Money – The Lifeblood of the Fear Exchange Network

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:44

By Zen Gardner
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Aren’t you getting a kick out of this financial meltdown? What a sham! What self induced insanity, and all as if they didn’t know this was what they were in for. It’s the inevitable result of intoxicated psycho-pathetic leeches living off the manipulated matrix of the whirled system, thinking they can crank themselves into eternal material bliss with hardly a glitch.

Nothing could be more moronic, on this scale or any other measuring system. Yet they keep trying.

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Empower Yourself by Challenging Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:28

Credit: Kush and Wizdom

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

“Everything is hard before it’s easy” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I’m thinking about making videos for the next thirty days, because I want to communicate things I think are important in a more direct way. The purpose of the videos will be to inspire and uplift people in a similar way as my writings, and I’ll get as much out of them as anyone else because they’ll challenge me and help me get better.

Making a video can be nerve-wracking, because I haven’t done it very much and I’m forced to deal with the fear and nervousness that come with trying something new. Fear has stopped too many revolutionary minds from achieving great things, and I don’t want to let it stop me from communicating with you all more directly.

Communication is the main aspect of my mission, and there are a lot of things I want to say about life, society and spiritual evolution. Whether I write, speak on video or do anything else, I want to communicate what I feel in my heart. Speaking on video seems like a natural next step for these heart-centered teachings, but I’ll also continue to write because I’ll always have a passion for it.

Scientists Believe They May Have Located An Advanced Alien Civilization

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:26


A new discovery regarding anomalous brightness frequencies in KIC 8462852 has scientists cautiously declaring they may have found a star system that harbors advanced extraterrestrial life forms. These life forms may have built megastructures in order to harness solar energy.

Lead author of the study, Tabetha Boyajian, says his group has been looking for alternate explanations since 2011, when “citizen scientists” flagged the star as exceedingly bizarre. Currently, it experiences dips in brightness up to 22%, which could not be the result of a passing exoplanet. Usually, this kind of unexplained activity is the result of a displaced mass of detritus formed within a new star system before gravity has had time to condense or absorb it. But, KIC 8462852, located between between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra, is not a new star.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 20, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:25

Today is the dawn of a new day. Every single day is the dawn of a new day. This statement is more powerful and profound than ever before because due to the massive planetary alignments, energetic shifts, releasing and downloads you have been moving through, your new potentials are even greater and more energetically supported than ever before. Dare to dream, Dear Ones, and open up to spectacularly high potentials that will finally allow you to shine your soul light brightly and brilliantly for all to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

Did The United Nations Just Call For The Decriminalization Of All Drugs?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 08:24


News circulated Monday morning that the United Nations had officially called for the decriminalization of all drugs in a brief, two-page report. Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin, hinted on Sunday that the announcement would be made, but by Monday morning, the U.N. announced it had no such intention and that the document merely reflected the author’s opinion. Even so, the BBC and Branson himself suggest the document was withdrawn following resistance from at least one country.

As Richard Branson wrote in a blog post before the official release of the report:

In an as-yet unreleased statement circulated to the BBC, myself and others, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which has shaped much of global drug policy for decades, call on governments around the world to decriminalise drug use and possession for personal consumption for all drugs.”

The report was to be released at an international harm reduction conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Branson continued:

Day 153: Perfect Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 21:36

PERFECT LOVE   Source allows all to happen, knowing in the end, there will be a return to perfect Love. There is no need to judge, for each will self-correct or experience reactions to his every action. When you can see this world as an experimental place that allows for all experiences, you will be much better able to accept what others do without conditions.

This is a time of great transition. It is imperative that you bring yourself out of the low frequency role so you may become more capable of awakening your friends and family who are playing the darker roles. Not all will want to change. Many will ridicule you, yet stand steadfast in your beliefs. There is no need to be concerned about their souls, for they will continue on a Path that will ultimately lead back to Source.

Continue loving all unconditionally, knowing this is a temporary illusion we are engaged in. As you learn to tune in with your Higher Self more, you will understand this to be true. Many of you wonder how can the world be allowed to have such cruel people in it. Why must others suffer at their hands? My dears, it was set up this way by you and all of the others before coming into this world.

By Not Calling Attention to Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 18:57

God said:

Your heart and mind are vaster than their assigned physical locations. Your Greatness extends far beyond physical boundaries. The same is true of your DNA. It is greater than you perceive. For now, you are in your body specifically, yet you are greater than your body. You are greater than your dreams. You are greater than the grandest dream you ever had.

You are closer to Infinity than you are to your locatable body. Your body is most assuredly not the extent of you.

The Greatness of You extends far beyond the Earth. Your Greatness extends far beyond your wildest dreams.

You may have made a lot of your ego and overlooked the true Greatness of You. You are far greater than you have given yourself credit for. You sit on a Diamond of Yourself while you scramble on Mother Earth, while you dissemble on Mother Earth, while you flutter and fritter away life in avoidance of your Greater Self. You are embedded in a portrayal of your day to day self as you seem to be rather than Who you are. You are greater than your greatest imagining. You look askance from what stretches your imagination.

You may think you face facts about yourself, yet you flee from the good news. You accept half a loaf. You believe paltry is the best you can muster. Not that this means you are satisfied with dribs and drabs of your consciousness.

Going Through Shadows: The Vortex Of Transformation.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 16:12

Paradoxically, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in personal development is self-truth. Even when one is consciously seeking it, self-knowledge is not easy to accept. There's a moment in childhood in which everyone separates from love. From this moment on we become accustomed to a series of lies that become part of a personal truth that it is reinforced unconsciously. As we separate from love, what one learns instead is fear. As we grow up ego, personality and character are formed, and as such lessons become familiar, they're accepted as part of the norm. 

As one reaches certain age, jealousy, sense of possession and entitlement, envy, anger, hate or arrogance are accepted as unmovable truths. These traits are hardly admitted, and are even denied by most people. When accepted publicly, such truths only serve to boost the ego and a false personality. Sometimes denial is due to lack of awareness, sometimes it is conscious. No one wants to admit to negative traits as part of their character, and yet, we all embody them at one point in life. 

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