Joy and Striving Are Not in the Same Ball Park

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 18:44

God said:

The life you desire does not come from extreme effort. The world, as it appears, may say that you must work hard for everything. Yet working hard is not enough. As a matter of fact, working hard is often too much, for it wears you down.

Much of the good in life you receive arrives without effort. It happens. It just happens. You may not even have been looking for it. It pops up in front of you.

Clearly, it is not your effort that makes the sun shine and the rains to come. Ideas that come to you do not arise from strain. Straining prevents ideas from arising. When ideas arise, they pop up the way a daisy pops up. Joy often seems to arise as a by-product. You may well not have set up joy as your main objective and have been striving for it. How do you strive for joy? Joy and Strive are not in the same ball-park.

In order to chop wood, you applying yourself, and it is physical effort, yet chopping wood can feel good to you. By the same token, many who exercise in the gym apply themselves, and they sweat, and, yet, they enjoy themselves. It feels good. They may or may not have an object in mind, and yet the exercise of itself gives satisfaction.

Nor is it supreme effort that gets you out of the pit of despair. How much can your will and determination bring joyful treasure to you?

If you find a diamond ring in the street, finding a diamond ring may have been the last thing on your mind until you stumbled upon it.

Thought To Action

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 09:00

Thought/word/deed, imagination/creation/action or any other way you want to put it; this all equals a grand manifestation of what you want. Whether positive or negative, you WILL and DO create everything you experience. If you are experiencing a negative, change the initial thought/imagination to a positive. A conscious awareness will always bring exactly what you ask for. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday April 10, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 09:00

The beauty of fast moving energy is that it gives you a very tangible sense of how far you have come and how quickly you are evolving. It also gives you a true sense of how instantly your thoughts can become your reality, as there is much less of a lag time between what you put out and what you receive. This encourages you to step into more conscious creation.

If you stop for a moment and think back to where you were five years ago, one year ago, six months ago, there will be no mistaking that there is a transformative process going on within you, and around you, that is very real. You are also at a stage in your evolution where what is not working for you will be brought up, time and again, until you resolve it and evolve beyond it, once and for all. There is no escaping what is looking to be healed, and this is a marvellous thing.

How wonderful it is that you are now at the point that you can feel energies so clearly, and get such profound feedback on a daily basis! It is clearer than ever before that you are part of an incredible shift, both inwardly and outwardly, and completely immersed in the grandest process that has ever been experienced on your planet. While we understand that from your human vantage point this can be an uncomfortable process, we wish for you to understand that your participation is considered both an honour and a privilege by your soul, and you are doing such a magnificent job that the entire universe is thanking you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Hyacinth in Spring

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 18:30

God said:

Beneath it all, you are a beautiful hyacinth appearing in springtime no matter how much snow has fallen.

Beneath it all, you are blossoming. This is the Truth of you, believe it or not. It is better to believe it. If you can't believe it, go by it anyway. Look up. Even at night, starlight provides light. Who could believe in such beauty as stars if they hadn't looked up and seen stars for themselves?

Nevertheless, if you had never seen the stars and you didn’t believe in their existence, stars would still shine.

How loyally you believe in trouble. You look for the corner trouble could be coming from. You look for averse events in the distance and bring them closer to you. You predict disaster. You live with thoughts that may make you ill in one way or another.

You are sure you are right to face all the negative possibilities. You call this realism and consider this shoddy realism as virtuous.

I call it a false belief. I call it your deciding your fate.

I tell you that you are destined to shine in this world, not drag yourself around with thoughts of doom that you would not wish on anyone, yet you hang onto for the sake of realism.

You may well believe in stark realism and say you are smart to look for it. Do you really believe that? Do you think you are clever to house infinite negative possibilities? You may even hang onto these false premises for dear life or like a shroud. You hound yourself with fear as if fear is a hand-me-down that you must wear.

Those Beautiful Moments

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 08:40

Today you are invited to think back on all the beautiful moments of your Earth-plane existence; the sunrise that will never leave your mind, the first time you fell in love, the feeling that came over you when you truly helped someone in need….even the grief you thought would be never-ending finally passing into to a softer, more gentle ache is beautiful.  Now think ahead to what you have yet to experience.
You chose to incarnate to your world to live every single one of these moments.  Please, my darling one, do not let them go to waste. ~ Creator

Issac Netwon’s Lost Alchemy Recipe Discovered: Are ‘Magic’ & ‘Superpowers’ Just Science We Have Yet To Understand?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 08:26

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Speaking seriously about either ‘magic’ or ‘superpowers’ will get you branded as a quack by the majority of mainstream scientists today. This is unfortunate for several reasons, most notably the simple fact that what we perceive to be ‘superpowers’ — phenomena like telepathy, distant healing, psychokinesis, mental control over our own biology, and more, have actually been tested and have yielded a number of statistically significant results. The sheer volume of credible research which has been published in various peer-reviewed scientific journals on the subject is actually a bit overwhelming. Those who dismiss findings in this field as pseudoscience do not seem to be doing any research before arriving at this conclusion.

The New Preschool System is Crushing Kids and Making Them Hate Learning

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 08:17


Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

According to a new study out of the University of Virginia, academic pressures of the United States (U.S.) educational initiatives, such as No Child Left Behind, and Common Core, have transformed kindergarten away from the much-needed focus on early social skills, play-based learning and other creative activities, into a rigid, taxing environment with far too much attention placed on academics and direct instruction.

The study’s researchers, Daphna Bassok, Scott Latham and Anna Rorem, compared kindergarten classrooms between 1998 and 2010 using two large nationally representative datasets. The aspects analyzed included teachers’ expectations, time spent on academic versus non-academic content, classroom organization, and standardized testing. Their assessment revealed that the experience in kindergarten has changed dramatically:

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