Survival of the Kindest: Evidence Humankind is Evolving to Become More Compassionate

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/21/2015 - 09:56

By Paul Lenda
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In recent history it has been thought that human beings are hardwired to be instinctively selfish. This perception of reality made for way for the Western “every man for himself” concept and idea that we are individualistic at the core of our nature. However, many studies conducted over the past several years are demonstrating that this idea is not accurately portraying the underlying nature of human beings.

There is mounting evidence that the human race is evolving towards becoming more compassionate and collaborative since our survival counts on these things. In fact, the reasons given by a growing group of psychologists as to why we humans are as successful at surviving and thriving as we are, is because of our nurturing, altruistic, and compassionate traits. With the understanding of the concept of oneness and the interconnected nature of all aspects in Reality, it is realized that this revolutionary perception on evolution makes sense. By being kind to another, we benefit not only that other individual by elevating their positive emotions, but also benefit ourselves by elevating our own.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 21, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/21/2015 - 08:30

The most loving gift human beings can give one another is encouragement and unshakeable faith in each other’s complete capability and mastery. When you hold each other up in wellness, love, and divinity, you are empowering and supporting everyone involved to remember, and live by, their truth. ~Archangel Gabriel

2015 Orionid meteor shower peaks on October 21 - 22

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 22:26

Every October, stargazers all over the planet look forward to the annual Orionid meteor shower. The Orionids are popular because they are one of the two meteor showers created from the debris field of the extremely popular Halley's comet. The annual Eta Aquarids meteor shower in May being the second one. The Orionid meteor shower is not the strongest but it is considered one of the most beautiful meteor showers of the year. 

The Orionids in 2015

The Orionids are so named as the shooting stars seemingly originate in the constellation Orion. In 2015, their visibility is expected to pickup after nightfall on October 20 with the Orionid meteor maximum occurring between the predawn hours of October 21 - 22. At its peak, the Orionid shower will dazzle the night sky with approximately 20 meteors being visible every hour.

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Consciousness Is Yours

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:31

God said:

All are safe in My Heart, and you are in My Heart.

When you feel unsafe in the world, remind yourself that you are with Me. Feeling unsafe is ignorance, beloveds. It is like when you go to the grocery story, and you forget your shopping list. You remember some things, and you forget others. Remember Oneness. It is Ours.

You don’t like to hear that life is what you make it, yet your life is made from your thoughts. Yes, it seems like you can’t help your thoughts. You feel hapless. You feel a victim of your thoughts, yet you are the thinker of them. It is better not to cast blame on yourself or anyone, yet you hold responsibility.

Of course, as a young child, you were innocent. You rubbed up against certain aspects of life, and you adapted to them. It comes down to this, beloveds: You are the turner of the tide of your life.

If you have a lot of thoughts to overturn, then it is up to you to overturn them. From now on, you are the conductor of your life. If you play the tuba, you produce the notes. If you play the violin, you take responsibility for the music that comes from the violin. If you play the flute, you are the player of the flute. The flute music ushers from you. You are the composer of your life.

No matter what conditions out of your control brought you to this place in your life, the next move is yours. Do not equate responsibility with blame. Blame is a time-waster. Blame gets you nowhere. It keeps you where you are. If you want to be somewhere else, you have to hop to it.

God Particles from the Galactic Core

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 16:47

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor
Waking Times

Is the Galactic Center in our Milky Way sending our beloved Earth the healing energies she requires to realign in harmony with Cosmic Law? Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama report in Astronomy magazine that the center heart of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A* has recently shown a ten-fold increase in its flaring:

A new study reveals that Sgr A* has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every 10 days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2. [Source]

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6 Signs That the World Suffers from Severe Cognitive Dissonance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 11:22

Paul A. Philips, Guest
Waking Times

Followers of the alternative media’s more truthful and unbiased reporting will indeed know that we’re getting a better idea of what’s going on in the world, unlike the vast majority who only see the viewpoint of the mainstream media.

Given that the mainstream media acts as a vehicle for so much propaganda, lies and deception, and the vast majority blindly accept what it says, paying scant attention to the contradictory evidence, this leads many into a state of cognitive dissonance when challenged with the truth while defending the mainstream media’s official version.

With the masses not getting the big ‘hey wait a minute’ moment of realization accepting things that are in truth majorly not right, here are my 6 ways of showing that the world is therefore in a state of cognitive dissonance or even denial. 

1. Going into agreement with the general consensus of the masses

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10 Immediate Signs That You’ve Found Your Calling in Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:49

How can you tell if you’ve found your calling? As a doctor who was called to medicine at a young age but then wound up disillusioned by the system, questioning my calling, I’ve asked myself this question a lot. It’s been a long strange trip- first leaving medicine, then feeling called back, then leaving again only to find my role in healing our broken healthcare system as a writer, speaker, revolutionary, and teacher of physicians. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things about how to know whether you’re on the right track.

1. You’ll realize you’ve been training for your calling since the moment you were born.

Even the gritty things, the disappointments, the regrets, and the screw ups, they were all prepping you for what you’re now being called to do. You’ll realize that the divorce, the bankruptcy, the death of your loved one, the failure, the rejection- it was just school, teaching you the lessons your soul needed to learn in order to be who you’re being called to be.

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Halloween 2015 for skywatchers: Newly discovered asteroid makes close approach to Earth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:47

NASA's scientists discovered a new asteroid on October 10, 2015, using the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) mounted on Mount Haleakala, Hawai'i. Asteroid was named 2015 TB145, and is expected to make the closest approach to our planet since 2006, on October 31.

Newly discovered asteroid is expected to make a flyby on October 31, 17:18 UTC, at about 1.3 lunar distances from the Earth, which is equivalent to approximately 499 000 km (310 000 miles). The object is estimated to be between approximately 300 and 470 m (984 to 1 541 feet) in diameter. The asteroid's encounter velocity is about 126 000 km/h (78 292 mph), which is an unusually high speed, according to NASA JPL's report.

2015 TB145's eccentricity values reach 0.86, making it a very eccentric object with a high inclination estimated at approximately 40°. Asteroid's Tisserand parameter, used in astronomy to distinguish between different kinds of planetoid orbits, is showing values of 2.973, suggesting the object might be cometary in nature.

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