:30

What are you doing right now?  Are you spending most of your time sitting and looking at your phone or computer?  The current way of your Earth-plane existence has set you up to be a passive observer of life.  Today, you are being invited to participate; get out into your world, look around, see what you can see and experience things first hand.  The marvelous brain you were gifted has the ability to store the sights, sounds, tastes and feelings of your involvement in a way that you can access any time you choose.  At the end of your time on Earth, what would you rather say? “Oh, I saw that once” or “That was one of the best moments I ever experienced”.  The choice has always been yours, my love!  Choose wisely. ~ Creator

Your Own Sacred Space

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 22:40

By John Holland

sacred-space_OMTimesAt one time or another we all need a break from the outside world, a place we can visit to quiet our minds, to renew our energy, and a place where we can commune with the heavens and our soul. Some prefer to go on a vacation or on a retreat; some prefer to go to a sacred location like a church, cathedral, synagogue or temple, or even the pyramids!

When I am feeling tense, disconnected, or when I need to meditate, I don’t need to always go to a location that’s far away, I can go to my own sacred space located right in my home, which is dedicated to my spiritual work. If you are lucky enough to have a whole room, that’s great, but if not, is there a corner or certain area within a room that you can dedicate to being your “sacred space?”

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Day 160: In a rut?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 20:43

IN A RUT? Know that there is more that you have to offer in life besides your daily routine. What is required is that you move out of your box and open the doors to the vast array of possibilities that are offered freely to you. You may need to turn off your television and other sources of information that keeps you bogged in the doom and gloom feelings of despair that are currently bombarding your energy grids.

Place your focus on your passions. Take time to ponder what you would like to experience. Look at these possibilities openly, without setting parameters such as, “It costs too much. I could never do that. What would others think?” Allow your thoughts to wander to things you once dreamed of. Ponder things that might give you satisfaction. Where do you wish to spend your time?

How much energy do you want to expend on current projects? Is there a talent you would like to express? Is there a project you would like to be a part of? Is there a skill you wish to hone? Set aside all of the negative reasons that keep you from moving forward. Begin to list the things that feel energizing and fulfilling. Research the steps you need to take to experience your dreams.

The Message Your Life Gives

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 18:16

God said:

Negativity. Negativity holds you back from fulfillment of your desires. You know that anger and resentment keep you in a place where it is hard for fulfillment to enter. When you carry a certain vibration, only what is of the same vibration can go there.

Sooner or later, your negativity goes away. It may even melt and return to good feeling. Nothing in the situation has changed but how you feel, and what a difference that makes.

You somehow get into a better frame of mind. You allow the opening up of new possibilities. If a water pipe is stopped up, the water can’t get through. This is how negativity works as well. It clogs your heart.

Is it clear what negativity is? It is hard-heartedness in whatever form it comes in. Anger is a common form of negativity. The release of anger lets you move forward. All negativity is a blockage. As your consciousness rises, negativity can be transformed. Negativity can be transformed because you stand higher and you see differently. Because you see more clearly, new understanding enters. This is not being good. This is not sentimentality. This is not effort. It is a natural event when you come to see through a different spectrum.

Your point of view widens, and it softens. Whatever offense you had seen and held onto, your rigidity about it melted.When you see more dispassionately, the whole configuration changes. You see from a larger view. You feel less disparaged, and you disparage the other much less. The disparagement just isn’t there any longer or so much there any longer.

Astrology Forecast for the 2015 Taurus Full Moon

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 15:40

By Kathy Biehl

October 27, 2015

5:05 AM PDT / 8:05 AM EDT / 12:05 PM GMT

3 Taurus 44 / 3 Scorpio 44

Possession is a theme of October’s 2015 Taurus Full Moon. The Moon is lighting up what we possess — money, talents resources — here and now in this earthly existence, and especially how we feel about all of it. The theme has another side, though: How and by what are we ourselves possessed?

Indicators of both ends of this spectrum have been flying the past week or two. They have teemed with significant milestones involving matters close to our hearts and bank accounts. Some situations have taken on firmer contours or solidified; others have felt the swift and irreversible whack of a machete. These milestones are key parts of the 2015 Taurus Full Moon, as the landscapes of our lives morph into foundations and structures that replace the chaos of the past three years.

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Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 10:20

What are you worth?  You may believe that this is determined by outside influences, but the answer lies within.  It is not up to others to decide this for you.  With the establishment of firm boundaries and a healthy dose of self-love, you will be able to discern what you are truly worth to yourself and those around you.  If you have these important ingredients, you will never allow anyone to sell you short again. ~ Creator

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 09:49

By Lissa Rankin, MD
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There’s a school of thought in spiritual circles that ascribes to the idea that everything that happens in our lives — the blissful things, the growth edge things, the horrid things — all happens with purpose. This spiritual teaching suggests that everything reflected in our lives is the result of our conscious or unconscious desires, and that when things aren’t going our way, it’s because the blueprint of the subconscious actually desires the very thing we think we don’t want. In other words, we may believe that we want to meet the love of our life, or we may hope to have the cancer cured, but if someone were to muscle test us or read the subconscious mind intuitively, we would discover that at the level of the subconscious, we’re actually terrified of falling in love because of a past heartbreak, or the cancer is meeting some core need for rest, connection, or freedom from a toxic job, for example.

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