Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 9, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/09/2018 - 08:14

Do you automatically so no to things? How many times a day do you say no with little to no thought? The more no is your go-to response, the more resistance you are in to life.

This is not to say that you should say yes to everything, because some things will not be your energetic match or for your highest good. We are simply suggesting you stop and fully consider things before you decide whether you wish to proceed with something or not.

So the next time you are asked to do something, why not feel into it? Is it really a no? Are you responding out of habit or in ways that matched who you used to be and may not necessarily match who you are today? Why is it a no?

There are so many times the universe attempts to bring new experiences to you that you may find very enjoyable that you simply won’t allow. If you check in with your body you will get a true answer. A true no will be felt by a lot of resistance or tension in your body, usually felt in your abdominal area. A yes will feel like flow.

If you are in between, why not give it a try? It may just end up being fun. A human being who consistently is open to saying yes to life is much easier to surprise and delight. Your yes responses make you cooperative with a universe that adores you, and add immeasurably to your expansion and experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/09/2018 - 07:00

During these times of change and the shifting/balancing of female and male energy there is much talk of ‘reclaiming’ your power.  The…one…thing…you…must…remember; it was never stolen from you!  Some of you chose to pretend it did not exist for safety’s sake, others have chosen to hide or hide from it or tuck it away in a safe space deep inside so no one could touch it except for you. (Smiling)
Here is your homework for today, darling one; it is time to remember where you put your power.  Bring it out, dust it off, reacquaint yourself with your Creator given gift!  It may be a bit scary at first, but it is possible.  It is your birthright, it is time and you can do it! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Monday January 8, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/08/2018 - 12:00

Dear Ones, your enlightenment process is one of accelerated forward movement followed by periods of integration. This is designed to allow your body and your mind time to assimilate into new energetic states of beingness. Both phases are critical for your growth.

Think of mountain climbers. They move steadily into higher altitudes in a phase of forward movement, but also know they must stop and make camp to give their bodies time to adjust. The same it is with you as you move into higher and higher vibrational states.

If you can embrace each phase of the journey as being equally important – of serving and supporting the other, you will find a much greater peace, acceptance, and balance in the process. All movement is forward movement, and staying out of resistance and in a space of trust in the divine capability of your soul to navigate the process will help you make the most progress with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Extraordinary You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/08/2018 - 10:00

For as ordinary as you feel at times, you possess a very extraordinary gift…the ability to love with depth and eloquence.  Other creatures on your Earth plane are capable of expressing this particular emotion, however, humans give a depth and breadth to it unmatched in The Universe.  In song, verse and action love, the way it was intended, is given life.  Embrace your extraordinary life! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Sunday January 7, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/07/2018 - 17:47

There is a pervasive belief that you will be tested in order for God to determine your worthiness. The idea that you are being tested implies that there is judgment - that you will either pass or fail. Dear Ones, there is no judgment towards you from the higher realms, only pure acceptance and unconditional love. We celebrate you exactly as you are. There is never, ever a time when you are not worthy or good enough or that you have to do anything to gain our approval.

The things you perceive as being tests are not to prove anything to anyone but yourselves. Your challenges are opportunities for you to discover your own strength, courage, and ability to love. They always offer expansion in order for you to know yourself in deeper and more profound ways. They are gifts for you to fully experience in new ways the depth of your faith, trust, and divine capability.

Further, they are never put upon you, but rather choices your soul makes in order to grow and to know yourself better. They allow you to experience the depth of your soul and your incredible capacity for expansion, and through that expansion, the universe also expands. You are always loved, supported, and encouraged through such times that serve to open you up to a more profound understanding of self and new levels of attainment, which will only serve both you and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/07/2018 - 11:00

There are many changes, many shifts within the current shift that are happening now.  It may feel chaotic, out of control and a bit crazy.  When you ask if you can weather the storm that is coming, the answer from The Universe will always be a resounding, “Yes!”  Just breathe, keep breathing and know that you are being cared for in the best way possible. ~ Creator


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