Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira ~ The Pleiadian High Council ~ 3 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 14:21

Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira ~ The Pleiadian High Council ~ 3 May 2012

Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you today.


These are busy times for all of us. We have received our call to action and you are on notice that you may be called at any time. I have told my listeners that they will be informed about situations on a “need to know basis”. That means that things are constantly changing. I am closer than ever since I am on the Earth Council on leave from the Pleiadian High Council. This when we muster all of the ascension forces together. We have massive parades of ships from other star systems present. There is a lot of orchestration, monitoring and factoring in to consider. What is occurring on the Earth is complex. Our assignment along with the ground crew is important. We cannot leave out any details. We proceed as necessary.


Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 13:45

‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

Here we are, our daily sightings.

Fasten your seat belts while watching the first video...

and start getting used to it!

And thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.

Thanks sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.

Lee-Anne Peters – Twin Flame Q & A – 3 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 13:11

Lee-Anne Peters – Twin Flame Q & A – 3 May 2012

Twin Flames: Lee-Anne & Cory Peters

I am no stranger to the Twin Flame concept, in fact if you don’t know already my Twin Flame and I found each other a few years ago. We have an expanded purpose to help others in this area – however it’s not something we can focus a lot of time on these days.

Lucas ~ A Journey To Be One ~ 3 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 12:55

Lucas ~ A Journey To Be One ~ 3 May 2012

Maybe you are still thinking the New World Order of the dark ones is going to manifest. Or maybe you see the golden age unfolding with help from our celestial and inner-earth brothers and sisters in light.


There are welcome developments concerning enforcement of the divine decree for Earth that the dark ones have willfully disobeyed. There will be no World War and no major disasters. The few remaining dark ones continue to cause some havoc by attempting to spread fear through unjust laws, attempting to control the citizens, and spread negative rhetoric that speaks of war, seeks polarisation and spreads disinformative news over their owned mainstream media channels.


Some people (a majority) say “I do not believe the alternative. I do not see that happening. It is fake.”  All things told about the new golden age coming and abundance and peace is for them a lie. I have compassion for them. They still live in the dark ones’ well-kept shackels and cages and have not escaped mind control via mainstream media, and especially via television. They have not noticed the build up over the last 25 years of more and more control and restrictions on privacy and rights. They still believe the fairytales of governments and leaders wanting the best for them.


Scott Mowry: Historic Global Economic Transformations Moving Rapidly Forward

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 12:41

Major debt relief measures begin as prelude to mass arrest scenario while energy waves intensify from galactic center.


By Scott Mowry, Miracles and Inspirations, News – May 2, 2012


The transformation to a revolutionary new economic system for the world’s people has progressed into all-out, full force mode. Moving like a rumbling freight train down the tracks, it has become an unstoppable force and is finally on the verge of full implementation for the benefit of all mankind.

Signs of major historic changes are emerging nearly every day, around every corner, from all points across the globe.


Freeing the world from economic slavery is, at this time, perhaps the single most important objective to be implemented in order for humanity to move headlong into the long-awaited Golden Age. It will be the first of many stages that will totally emancipate humanity forever and allow for a completely peaceful transition onto the new Earth.


Mona Delfino on A Fireside Chat ~ The Sacred Language of the Human Body ~ April 28th, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 12:09

My Guest is MONA DELFINO, who delights us with another high energy show! Mona is a medical intuitive, vibrational healer and massage therapist. Her shamanic training brings an "earthy spiritual quality" to round out her numerous "extra sensory" abilities. In this show, we cover a vast amount of territory regarding the present and coming energies. We highlight the salient astrology of May, complements of our friend Mahala Gayle. And, we discuss new directions which are supplanting the old paradigms of the medical and pharmaceutical industries. We also touch upon chemtrails, Morgellon's Disease and how the soul chooses its path prior to incarnation for the highest good. This show starts with a Bang, and the ball goes way out of the ballpark! She goes into her new book, The Sacred Language of the Human Body. In it, she honors our mutual friend and frequent guest, now helping us from the other side, Dr. John Jay Harper. Find out more about client services and her new book here:

~The Transitionary Council Meeting Update~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:46

~Earth Allie and Transitionary Government Secretary Maia Pollen~


Earth Allie Dawn Christine Warriors of the Light

Beauty-full day gorgeous souls…

The council meeting yesterday took some interesting curves, allowing us to go deeper into our psyche, as we unfold every-where within every-thing,  releasing what does not serve our true design, our true being-ness, as empowered enlightened Beings of  Infinite love’s conduit here on this planet. Communication within humbled humility is always the truth expressing itself and we are in gratitude for all those who shared their “you’s”...

Lots of seeds have been planted on various levels the past 6 years, all preparing for what we are co-creating in unison now… the 144 thousand crystallized grid alignment.  The time has come where we all come forward from our individualized trenches and take our long-awaited positions/roles as One, as all our work(s) begin and become part of each other.  

Many wonderful events have taken place this week to “mark” our graduation into Love’s infinite gesture of grace “it is here” to impact planet Earth’s true heart into being-ness.  

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-3-2012 – Volcanos and EQs increased activity

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:33

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-3-2012 – Volcanos and EQs increased activity~


Greetings Loved Beings,

Mother Earth=Heart is increasing her volcano activity and her EQs activity. Western Turkey is the more shaken reagion today with an amazing amount of smal but constant quakes, in all the region reaching as far as Greece.

Keep focusing on our New Blue Star Planet as we transition into our New Reality of Love.

Use the 5-5-5 date not only to visualize Joy and Love and a smooth transition for all Human Beings but also for Our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart.

Thank You.



Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Removing The Cabal ~ 3 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:30

Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Removing The Cabal ~ 3 May 2012


Phase 1: Arrests

The Cabal has done so much damage to the society that it has to be stopped immediately. Arrests of the Cabal are the only course of action left. There are some New Age people against that procedure, saying violence only provokes more violence. They need to understand that this action is not promoting violence, but protection of innocent people from the sociopaths of the Cabal. Each day this does not happen, 25,000 people die of hunger because of the actions of that Cabal. Therefore action will be taken as soon as everything is ready and it will remove the Cabal from the society.


Phase 2: Adjudication

After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other.

Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing for humanity to see those criminals finally being held accountable for their actions. Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is reached.


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